17 research outputs found

    Spin dynamics of FeGa3−x_{3-x}Gex_x studied by Electron Spin Resonance

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    The intermetallic semiconductor FeGa3_{3} acquires itinerant ferromagnetism upon electron doping by a partial replacement of Ga with Ge. We studied the electron spin resonance (ESR) of high-quality single crystals of FeGa3−x_{3-x}Gex_x for xx from 0 up to 0.162 where ferromagnetic order is observed. For x=0x = 0 we observed a well-defined ESR signal, indicating the presence of pre-formed magnetic moments in the semiconducting phase. Upon Ge doping the occurrence of itinerant magnetism clearly affects the ESR properties below ≈40\approx 40~K whereas at higher temperatures an ESR signal as seen in FeGa3_{3} prevails independent on the Ge-content. The present results show that the ESR of FeGa3−x_{3-x}Gex_x is an appropriate and direct tool to investigate the evolution of 3d-based itinerant magnetism.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Interplay between Co-3d and Ce-4f magnetism in CeCoAsO

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    We have investigated the ground state properties of polycrystalline CeCoAsO by means of magnetization, specific heat and solid state NMR. Susceptibility and specific-heat measurements suggest a ferromagnetic order at about, TCT_\mathrm{C}=75 K. No further transitions are found down to 2 K. At 6.5 K a complex Schottky type of anomaly shows up in the specific heat results. The interplay between Ce-4f and Co-3d magnetism being responsible for that anomaly is discussed. Furthermore 75^{75}As NMR investigations have been performed to probe the magnetism on a microscopic scale. As-NMR spectra are analysed in terms of first and second order quadrupolar interaction. The anisotropic shift component KabK_{\mathrm{ab}} and KcK_{\mathrm{c}} could be derived from the 75^{75}As powder spectra. Towards lower temperature a strong shift anisotropy was found. Nonetheless KisoK_{\mathrm{iso}} tracks the bulk susceptibility down to T=T=50 K very well. Furthermore the presence of weak correlations among the Ce ions in the ferromagnetic state is discussed. The observed increase of C/TC/T towards lower temperatures supports this interpretation.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, Accepted in Physical Review

    Low field extension for magnetometers (TinyBee) used for investigations on low-dimensional superconductors with Bc1 < 5G

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    In this article a simple and easy to install low magnetic field extension of the SQUID magnetometer Quantum Design MPMS-7 is described. This has been accomplished by complementing the MPMS-7 magnet control system with a laboratory current supply for the low magnetic field region (B \leq 200G). This hard- and software upgrade provides a significant gain in the magnetic field accuracy up to an order of magnitude compared with the standard instrument's setup and is improving the resolution to better than 0.01G below 40G. The field control has been integrated into the Quantum Design MultiVu software for a transparent and user-friendly operation of this extension. The improvements achieved are especially useful, when low magnetic field strengths (B < 1G) are required at high precision. The specific advantages of this application are illustrated by sophisticated magnetic characterisation of lowdimensional superconductors like Sc3CoC4 and SnSe2{Co({\eta}-C5H5)2}x.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure

    Quantum phase transitions and multicriticality in Ta(Fe1-xVx)2

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    We present a comprehensive study of synthesis, structure analysis, transport and thermodynamic properties of the C14 Laves phase Ta(Fe1-xVx)2. Our measurements confirm the appearance of spin-density wave (SDW) order within a dome-like region of the x - T phase diagram with vanadium content 0.02 < x < 0.3. Our results indicate that on approaching TaFe2 from the vanadium-rich side, ferromagnetic (FM) correlations increase faster than the antiferromagnetic (AFM) ones. This results in an exchange-enhanced susceptibility and in the suppression of the SDW transition temperature for x < 0.13 forming the dome-like shape of the phase diagram. This effect is strictly related to a significant lattice distortion of the crystal structure manifested in the c/a ratio. At x = 0.02 both FM and AFM energy scales have similar strength and the system remains paramagnetic down to 2 K with an extremely large Stoner enhancement factor of about 400. Here, spin fluctuations dominate the temperature dependence of the resistivity \rho ~ T ^ 3/2 and of the specific heat C/T ~ - log(T) which deviate from their conventional Fermi liquid forms, inferring the presence of a quantum critical point of dual nature.Comment: 9 pages, 13 figure

    Electron Spin Resonance on the spin-1/2 triangular magnet NaYbS2

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    The delafossite structure of NaYbS2 contains a planar spin-1/2 triangular lattice of Yb3+ ions and features a possible realisation of a quantum spin-liquid state. We investigated the Yb3+ spin dynamics by Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) in single-crystalline samples of NaYbS2. Very clear spectra with a well-resolved and large anisotropy could be observed down to the lowest accessible temperature of 2.7 K. In contrast to the ESR properties of other known spin-liquid candidate systems, the resonance seen in NaYbS2 is accessible at low fields (< 1T) and is narrow enough for accurate characterisation of the relaxation rate as well as the g factor of the Yb3+ spins.Comment: 8 page

    Design of compensated ferrimagnetic Heusler alloys for giant tunable exchange bias

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    The discovery of materials with improved functionality can be accelerated by rational material design. Heusler compounds with tunable magnetic sublattices allow to implement this concept to achieve novel magnetic properties. Here, we have designed a family of Heusler alloys with a compensated ferrimagnetic state. In the vicinity of the compensation composition in Mn-Pt-Ga, a giant exchange bias (EB) of more than 3 T and a similarly large coercivity are established. The large exchange anisotropy originates from the exchange interaction between the compensated host and ferrimagnetic clusters that arise from intrinsic anti-site disorder. We demonstrate the applicability of our design concept on a second material, Mn-Fe-Ga, with a magnetic transition above room temperature, exemplifying the universality of the concept and the feasibility of room-temperature applications. Our study points to a new direction for novel magneto-electronic devices. At the same time it suggests a new route for realizing rare-earth free exchange-biased hard magnets, where the second quadrant magnetization can be stabilized by the exchange bias.Comment: Four figure

    Observation of the anomalous Hall effect in a layered polar semiconductor

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    Progress in magnetoelectric materials is hindered by apparently contradictory requirements for time-reversal symmetry broken and polar ferroelectric electronic structure in common ferromagnets and antiferromagnets. Alternative routes could be provided by recent discoveries of a time-reversal symmetry breaking anomalous Hall effect in noncollinear magnets and altermagnets, but hitherto reported bulk materials are not polar. Here, we report the observation of a spontaneous anomalous Hall effect in doped AgCrSe2_2, a layered polar semiconductor with an antiferromagnetic coupling between Cr spins in adjacent layers. The anomalous Hall resistivity 3 ΌΩ\mu\Omega cm is comparable to the largest observed in compensated magnetic systems to date, and is rapidly switched off when the angle of an applied magnetic field is rotated to ∌80∘\sim 80^{\circ} from the crystalline cc-axis. Our ionic gating experiments show that the anomalous Hall conductivity magnitude can be enhanced by modulating the pp-type carrier density. We also present theoretical results that suggest the anomalous Hall effect is driven by Berry curvature due to noncollinear antiferromagnetic correlations among Cr spins, which are consistent with the previously suggested magnetic ordering in AgCrSe2_2. Our results open the possibility to study the interplay of magnetic and ferroelectric-like responses in this fascinating class of materials.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Observation of the anomalous Hall effect in a layered polar semiconductor

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    Funding: S.-J.K. acknowledged support from the International Max Planck Research School for Chemistry and Physics of Quantum Materials (IMPRS-CPQM). L.Ć . acknowledged support from Johannes Gutenberg University Grant TopDyn, and support by the Deutsche Forschungsgemein- schaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) for funding through TRR 288 – 422213477 (projects A09 and B05).Progress in magnetoelectric materials is hindered by apparently contradictory requirements for time‐reversal symmetry broken and polar ferroelectric electronic structure in common ferromagnets and antiferromagnets. Alternative routes can be provided by recent discoveries of a time‐reversal symmetry breaking anomalous Hall effect (AHE) in noncollinear magnets and altermagnets, but hitherto reported bulk materials are not polar. Here, the authors report the observation of a spontaneous AHE in doped AgCrSe2, a layered polar semiconductor with an antiferromagnetic coupling between Cr spins in adjacent layers. The anomalous Hall resistivity 3 ΌΩcm is comparable to the largest observed in compensated magnetic systems to date, and is rapidly switched off when the angle of an applied magnetic field is rotated to ≈80° from the crystalline c‐axis. The ionic gating experiments show that the anomalous Hall conductivity magnitude can be enhanced by modulating the p‐type carrier density. They also present theoretical results that suggest the AHE is driven by Berry curvature due to noncollinear antiferromagnetic correlations among Cr spins, which are consistent with the previously suggested magnetic ordering in AgCrSe2. The results open the possibility to study the interplay of magnetic and ferroelectric‐like responses in this fascinating class of materials.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Anisotropic superconductivity and quantum oscillations in the layered dichalcogenide TaSnS2

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    TaSnS2 single crystal and polycrystalline samples are investigated in detail by magnetization, electrical resistivity, and specific heat as well as Raman spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Studies are focused on the temperature and magnetic field dependence of the superconducting state. We determine the critical fields for both directions B∄c and B⊄c. Additionally, we investigate the dependence of the resistivity, the critical temperature, and the structure through Raman spectroscopy under high pressure up to 10 GPa. At a pressure of ≈3GPa the superconductivity is suppressed below our minimum temperature. The Sn NMR powder spectrum shows a single line which is expected for the TaSnS2 phase and confirms the high sample quality. Pronounced de Haas-van Alphen oscillations in the ac susceptibility of polycrystalline sample reveal two pairs of frequencies indicating coexisting small and large Fermi surfaces. The effective mass of the smaller Fermi surface is ≈0.5me. We compare these results with the band structures from DFT calculations. Our findings on TaSnS2 are discussed in terms of a quasi-two-dimensional BCS superconductivity

    Resonant torsion magnetometry in anisotropic quantum materials

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    Unusual behavior of quantum materials commonly arises from their effective low-dimensional physics, which reflects the underlying anisotropy in the spin and charge degrees of freedom. Torque magnetometry is a highly sensitive technique to directly quantify the anisotropy in quantum materials, such as the layered high-Tc_c superconductors, anisotropic quantum spin-liquids, and the surface states of topological insulators. Here we introduce the magnetotropic coefficient k=∂2F/∂ξ2k=\partial^2 F/\partial \theta^2, the second derivative of the free energy F with respect to the angle Ξ\theta between the sample and the applied magnetic field, and report a simple and effective method to experimentally detect it. A sub-ÎŒ\mug crystallite is placed at the tip of a commercially available atomic force microscopy cantilever, and we show that kk can be quantitatively inferred from a shift in the resonant frequency under magnetic field. While related to the magnetic torque τ=∂F/∂ξ\tau=\partial F/\partial \theta, kk takes the role of torque susceptibility, and thus provides distinct insights into anisotropic materials akin to the difference between magnetization and magnetic susceptibility. The thermodynamic coefficient kk is discontinuous at second-order phase transitions and subject to Ehrenfest relations with the specific heat and magnetic susceptibility. We apply this simple yet quantitative method on the exemplary cases of the Weyl-semimetal NbP and the spin-liquid candidate RuCl3_3, yet it is broadly applicable in quantum materials research.Comment: 7 pages including 6 figures and methods sectio