71 research outputs found

    Balancing with thresholds

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    Double universality of a quantum phase transition in spinor condensates: the Kibble-\.Zurek mechanism and a conservation law

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    We consider a phase transition from antiferromagnetic to phase separated ground state in a spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensate of ultracold atoms. We demonstrate the occurrence of two scaling laws, for the number of spin fluctuations just after the phase transition, and for the number of spin domains in the final, stable configuration. Only the first scaling can be explained by the standard Kibble-\.Zurek mechanism. We explain the occurrence of two scaling laws by a model including post-selection of spin domains due to the conservation of condensate magnetization

    Coronary artery bypass grafting in patients with relatively recent previous stent implantation: Three years follow-up results

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    Background: An increasing number of patients who undergo coronary artery bypass grafting(CABG) have a history of coronary stent implantation. This study aims to assess perioperative and medium-term follow-up outcomes in patients in whom CABG was preceded by coronary stent implantation within two years before operation. Methods: One hundred and sixty two patients undergoing CABG after previous stent placement (PCI + CABG group) were compared to 149 who had CABG without PCI in the past (CABG group). Clinical, angiographic and perioperative outcome data were compared. The three year follow-up comprised data on number of deaths and the presence of anginal symptoms. Results: In both groups the extent of coronary artery disease was comparable, but more patients in the PCI + CABG group had a history of myocardial infarction. Perioperative outcome data did not differ between the groups except for a higher number of vessels considered infarct-related grafted in the CABG group. Patients operated on up to three months after PCI had more extensive coronary heart disease than those operated on later. They also had a significantly shorter operation time. This group also showed a trend towards less postoperative bleeding, less rethoracotomy and less low cardiac output syndrome. In a three year follow-up, 48 (30%) patients in the PCI + CABG group reported presence of angina compared to 28 (19%) in the CABG group (p = 0.04). Conclusions: Previous PCI does not significantly influence the CABG outcome. In mediumterm follow-up, freedom from anginal symptoms is less likely in patients in whom CABG was preceded by stent implantation

    Collation of qualitative research with quantitive fem research in terms of two dimensional heat flow

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    The paper concerns an attempt to collate qualitative research with quantitative FEM research in terms of two dimensional heat flow. It shows the accuracy of both methods, according to in situ researches with a thermal camera and models – done with software Therm 5, Therm

    Wykorzystanie modeli równań strukturalnych do opisu psychologicznych mechanizmów podejmowania decyzji na rynku kapitałowym

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    W ostatnich latach obserwowany jest silny wzrost zainteresowania dziedziną finansów behawioralnych. Wskazywane jest coraz większe znaczenie wpływu inklinacji behawioralnych na proces podejmowania decyzji inwestycyjnych. Artykuł dotyczy weryfikacji wybranych elementów teorii finansów behawioralnych, na podstawie badania ankietowego, z wykorzystaniem modelu równań strukturalnych (SEM). Celem artykułu jest identyfikacja i opis nieobserwowalnych inklinacji behawioralnych oraz weryfikacja hipotezy badawczej o ich wpływie na skłonność do ryzyka inwestorów indywidualnych.In the last years, mainly in the period of the financial crisis, a raising interest in behavioural finance could be observed. It has been pointed out that behavioural inclinations strongly influence the process of decision-making at capital market. The behavioural factors are understood here as noisy variables that disturb a process of proper investment decision-making. The paper concerns the verification of chosen elements of the behavioural finance theory on the basis of polling, with application of a structural equation model (SEM). The purpose of the paper is to identify and to describe the possible behavioural inclinations as well as to verify the hypothesis of that how much they influence the individual investors’ risk propensity

    Izolowana choroba pnia lewej tętnicy wieńcowej - przebieg kliniczny u 14 pacjentów

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    W niniejszej pracy opisano grupę 14 osób z izolowaną istotną stenozą pnia lewej tętnicy wieńcowej, rozpoznaną na podstawie koronarografii. Dominującym objawem klinicznym u pacjentów były nasilone bóle stenokardialne - u większości występowały objawy zwykle spotykane u osób z chorobą wieńcową. Obserwowano także przebieg nietypowy, w tym bezobjawowy. Żadne z przeprowadzonych badań nieinwazyjnych nie wyodrębniało pacjentów z izolowaną chorobą pnia lewej tętnicy wieńcowej. U wszystkich chorych zastosowano odpowiednie leczenie, w tym nowe metody - implantację stentu oraz chirurgiczną plastykę

    Izolowana choroba pnia lewej tętnicy wieńcowej - przebieg kliniczny u 14 pacjentów

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    W niniejszej pracy opisano grupę 14 osób z izolowaną istotną stenozą pnia lewej tętnicy wieńcowej, rozpoznaną na podstawie koronarografii. Dominującym objawem klinicznym u pacjentów były nasilone bóle stenokardialne - u większości występowały objawy zwykle spotykane u osób z chorobą wieńcową. Obserwowano także przebieg nietypowy, w tym bezobjawowy. Żadne z przeprowadzonych badań nieinwazyjnych nie wyodrębniało pacjentów z izolowaną chorobą pnia lewej tętnicy wieńcowej. U wszystkich chorych zastosowano odpowiednie leczenie, w tym nowe metody - implantację stentu oraz chirurgiczną plastykę

    A Thermodynamical Approach to Quantifying Quantum Correlations

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    We consider the amount of work which can be extracted from a heat bath using a bipartite state shared by two parties. In general it is less then the amount of work extractable when one party is in possession of the entire state. We derive bounds for this "work deficit" and calculate it explicitly for a number of different cases. For pure states the work deficit is exactly equal to the distillable entanglement of the state, and this is also achievable for maximally correlated states. In these cases a form of complementarity exists between physical work which can be extracted and distillable entanglement. The work deficit is a good measure of the quantum correlations in a state and provides a new paradigm for understanding quantum non-locality.Comment: 4 pages, Revtex4, title changed, caveat added to theore

    In-channel accretionary macroforms in the modern anastomosing system of the upper Narew River, NE Poland

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    Predomination of sandy bedload is typical of the anastomosing channels of the Narew River. Several types of in-channel accretionary macroforms have been found in these channels: side bars, concave-bank bars, plug bars, point bars, linguoid bars, and mid-channel bars. The first three types are relatively rare, point bars occur only exceptionally, while linguoid bars and mid-channel bars are quite common. The bars usually occur in main channels, which are the master routes of sand transport in the whole anastomosing system of the Narew. The lower parts of the bars are built of coarse- and medium-grained sand, similarly to the sediments in the deeper parts of the channels. Fine-grained sand, locally alternating with organic-rich muddy sand, predominates usually in the upper parts; peat with high content of sand is present in the highest parts of some bars. All bars are rapidly colonised and stabilised by plants. It is for this reason and due to the low energy of the river that the bar sediments have a high preservation potential. The development of bars is usually not accompanied by lateral migration of channels. Consequently, sediment accretion in bars is one of the factors leading to gradual narrowing of channels. Deposits of some sand-bars, when preserved in fossil record, may probably be represented by characteristic "wings" in the outer parts of ribbon-like sand bodies