Polscy socjaliści o konieczności urzeczywistnienia ustroju demokratyczno- -parlamentarnego w przyszłej Polsce


It is not possible to ignore the intellectual and organizational effort of the Polish socialists who, as early as the 1870s, tried to promote the idea that the best circumstances facilitating the implementation of the aims pursued by the workers could be found in the national state organized on the basis of democratic constitutional instruments. The socialists argued that only in the state of parliamentary democracy the workers and other working social strata may successfully fight for their objectives and rights while selecting the peaceful and democratic methods. Likewise, they argued that only the parliamentary democracy enabled them to arrive at full rights that should be accessible to them as citizens and nationals. By promoting these ideas they aroused among the workers and in the entire society of partitioned Poland the sense of citizenship and democracy. This, in its turn, allowed to base the concept of potential national independence upon the broad and solid social foundations. Likewise, this allowed to secure the democratic constitutional system to the restored state, and consequently to modernize social relationships in Poland along the peaceful and democratic lines

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