49 research outputs found

    Polscy socjaliści o konieczności urzeczywistnienia ustroju demokratyczno- -parlamentarnego w przyszłej Polsce

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    It is not possible to ignore the intellectual and organizational effort of the Polish socialists who, as early as the 1870s, tried to promote the idea that the best circumstances facilitating the implementation of the aims pursued by the workers could be found in the national state organized on the basis of democratic constitutional instruments. The socialists argued that only in the state of parliamentary democracy the workers and other working social strata may successfully fight for their objectives and rights while selecting the peaceful and democratic methods. Likewise, they argued that only the parliamentary democracy enabled them to arrive at full rights that should be accessible to them as citizens and nationals. By promoting these ideas they aroused among the workers and in the entire society of partitioned Poland the sense of citizenship and democracy. This, in its turn, allowed to base the concept of potential national independence upon the broad and solid social foundations. Likewise, this allowed to secure the democratic constitutional system to the restored state, and consequently to modernize social relationships in Poland along the peaceful and democratic lines

    Getting to know the history of political thought in the process of citizenship and legal education

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    Knowledge of history, and especially knowledge of the history of political thought, plays a key role in shaping the political and legal culture of a society and its political elites. That is because this kind of learning enriches society’s self-knowledge and, as such, aids in making appropriate political choices and pursuing appropriate ways of engaging in politics. Such knowledge is of particular importance in the case of Polish society which is characterised by a low level of political and legal culture, which manifests itself, amongst other things, in a lack of care about the collective good, excessive egoism and individualism, a mistrust towards state authorities, low levels of social trust, and an inability to engage in collective action. Therefore, it is contemporarily necessary to develop in Poland an active form of citizenship and to strengthen the democratic attitudes of the Poles through drawing on the country’s past and the best values and democratic and humanistic ideals that can be found in the history of its political [email protected] Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w KrakowieBrzezicki E., O potrzebie rozszerzenia typologii Kretschmera, „Życie Naukowe” 1946, nr 5, s. 365 -366.Chałubiński M., Fromm, Warszawa 2005.Durych J., Requiem, Warszawa 1958.Gruchała J., Tomasz G. Masaryk, Wrocław 1996.Kelles-Krauz K., Pisma wybrane, t. 1. Warszawa 1962.Kuźnicki L., Polska w obliczu wyzwań przyszłości, [w:] Polska wobec wyzwań przyszłości w świetle studiów Komitetu Prognoz „Polska 2000 Plus” Polskiej Akademii Nauk. Warszawa 2004.Lewandowski E., Charakter narodowy Polaków i innych, Warszawa 2011.Loska K., Dziedzictwo McLuhana między nowoczesnością a ponowoczesnością, Kraków 2001.Łepkowski T., Wstęp do: Po co nam historia?, tłum. M. Mróz, wstępem opatrzył T. Łepkowski, Warszawa 1986.Masaryk T. G., O demokracji, Praha 1991.Znaniecki F., Socjologia wychowania, t. 1. Wychowujące społeczeństwo, Warszawa 1928.21-34152213

    Distinct Modulation of Spontaneous and GABA-Evoked Gating by Flurazepam Shapes Cross-Talk Between Agonist-Free and Liganded GABAA Receptor Activity

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    GABAA receptors (GABAARs) play a crucial inhibitory role in the CNS. Benzodiazepines (BDZs) are positive modulators of specific subtypes of GABAARs, but the underlying mechanism remains obscure. Early studies demonstrated the major impact of BDZs on binding and more recent investigations indicated gating, but it is unclear which transitions are affected. Moreover, the upregulation of GABAAR spontaneous activity by BDZs indicates their impact on receptor gating but the underlying mechanisms remain unknown. Herein, we investigated the effect of a BDZ (flurazepam) on the spontaneous and GABA-induced activity for wild-type (WT, α1β2γ2) and mutated (at the orthosteric binding site α1F64) GABAARs. Surprisingly, in spite of the localization at the binding site, these mutations increased the spontaneous activity. Flurazepam (FLU) upregulated this activity for mutants and WT receptors to a similar extent by affecting opening/closing transitions. Spontaneous activity affected GABA-evoked currents and is manifested as an overshoot after agonist removal that depended on the modulation by BDZs. We explain the mechanism of this phenomenon as a cross-desensitization of ligand-activated and spontaneously active receptors. Moreover, due to spontaneous activity, FLU-pretreatment and co-application (agonist + FLU) protocols yielded distinct results. We provide also the first evidence that GABAAR may enter the desensitized state in the absence of GABA in a FLU-dependent manner. Based on our data and model simulations, we propose that FLU affects agonist-induced gating by modifying primarily preactivation and desensitization. We conclude that the mechanisms of modulation of spontaneous and ligand-activated GABAAR activity concerns gating but distinct transitions are affected in spontaneous and agonist-evoked activity

    The latest advances in wireless communication in aviation, wind turbines and bridges

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    Present-day technologies used in SHM (Structural Health Monitoring) systems in many implementations are based on wireless sensor networks (WSN). In the context of the continuous development of these systems, the costs of the elements that form the monitoring system are decreasing. In this situation, the challenge is to select the optimal number of sensors and the network architecture, depending on the wireless system’s other parameters and requirements. It is a challenging task for WSN to provide scalability to cover a large area, fault tolerance, transmission reliability, and energy efficiency when no events are detected. In this article, fundamental issues concerning wireless communication in structural health monitoring systems (SHM) in the context of non-destructive testing sensors (NDT) were presented. Wireless technology developments in several crucial areas were also presented, and these include engineering facilities such as aviation and wind turbine systems as well as bridges and associated engineering facilities

    Searching for a new utopia: Jacek Kuroń’s idea of education revolution

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    The aim of the article is to reconstruct the project of common education revolution of Jacek Kuroń. The base for this concept is found in the conviction that in the modern times, dominated by globalisations issues, human problems can only be solved globally. This project in an attempt to find a solution to contemporary problems through education and upbringing. The critical judgement of the changes taking place in the world at the end of the century and the previous socio-ideological experience made Jacek Kuroń create the project of “global education revolution”, intent to change the face of Human and the world. He claimed that there is a need for a global debate in all possible forms, in order to create a programme of a common educational revolution, the realisation of which may be an efficient counterweight to the contemporary, neoliberal globalisation of the world. Implementing the changes may be initiated only by the proper education movement, presenting itself in the creation of a new type of schools and other educational facilities, as well as formulation of a new vision of a grand social change and a deep change of interpersonal relations in the individual and common aspect, based on social justice. This is a voice of a moralist and humanist, vulnerable to human harm and feeling responsible for the future

    Wyobrażenia parlamentaryzmu: między dekoracją a realną władzą

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    The analysis deals with the constant presence of parliamentary ideas in Polish politicalthought of the 19th and 20th century. In the post-uprising reality it was the socialists thatpresented the advantages of democracy and parliamentary representation. They also triedto convince others of the possibility of building a new and just socio-political order on thebasis of the already existing state institutions. Independence provided the opportunity forinstitutionalizing democratic and parliamentary values, however, soon after the MarchConstitution was adopted this type of state organization became denied. The reasons forsuch an aggressive criticism of the parliamentary system expressed by various politicalenvironments stemmed from the socio-political and economic phenomena of the interwarperiod. The clashing political movements of National Democracy and Sanation preferreda centralized model of power. The process of restoring parliamentary democracy in Central-East Europe countries (i.e. those under the political influence of the USSR) after World WarII was affected by different kind of difficulties and obstacles. Following the Soviet mode,traditional parliamentarism was rejected as bourgeois and substituted with representationalsystem based on soviets and with no division of power. In Poland those solutions were notconsequently implemented and the strive for the revival of parliamentarism was visible inthe years of crisis, i.e. 1956, 1970, 1980, when discussions on the need for strengtheningand reinforcing the activity of Sejm sparked again and again. The claim for the revival ofparliamentarism came true only after the decline of real socialism. Nowadays the functioningof parliamentary democracy and its institutions is a topic for populist criticism.Key words: political thought, parliamentary democracy, parliamentarism, political cultur

    „Wszystko dla wszystkich”. Polscy socjaliści wobec kwestii własności

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      Nie trzeba szerzej dowodzić, iż zagadnienie własności stanowiło jeden z najważniejszych problemów teoretycznych i praktycznych wszystkich ruchów społecznych projektujących radykalną przebudowę stosunków społecznych. Szczególnie absorbowało ono plebejskie ruchy społeczne, głównie w ich początkowym okresie rozwoju. Twórcy tych ruchów najczęściej sami wydziedziczeni i skazani na biedę i nędzę, najżywiej spierali się o istotę i naturę własności, jej charakter i przyszłość. Oczywiście koncentrowali uwagę przede wszystkim na kwestii konkretnej, realnej własności, tj. własności prywatnej, rozważając na różne sposoby jej zniesienie, by zadość uczynić wszystkim niegdyś wywłaszczonym i zniewolonym przez grabieżców ich własności, i zrealizować wreszcie odwieczne marzenie człowieka o życiu w społeczeństwie harmonii, równości i sprawiedliwości społecznej

    „Socialism I believe in”: the social dreams of Edward Lipiński

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    Edward Lipiński (1888–1986) – a brilliant economist, economy teaching and schools organizer, social thinker – he developed an incredibly rich and diverse intellectual and ideological activity, subject to prime values: freedom, equality, and social justice. In accordance with the best traditions of the Polish socialism he painted the vision of democratic social order, which enables a unit and society to develop in an optimal way. He always pointed at the vitality and inalienability of the socialist idea in the social process and human culture. He promoted it even at the late stage of his idealistic activity, even when it proved to be faulty and not conforming to the new social conditions, determined by the development of modern microelectronic and computer technology and the strengthening of globalization and integration processes. His intellectual and ideological creation remains an original and stable part of the development of Polish social thought in the twentieth century