44 research outputs found

    Functionalization of polymers and carbon nanomaterials with low molecular weight receptors

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    Wydzia艂 Chemii: Zak艂ad Chemii SupramolekularnejKontrolowana, chemiczna funkcjonalizacja materia艂贸w poprzez wprowadzanie do ich struktury okre艣lonych grup funkcyjnych umo偶liwia zmian臋 ich w艂a艣ciwo艣ci fizykochemicznych lub nadawanie im specjalnych zastosowa艅. Celem naukowym mojej pracy jest opracowanie metody syntezy i otrzymanie nowych, funkcjonalnych materia艂贸w w臋glowych i polimer贸w zawieraj膮cych receptory molekularne. Uk艂ady te maj膮 wykazywa膰 zdolno艣膰 selektywnego wi膮zania jon贸w i cz膮steczek oraz wykazywa膰 zdefiniowane w艂a艣ciwo艣ci. W celu otrzymania nowych matryc dla techniki MALDI-MS, kt贸re nie generowa艂yby sygna艂贸w na widmie mas w rejonie niskich mas cz膮steczkowych, przeprowadzi艂em funkcjonalizacj臋 nanorurek w臋glowych poprzez przy艂膮czenie do ich powierzchni kwasu sinapowego. Uzyskane w ten spos贸b materia艂y zastosowa艂em jako matryce w analizie MALDI-MS surfaktant贸w, kwasu foliowego oraz wankomycyny. Przeprowadzenie funkcjonalizacji okre艣lonych polimer贸w wymaga艂o ode mnie uzyskania receptor贸w, kt贸re jednocze艣nie b臋d膮 selektywne wobec odpowiedniego analitu i reaktywne wzgl臋dem grup funkcyjnych obecnych w strukturze polimeru. Pierwszym celem funkcjonalizacji polimer贸w by艂o uzyskanie materia艂贸w zdolnych do tworzenia selektywnych oddzia艂ywa艅 z cukrami i diolami. Drugim celem funkcjonalizacji polimer贸w by艂o uzyskanie materia艂贸w zdolnych do adsorpcji kation贸w metali przej艣ciowych.Controlled chemical functionalization of materials achieved by introduction of defined functional groups to their structure, permits endowing the materials with specific target properties. The aim of my doctoral dissertation was to design a method for the synthesis and to synthesise new functionalized carbon materials and polymers, containing molecular receptors capable of selective binding ions or molecules and showing defined properties. One of my tasks was to obtain new matrices to be employed for matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS), which would not generate signals in the mass spectra in the region of low molecular mass. I functionalized carbon nanotubes surface with sinapic. The materials obtained were applied as matrices in the MALDI-MS analyses of surfactants, folic acid and vancomycin. In order to functionalize certain polymers, it was necessary to obtain receptors that would be selective towards a given analyte and reactive towards the functional groups present in the polymer structure. The first task was to obtain materials capable of selective interactions with sugars and diols. The second aim of polymer functionalization was to obtain materials capable of adsorption of transition metal cations

    The 42nd Symposium Chromatographic Methods of Investigating Organic Compounds : Book of abstracts

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    The 42nd Symposium Chromatographic Methods of Investigating Organic Compounds : Book of abstracts. June 4-7, 2019, Szczyrk, Polan

    EGDMA- and TRIM-Based Microparticles Imprinted with 5-Fluorouracil for Prolonged Drug Delivery

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    Imprinted materials possess designed cavities capable of forming selective interactions with molecules used in the imprinting process. In this work, we report the synthesis of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU)-imprinted microparticles and their application in prolonged drug delivery. The materials were synthesized using either ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (EGDMA) or trimethylolpropane trimethacrylate (TRIM) cross-linkers. For both types of polymers, methacrylic acid was used as a functional monomer, whereas 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate was applied to increase the final materials’ hydrophilicity. Adsorption isotherms and adsorption kinetics were investigated to characterize the interactions that occur between the materials and 5-FU. The microparticles synthesized using the TRIM cross-linker showed higher adsorption properties towards 5-FU than those with EGDMA. The release kinetics was highly dependent upon the cross-linker and pH of the release medium. The highest cumulative release was obtained for TRIM-based microparticles at pH 7.4. The IC50 values proved that 5-FU-loaded TRIM-based microparticles possess cytotoxic activity against HeLa cell lines similar to pure 5-FU, whereas their toxicity towards normal HDF cell lines was ca. three times lower than for 5-FU

    MS data for FAPA measurements

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    FAPA-MS data for ambient plasma mass spectrometry</p


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    FT-IR data for materials obtained in the project 2021/43/D/ST5/01190</p

    Data obtained for publication Mat Res Bull 167 (2023) 112438

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    Data obtained for publication Mat Res Bull 167 (2023) 112438</p

    Data obtained for publication Appl Surf Sci 638 (2023) 158089

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    Data obtained for publication Appl Surf Sci 638 (2023) 158089</p

    Functional polymers as unique materials applied in selective adsorption

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    Functional polymers are increasingly being used as materials with a range of unique properties. Due to their structure and relatively high flexibility in a synthetic context, they are becoming highly relevant in a variety of applications. One of the numerous examples of the use of functional polymers is water treatment. Using the adsorption phenomenon, it is possible to remove or reduce the amount of harmful organic compounds and heavy metal ions in the water. This review provides information on both the synthesis methods and characterization of functional polymers in terms of their adsorption properties. Among others, this paper presents the results of research on functional polymers carried out by Professor Schroeder's research group. The research was mainly focused on the selective adsorption of dyes and heavy metal ions, which are significant water pollutants. The overall results show that the adsorption of the synthesized polymer materials is high influenced by parameters such as pH, temperature, contact time of the adsorbent with the adsorbate and the initial adsorbate concentration. In the case of the adsorption phenomenon, the Langmuir or Freundlich isotherm turned out to be the most appropriate model for the tested materials, while in the case of kinetic models, the highest R2 coefficient was usually obtained using the pseudo-second-order equation

    Data obtained for publication Chem Eng J 473 (2023) 145168

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    Data obtained for publication Chem Eng J 473 (2023) 145168</p