264 research outputs found

    The Ukraine Crisis and Shift in us Foreign Policy

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    War in Ukraine and the Russian annexation of Crimea are the events that changed the US policy towards Russia. The events in Ukraine forced the United States to take a closer look at Eastern and Central Europe. The United States’ policy during the Ukrainian crisis has been limited to sanctions and strong statements so far because in Ukraine there is an asymmetry of interests. Ukraine is much more important to Russia than to the United States. The United States may be willing to support the democratic and western aspiration of Ukrainians but will not risk a major conflict with Russia over it. However the crisis in Ukraine is not only about Ukraine or Russia. It is also about US credibility around the world. Both friends and foes are watching closely the American reaction to the situation. That is why the United States has increased its military presence in those NATO countries that share borders with Russia

    Human capital and economic development: The axiological perspective

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    Global capitalism is both an outcome and a stimulant of spreading not only the same market economy standards and lifestyles but moral relativism as well. Its origin goes back to Anglo-Saxon liberalism that limits the individuals to maximize their personal benefits that are measured according to the market values. The perception of human nature adopted in this ideology determines solutions as for how to achieve individual and communitarian goals and meet criteria of their validation. As a result, the development of human capital understood as the knowledge necessary to act, is focused on its subjective functions. Thus, human capital plays a more important role in the multiplication of individual benefit than in the improvement of the value of human life. Such developed human capital results in growing disparities in the knowledge assets enabling the harmonization of personal benefit with the responsibility for the valuable life of present and future generations. These disparities lead to an increase in risk of global threats to humanity. The reaction to these threats cannot be based on the development of globalization. The concept that respects the multi-faceted nature of a human being seems to be an appropriate alternative. Due to these efforts, new economics might be developed that may provide applicable educational and institutional tools for long-term sustained economic development and improve the quality of life of an individual.Publication of English-language versions of the volumes of the “Annales. Ethics in Economic Life” financed through contract no. 501/1/P-DUN/2017 from the funds of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education devoted to the promotion of scholarship

    O Muzeum (Historycznym Miasta) Krakowa w związku z książką Michała Niezabitowskiego

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    Museum of Kraków, until recently called Historical Museum of the City of Kraków belongs among the largest Polish museum institutions, not only within the group of municipal museums. It has a particularly developed infrastructure with a multitude of different theme departments as well as multifaceted activities. The discussed monograph – penned by the present director – presents a long and tedious but systematic process of the development of that museum during over a hundred years of its history. The reviewer, while emphasizing the evident advantages of the book and its great factographic value as well as prizing the author on his measured opinions, notices some drawbacks and shortcomings and expresses some more general opinions, that reach beyond the actual matter of the reporting review. Such an extensive publication provokes and encourages dwelling on more general matters, which undoubtedly adds to its value.Muzeum Krakowa, do niedawna Muzeum Historyczne Miasta Krakowa należy do największych polskich instytucji muzealnych, nie tylko w grupie muzeów municypalnych. Charakteryzuje się szczególnie rozbudowaną infrastrukturą i wielością stematyzowanych oddziałów oraz wielostronną działalnością. Omawiana monografia – autorstwa obecnego dyrektora – ukazuje długi i mozolny, acz systematyczny proces rozwoju tego muzeum w ponad stuletnim procesie historycznym. Recenzent, podkreślając ewidentne zalety książki i jej duży walor faktograficzny oraz prezentowanie przez jej autora wyważonych ocen, zauważa pewne mankamenty i usterki, a także formułujeszereg sądów natury ogólniejszej, wykraczającej poza samą materię sprawozdawczej recenzji. Ta obszerna publikacja do tego skłania i zachęca, co niewątpliwie stanowi jej dodatkowy walor


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    The Museum of Krakow, until recently theHistorical Museum of the City of Krakow, ranks amongthe largest Polish museums, not only within the group ofmunicipal museums. It boasts an exceptionally developedinfrastructure and a high number of thematic branches, as wellas multifaceted operations. The analysed monograph, authoredby the Museum’s current Director, presents a long and tedious,albeit systematic process of the Museum’s development overthe period of more than a hundred years within the contextof numerous external conditionings, with the emphasis on theMuseum’s role and importance for the city community and forits culture. Underlining the obvious advantages of the bookand its sizeable factual value, as well as balanced opinions,the reviewer, however, observes its certain defaults anddeficiencies, while also formulating a number of more generalviews going beyond the very matter of the book-related review.The extensive publication in question certainly encourages suchan approach, this unquestionably adding another to its merits

    Justice Inequalities and the Axiology of Institutional Order

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    The author of article proves that in the era of the globalization the institutional order of national economy is influenced by the distorted competition which results in domination of the managers and technicians of great corporations. It is their businesses that define the economic policy. In the world of asymmetric information, oligopolistic competition, political market and progressive commercialization of the axiological sphere the rules of thinking and acting are merely reduced to the strategy of self-advantage. This situation results in ineffective institutional protection at the global, regional and national levels. To remove social inequalities effectively it is necessary to have control over the dominating groups in society and to develop coherent norms of institutional protection. There is also a need for the development of human capital and its modernization as a common notion of moral values of society and the individual

    Sztuka złotnicza w Prusach. Próba charakterystyki złotnictwa regionu.

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    Artykuł stanowi próbę charakterystyki sztuki złotniczej w regionie pruskim od jej uchwytnych początków w okresie późnego średniowiecza, od ok. 1300 roku, po kres wytwórczości cechowej u schyłku XVIII wieku. Celem nie jest zatem chronologicznie i typologicznie uporządkowany przegląd całej dawnej wytwórczości złotniczej w jej charakterystycznych przejawach. Autor na podstawie wybranych i reprezentatywnych przykładów – pojedynczych zabytków, ich grup lub twórczości znaczących przedstawicieli tej gałęzi sztuki – stara się wydobyć i określić cechy typowe dla złotnictwa regionu. Wskazuje przy tym na odrębności lokalne, ale i na powiązania z innymi środowiskami artystycznymi. W zamierzeniu autora tekst ten jest studium przygotowawczym do szerszego i kompletnego opracowania monograficznego złotnictwa w Prusach (Zakonnych, Królewskich i Książęcych

    Rzeczy pośrednie, adiafora, semiofory: O książce Burkharda Kunkela

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    The Author discusses the issue of the place and function of images in the space of Lutheran churches initiated by the new book by Burkhard Kunkel. Contrary the title the book is not devoted to creating the images and to controversies between the main representatives of the Reformation and between its different fractions. The main theme comprises the issues of both the presence, the acceptance of diverseMedieval, pre-Reformation legacy things found in adopted churches – not only the paintings or sculptures, but other furnishings and liturgical equipment, as well asprints. However much more important is the process of their handling, the diverse schemes of accepting or rejecting them or modification of those things for new denominational needs. The author discusses also – touched upon by Kunkel – the issue of their function as adiaphora, their significance as semiophora: not belonging amongthe denominational principia of the Lutheran Reformation, however of a very strong identification meaning.Autor podejmuje problem miejsca i funkcji obrazów w luterańskiej przestrzeni kościelnej wychodząc od nowej książki Burkharda Kunkela. Wbrew tytułowi nie jest ona poświęcona tworzeniu obrazów i sporom pomiędzy głównymi przedstawicielami Reformacji oraz pomiędzy różnymi jej odłamami. Głównym jej tematem jest zarówno obecność, akceptacja rozmaitych średniowiecznych przedreformacyjnych, rzeczy, zastanych w przejmowanych świątyniach – nie tylko obrazów czy rzeźb, ale innych sprzętów i przedmiotów liturgicznych, a także druków; daleko istotniejszy wszakże jest proces obchodzenia się z nimi, rozmaite sposoby akceptacji lub odrzucenia, czy też modyfikacji owych rzeczy dla nowych potrzeb konfesyjnych. Autor dyskutuje też – podnoszoną przez Kunkela – kwestię ich funkcji jako adiafory, ich znaczenia jako semioforów: nie należących do podstaw wyznaniowych Reformacji luterańskiej, niemniej mających duże znaczenie identyfikacyjne

    Interdisciplinary Teaching Using Satellite Images as a Way to Introduce Remote Sensing in Secondary School

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    This article aims to meet two needs: (i) the need for skilled workers and students in the area of remote sensing and (ii) the need to make school science interesting for students. This article addresses both needs by proposing a project for high school students entitled "the Colors of Earth". The main aim for students was to distinguish between different types of land cover via the creation of various false color band compositions from the satellite Sentinel-2. Achieving this goal requires knowledge from various subjects and enables their practical application via work performed using real data. The project was presented to 39 high-school teachers and 184 high-school students (K-9 and K-10) in the summer semester of the 2019/2020 school year, and their opinions about the project were collected. Overall, both students and teachers judged the project to be interesting, worth introducing to the school, and capable of influencing student opinions of science. In addition, introducing remote sensing elements during pre-university education can help meet the demands for students and workers to study Earth observation

    Data Stream Classification Using Classifier Ensemble

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    For the contemporary business, the crucial factor is making smart decisions on the basis of the knowledge hidden in stored data. Unfortunately,m traditional simple methods of data analysis are not sufficient for efficient management of modern enterprizes, because they are not appropriate for the huge and growing amount of the data stored by them. Additionally data usually comes continuously in the form of so-called data stream. The great disadvantage of traditional classification methods is that they assume that statistical properties of the discovered concept are being unchanged, while in real situation, we could observe so-called concept drift, which could be caused by changes in the probabilities of classes or/and conditional probability distributions of classes. The potential for considering new training data is an important feature of machine learning methods used in security applications (spam filtering or intrusion detection) or decision support systems for marketing departments, which need to follow the changing client behavior. Unfortunately, the occurrence of concept drift dramatically decreases classification accuracy. This work presents the comprehensive study on the ensemble classifier approach applied to the problem of drifted data streams. Especially it reports the research on modifications of previously developed Weighted Aging Classifier Ensemble (WAE) algorithm, which is able to construct a valuable classifier ensemble for classification of incremental drifted stream data. We generalize WAE method and propose the general framework for this approach. Such framework can prune an classifier ensemble before or after assigning weights to individual classifiers. Additionally, we propose new classifier pruning criteria, weight calculation methods, and aging operators. We also propose rejuvenating operator, which is able to soften the aging effect, which could be useful, especially in the case if quite ”old” classifiers are high quality models, i.e., their presence increases ensemble accuracy, what could be found, e.g., in the case of recurring concept drift. The chosen characteristics of the proposed frameworks were evaluated on the basis of the wide range of computer experiments carried out on the two benchmark data streams. Obtained results confirmed the usability of proposed method to the data stream classification with the presence of incremental concept drift