32 research outputs found

    Governance at Stake

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    Afghan Higher Education has become the most sensitive field of reforms on all levels of governance: rule of law, welfare and security. Compared to primary and secondary education, access to the universities is still a neuralgic point for status distribution and the stabilization of the entire system of education. Admission policies and traditional forms of reproduc- ing disciplinary elites endanger a differentiated development of qualifications and diversified status. The Afghan system will need its own research in Higher Education, and then must develop a minimal base for disciplinary research. It is likely that Higher Education will play an important role during the transformation period 2014-2024 in fields like urbanization, emerg- ing middle class elite, and serving schools by improved teacher training. It will be central to peace-building processes by comprehensive reforms in its governance structure. How much state will be needed in order to provide fair and equal access to the common good of Higher Education, and how much private and individual initiative must emerge in order to create quality and stability of the system? – These are central questions of this working paper.Das afghanische Hochschulsystem hat unter den Gewalteinwirkungen eines dreißigjährigen Krieges stark gelitten und kann die Erfordernisse eines modernen tertiären Sektors nicht erfüllen. Diese sind ihm durch die Intervention ab 2001 und die Aussicht auf eine Transfor- mationsperiode 2014-2024 aber auferlegt. Die Governance von Hochschulsystemen greift tief in das Rechtssystem, in die Wohlfahrtspolitik und in die Gewährleistung von Sicherheit ein. Nicht nur Legitimation durch Statuszuweisung und Effektivität durch Allokation von Quali- fikationen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt sind gefragt. Die Zulassungspolitik zur Universität kann schon vor der Politisierung durch die Hochschule zu gewaltsamer Destabilisierung führen. Die Einbettung der afghanischen Hochschulen in das globale System der akademischen Re- geln wird ebenso erörtert wie Beispiele für Fehlentwicklungen und mögliche Reformen. Für weiteren friedlichen Aufbau sind bestimmte Voraussetzungen im Hochschulbereich auch de- shalb zwingend, weil sie Entscheidungen über den Grad an Staatlichkeit und nichtstaatlicher Initiative festlegen sollten

    Frieden und Gerechtigkeit in Afghanistan

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    Die Ouvertüre skizziert die Entwicklung der katholischen Friedensarbeit in der Weimarer Republik und nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Sie analysiert, wie sich darin Spiritualität und politisches Engagement miteinander verbinden und wie die Überzeugung, dass Frieden mehr beinhaltet als bloße Waffenruhe, sondern unabdingbar soziale Gerechtigkeit erfordert, zum Leitmotiv wird.This contribution outlines catholic peace work in Weimar Republic and after the Second World War. It analyzes how spirituality and political engagement connect and how the conviction that peace includes more than cease-fire – but requires a commitment to social justice – becomes a leitmotif

    Homeland discourse - the German case

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    Homeland Discourse is a translation from German “Heimatdiskurs”. We have introduced this new term into a theory on Societies of Interventions. This neologism has a few relatives in other languages but claims originality insofar as it is inseparably linked to both: the theory of interventions and the fact that societies in those countries that send troops into military interventions develop a specific and powerful discourse with a strong impact on politics and culture. Our main assumption is that Homeland Discourse has become influential to political decisions and the mindset of countries that are engaged in military operations out of area

    Streik gegen die Verschwendung von Zukunft

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    Mehr Geld für die Hochschulen, erweiterte Mitbestimmung und sinn-volle, auch ökologische, Inhalte - dafür lohnt es sich, auf die Straße zu gehen

    Fission of Multiply Charged Cesium and Potassium Clusters in Helium Droplets - Approaching the Rayleigh Limit

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    Electron ionization of helium droplets doped with sodium, potassium or cesium results in doubly and, for cesium, triply charged cluster ions. The smallest observable doubly charged clusters are Na92+, K112+, and Cs92+; they are a factor two to three smaller than reported previously. The size of sodium and potassium dications approaches the Rayleigh limit nRay for which the fission barrier is calculated to vanish, i.e. their fissilities are close to 1. Cesium dications are even smaller than nRay, implying that their fissilities have been significantly overestimated. Triply charged cesium clusters as small as Cs193+ are observed; they are a factor 2.6 smaller than previously reported. Mechanisms that may be responsible for enhanced formation of clusters with high fissilities are discussed

    Ordered Phases of Ethylene Adsorbed on Charged

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    In spite of extensive investigations of ethylene adsorbed on graphite, bundles of nanotubes, and crystals of fullerenes, little is known about the existence of commensurate phases; they have escaped detection in almost all previous work. Here we present a combined experimental and theoretical study of ethylene adsorbed on free C60 and its aggregates. The ion yield of measured by mass spectrometry reveals a propensity to form a structurally ordered phase on monomers, dimers and trimers of C60 in which all sterically accessible hollow sites over carbon rings are occupied. Presumably the enhancement of the corrugation by the curvature of the fullerene surface favors this phase which is akin to a hypothetical 1 × 1 phase on graphite. Experimental data also reveal the number of molecules in groove sites of the C60 dimer through tetramer. The identity of the sites, adsorption energies and orientations of the adsorbed molecules are determined by molecular dynamics calculations based on quantum chemical potentials, as well as density functional theory. The decrease in orientational order with increasing temperature is also explored in the simulations whereas in the experiment it is impossible to vary the temperature

    Communication: Dopant-induced solvation of alkalis in liquid helium nanodroplets

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    Alkali metal atoms and small alkali clusters are classic heliophobes and when in contact with liquid helium they reside in a dimple on the surface. Here we show that alkalis can be induced to submerge into liquid helium when a highly polarizable co-solute, C60, is added to a helium nanodroplet. Evidence is presented that shows that all sodium clusters, and probably single Na atoms, enter the helium droplet in the presence of C60. Even clusters of cesium, an extreme heliophobe, dissolve in liquid helium when C60 is added. The sole exception is atomic Cs, which remains at the surface

    Hochschulreform und Politik. Ein sehr kurzer Essay

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    Der Autor äußert sich nach über 30 Jahren Berufserfahrung zu allgemeinen Erkenntnissen bezüglich Entwicklungstendenzen in der Hochschulreform in diesem Zeitraum. Das Zusammenspiel Hochschule und Politik steht dabei im Mittelpunkt. Statt zu fragen: Welche Alternativen waren jeweils vorstellbar? geht es um die Frage: Welche waren machbar? Begriffe wie Diversifizierung, Differenzierung, Autonomie, Mitbestimmung, Massenuniversität, Gruppenuniversität u.a. werden angesprochen. (HoF/Bo