39 research outputs found

    Universal behaviour, transients and attractors in supersymmetric Yang-Mills plasma

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    Numerical simulations of expanding plasma based on the AdS/CFT correspondence as well as kinetic theory and hydrodynamic models strongly suggest that some observables exhibit universal behaviour even when the system is not close to local equilibrium. This leading behaviour is expected to be corrected by transient, exponentially decaying contributions which carry information about the initial state. Focusing on late times, when the system is already in the hydrodynamic regime, we analyse numerical solutions describing expanding plasma of strongly coupled N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory and identify these transient effects, matching them in a quantitative way to leading trans-series corrections corresponding to least-damped quasinormal modes of AdS black branes. In the process we offer additional evidence supporting the recent identification of the Borel sum of the hydrodynamic gradient expansion with the far-from-equilibrium attractor in this system.Comment: Introduction improved, additional reference

    On the hydrodynamic attractor of Yang-Mills plasma

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    There is mounting evidence suggesting that relativistic hydrodynamics becomes relevant for the physics of quark-gluon plasma as the result of nonhydrodynamic modes decaying to an attractor apparent even when the system is far from local equilibrium. Here we determine this attractor for Bjorken flow in N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory using Borel summation of the gradient expansion of the expectation value of the energy momentum tensor. By comparing the result to numerical simulations of the flow based on the AdS/CFT correspondence we show that it provides an accurate and unambiguous approximation of the hydrodynamic attractor in this system. This development has important implications for the formulation of effective theories of hydrodynamics.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. v2: many small improvements. v3: introduction rephrased to emphasise key point

    QGP Physics from Attractor Perturbations

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    The strong longitudinal expansion characteristic of heavy-ion collisions leads to universal attractor behaviour of the resulting drop of Quark-Gluon Plasma already at very early times. Assuming approximate boost invariance, we incorporate transverse dynamics of this system by linearizing the Mueller-Israel-Stewart theory around the attractor. The result is a system of coupled ordinary differential equations which describe the proper-time evolution of Fourier modes encoding the transverse structure of the initial energy deposition. The late time asymptotic behaviour of solutions is described by transseries which make manifest the stability of the attractor against transverse perturbations. In this framework, most of the physically relevant information resides in the exponentially suppressed corrections to evolution along the attractor, which are not yet negligible at freeze-out. These findings also suggest a simple numerical approach to QGP dynamics which accounts for the transverse dynamics using a finite number of Fourier modes. We show that this approach is able to describe collectivity at the level of the transverse anisotropy, as a surrogate for elliptic flow. Physical observables can be expressed in terms of the asymptotic data evaluated at freeze-out, which we illustrate by calculating the final multiplicity distributions.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    Transient Relativistic Fluid Dynamics in a General Hydrodynamic Frame

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    We propose a new theory of second-order viscous relativistic hydrodynamics which does not impose any frame conditions on the choice of the hydrodynamic variables. It differs from Mueller-Israel-Stewart theory by including additional transient degrees of freedom, and its first-order truncation reduces to Bemfica-Disconzi-Noronha-Kovtun theory. Conditions for causality and stability are explicitly given in the conformal regime. As an illustrative example, we consider Bjorken flow solutions to our equations and identify variables which make a hydrodynamic attractor manifest.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure, version accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Generalized string compactifications with spontaneously broken supersymmetry

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    The Narain lattice construction of string compactifications is generalized to include spontaneously broken supersymmetry. Consistency conditions from modular invariance and Lorentz symmetry are solved in full generality. This framework incorporates models where supersymmetry breaking is inversely proportional to the radii of compact dimensions. The enhanced lattice description, however, might allow for models with a different geometrical or even non-geometrical interpretation.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX, no figure

    Some half-BPS solutions of M-theory

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    It was recently shown that half BPS-solutions of M-theory can be expressed in terms of a single function satisfying the 3-d continuum Toda equation. In this note half-BPS solutions corresponding to separable solutions of the Toda equations are examined.Comment: Typos fixed, reference adde

    Branes and Fluxes in D=5 Calabi-Yau Compactifications of M-Theory

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    We discuss Poincare three-brane solutions in D=5 M-Theory compactifications on Calabi-Yau (CY) threefolds with G-fluxes. We show that the vector moduli freeze at an attractor point. In the case with background flux only, the spacetime geometry contains a zero volume singularity with the three-brane and the CY space shrinking simultaneously to a point. This problem can be avoided by including explicit three-brane sources. We consider two cases in detail: a single brane and, when the transverse dimension is compactified on a circle, a pair of branes with opposite tensions.Comment: 14 pages, final versio

    Rigorous bounds on transport from causality

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    We use causality to derive a number of simple and universal constraints on dispersion relations, which describe the location of singularities of retarded two-point functions in relativistic quantum field theories. We prove that all causal dissipative dispersion relations have a finite radius of convergence. We then give two-sided bounds on all transport coefficients in units of this radius, including an upper bound on diffusivity.Comment: 4 pages. New relational bound on sound attenuation, improved test function, references adde

    Transseries for causal diffusive systems

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    The large proper-time behaviour of expanding boost-invariant fluids has provided many crucial insights into quark-gluon plasma dynamics. Here we formulate and explore the late-time behaviour of nonequilibrium dynamics at the level of linearized perturbations of equilibrium, but without any special symmetry assumptions. We introduce a useful quantitative approximation scheme in which hydrodynamic modes appear as perturbative contributions while transients are nonperturbative. In this way, solutions are naturally organized into transseries as they are in the case of boost-invariant flows. We focus our attention on the ubiquitous telegrapher's equation, the simplest example of a causal theory with a hydrodynamic sector. In position space we uncover novel transient contributions as well as Stokes phenomena which change the structure of the transseries based on the spacetime region or the choice of initial data.Comment: 23 pages + appendices, 16 figure