2,641 research outputs found

    Deep Motion Features for Visual Tracking

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    Robust visual tracking is a challenging computer vision problem, with many real-world applications. Most existing approaches employ hand-crafted appearance features, such as HOG or Color Names. Recently, deep RGB features extracted from convolutional neural networks have been successfully applied for tracking. Despite their success, these features only capture appearance information. On the other hand, motion cues provide discriminative and complementary information that can improve tracking performance. Contrary to visual tracking, deep motion features have been successfully applied for action recognition and video classification tasks. Typically, the motion features are learned by training a CNN on optical flow images extracted from large amounts of labeled videos. This paper presents an investigation of the impact of deep motion features in a tracking-by-detection framework. We further show that hand-crafted, deep RGB, and deep motion features contain complementary information. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to propose fusing appearance information with deep motion features for visual tracking. Comprehensive experiments clearly suggest that our fusion approach with deep motion features outperforms standard methods relying on appearance information alone.Comment: ICPR 2016. Best paper award in the "Computer Vision and Robot Vision" trac

    Biodiversity in model ecosystems, II: Species assembly and food web structure

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    This is the second of two papers dedicated to the relationship between population models of competition and biodiversity. Here we consider species assembly models where the population dynamics is kept far from fixed points through the continuous introduction of new species, and generalize to such models thecoexistence condition derived for systems at the fixed point. The ecological overlap between species with shared preys, that we define here, provides a quantitative measure of the effective interspecies competition and of the trophic network topology. We obtain distributions of the overlap from simulations of a new model based both on immigration and speciation, and show that they are in good agreement with those measured for three large natural food webs. As discussed in the first paper, rapid environmental fluctuations, interacting with the condition for coexistence of competing species, limit the maximal biodiversity that a trophic level can host. This horizontal limitation to biodiversity is here combined with either dissipation of energy or growth of fluctuations, which in our model limit the length of food webs in the vertical direction. These ingredients yield an effective model of food webs that produce a biodiversity profile with a maximum at an intermediate trophic level, in agreement with field studies

    Biodiversity in model ecosystems, I: Coexistence conditions for competing species

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    This is the first of two papers where we discuss the limits imposed by competition to the biodiversity of species communities. In this first paper we study the coexistence of competing species at the fixed point of population dynamic equations. For many simple models, this imposes a limit on the width of the productivity distribution, which is more severe the more diverse the ecosystem is (Chesson, 1994). Here we review and generalize this analysis, beyond the ``mean-field''-like approximation of the competition matrix used in previous works, and extend it to structured food webs. In all cases analysed, we obtain qualitatively similar relations between biodiversity and competition: the narrower the productivity distribution is, the more species can stably coexist. We discuss how this result, considered together with environmental fluctuations, limits the maximal biodiversity that a trophic level can host

    FAIRsharing, a cohesive community approach to the growth in standards, repositories and policies

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    In this modern, data-driven age, governments, funders and publishers expect greater transparency and reuse of research data, as well as greater access to and preservation of the data that supports research findings. Community-developed standards, such as those for the identification and reporting of data, underpin reproducible and reusable research, aid scholarly publishing, and drive both the discovery and evolution of scientific practice. The number of these standardization efforts, driven by large organizations or at the grass root level, has been on the rise since the early 2000s. Thousands of community-developed standards are available (across all disciplines), many of which have been created and/or implemented by several thousand data repositories. Nevertheless, their uptake by the research community, however, has been slow and uneven. This is mainly because investigators lack incentives to follow and adopt standards. The situation is exacerbated if standards are not promptly implemented by databases, repositories and other research tools, or endorsed by infrastructures. Furthermore, the fragmentation of community efforts results in the development of arbitrarily different, incompatible standards. In turn, this leads to standards becoming rapidly obsolete in fast-evolving research areas. As with any other digital object, standards, databases and repositories are dynamic in nature, with a life cycle that encompasses formulation, development and maintenance; their status in this cycle may vary depending on the level of activity of the developing group or community. There is an urgent need for a service that enhances the information available on the evolving constellation of heterogeneous standards, databases and repositories, guides users in the selection of these resources, and that works with developers and maintainers of these resources to foster collaboration and promote harmonization. Such an informative and educational service is vital to reduce the knowledge gap among those involved in producing, managing, serving, curating, preserving, publishing or regulating data. A diverse set of stakeholders-representing academia, industry, funding agencies, standards organizations, infrastructure providers and scholarly publishers, both national and domain-specific as well global and general organizations, have come together as a community, representing the core adopters, advisory board members, and/or key collaborators of the FAIRsharing resource. Here, we introduce its mission and community network. We present an evaluation of the standards landscape, focusing on those for reporting data and metadata - the most diverse and numerous of the standards - and their implementation by databases and repositories. We report on the ongoing challenge to recommend resources, and we discuss the importance of making standards invisible to the end users. We report on the ongoing challenge to recommend resources, and we discuss the importance of making standards invisible to the end users. We present guidelines that highlight the role each stakeholder group must play to maximize the visibility and adoption of standards, databases and repositories

    DNA wrapping around MWNTs and graphene: a SERS study

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    In recent years, carbon nanostructure as nanotubes (CNTs) and graphene are at the centre of a significant research effort due to the strong scientific and technological interest because of their unique physical and chemical properties: large surface area, excellent thermal and electric conductivity, high electron transfer kinetics and strong mechanical strength. Recently, a great attention has been paid to the interaction of DNA with carbon-based nanostructures such as C60, multiwalled-nanotubes (MWNTs), single-walled nanotubes (SWNTs) and graphene. The development of these studies is motivated by a wide spectrum of possible use of these materials e.g. as biosensors, drug delivery agents and diagnosis tools. In this work, we applied surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) to the study of DNA/MWNTs and DNA/graphene systems

    Public or private religiosity: which Is protective for adolescent substance use and by what pathways?

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    While it is well understood that adolescent religiosity is associated with the use and abuse of licit and illicit substances, few studies have revealed the pathways through which religiosity buffers youth against involvement in such behavior. The aim of this study is to examine the complexity of the relationships between religiosity, sensation seeking, injunctive norms, and adolescent substance use. Using a national sample of adolescents (N = 18,614), negative binomial regression and path analysis were used to examine the various components of the relationship between religiosity and the use of cigarettes, alcohol, and marijuana. Results indicate that private religiosity moderates the relationship between key risk factors and substance use. Public and private religiosity were associated with tolerant injunctive substance use norms which, in turn, were associated with substance use. Implications for research and theory related to religiosity and adolescent substance use are discussed

    Introduction: Towards a Research Agenda for Science Communication Ethics

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    As science continues to become implicated in personal and collective decision-making, the stakes for communicating science to non-expert audiences intensify. In such an environment, a clear articulation of ethical issues arising from science communication is essential. If the audience’s normative expectations are not understood, even the best-intentioned science communicator find herself exacerbating existing controversies over decisions with additional unproductive controversies over appropriate communicatio