240 research outputs found
Implementing a Decision-Aware System for Loan Contracting Decision Process
The paper introduces our work related to the design and implementation of a decision-aware system focused on the loan contracting decision process. A decision-aware system is a software that enables the user to make a decision in a simulated environment and logs all the actions of the decision maker while interacting with the software. By using a mining algorithm on the logs, it creates a model of the decision process and presents it to the user. The main design issue introduced in the paper is the possibility to log the mental actions of the user. The main implementation issues are: user activity logging programming and technologies used. The first section of the paper introduces the state-of-the-art research in process mining and the framework of our research; the second section argues the design of the system; the third section introduces the actual implementation and the fourth section shows a running example.Decision-Aware Systems, Decision Activity Logs, Decision Mining, Codeigniter, JSON
Web Content Management Systems, a Collaborative Environment in the Information Society
The aim of the present paper is to analyze the main models of collaboration and the use of a Web CMS, in order to develop an online community. Taking into consideration the multitude of the existing Web CMSs on the market and their diverse functionalities, we conducted a prospective study that tests the development trends in the field, with the view of finding out which are the most important Web CMSs in practice, and which are the most important functionalities they have to possess, in order to develop a collaborative online community. The results of the study show that the most popular Web CMS is Joomla, and the most widespread programming language is PHP. Likewise, we consider that this study can help the entry-level web developers to get an overview of the most popular Web CMSs, and their functionalities.collaboration, content management, web content management systems
Preprocessing and Content/Navigational Pages Identification as Premises for an Extended Web Usage Mining Model Development
From its appearance until nowadays, the internet saw a spectacular growth not only in terms of websites number and information volume, but also in terms of the number of visitors. Therefore, the need of an overall analysis regarding both the web sites and the content provided by them was required. Thus, a new branch of research was developed, namely web mining, that aims to discover useful information and knowledge, based not only on the analysis of websites and content, but also on the way in which the users interact with them. The aim of the present paper is to design a database that captures only the relevant data from logs in a way that will allow to store and manage large sets of temporal data with common tools in real time. In our work, we rely on different web sites or website sections with known architecture and we test several hypotheses from the literature in order to extend the framework to sites with unknown or chaotic structure, which are non-transparent in determining the type of visited pages. In doing this, we will start from non-proprietary, preexisting raw server logs.Knowledge Management, Web Mining, Data Preprocessing, Decision Trees, Databases
Model of socio-economic assessment of the impact of alternative development strategy in Colombia
El presente documento plantea un modelo de evaluación socioeconómica del impacto que ha tenido el Desarrollo Alternativo en los municipios y en las comunidades en donde se ha implementado. El documento muestra, paso a paso, a través de una metodología cuasiexperimental, una propuesta de metodología para la determinación de los municipios de control y de tratamiento, sobre los cuales se establecerá impacto de los programas de Desarrollo Alternativo en Colombia, teniendo en cuenta que las herramientas existentes se centran en el cumplimiento de políticas de erradicación y sustitución de cultivos ilícitos y no como herramienta para mejorar las condiciones socio-económicas de las poblaciones víctimas de este fenómeno.UNODCThis document present a model of socio-economic impact assessment has Alternative Development in municipalities and communities where it has been implemented. The document shows, step by step, through a quasi-experimental methodology, a proposed methodology for determining municipalities of control and treatment, on which the impact of alternative development programs in Colombia be established, taking into account existing tools that focus on policy compliance eradication and substitution of illicit crops and not as a tool to improve socio- economic conditions of the populations victims of this phenomenon
Extracting Usage Patterns and the Analysis of Tag Connection Dynamics within Collaborative Tagging Systems
Collaborative tagging has become a very popular way of annotation, thanks to the fact that any entity may be labeled by any individual based on his own reason. In this paper we present the results of the case study carried out on the basis of data gathered at different time intervals from the social tagging system developed and implemented on Întelepciune.ro. Analyzing collective data referring to the way in which community members associate different tags, we have observed that between tags, links are formed which become increasingly stable with the passing of time. Following the application of methodology specific to network analysis, we have managed to extract information referring to tag popularity, their influence within the network and the degree to which a tag depends upon another. As such, we have succeeded in determining different semantic structures within the collective tagging system and see their evolution at different stages in time. Furthermore, we have pictured the way in which tag rec-ommendations can be executed and that they can be integrated within recommendation sys-tems. Thus, we will be able to identify experts and trustworthy content based on different cat-egories of interest
Healthcare Providers Perception of their Ability to Recognize Boys as Victims of Human Sex Trafficking in a Pediatric Emergency Room
The purpose of this dissertation was to explore the perceived barriers to pediatric emergency room (ER) providers’ identifying boys as victims of child sex trafficking (CST), to understand how providers working in a pediatric ER compared to a general ER believe they are better able to identify boys as CST victims, and to understand how the New Jersey-mandated human trafficking training affected the confidence of the healthcare providers’ to identify boys as CST victims using a grounded theory approach. In-depth interviews were conducted using a sample of 10 healthcare providers, including physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants at a suburban New Jersey pediatric ER. A grounded theory approach was used with this qualitative exploratory study; thematic content analysis was used to identify core themes and categories regarding the providers’ attitudes, internal thoughts, and experiences that trigger the identification of boys as victims of CST. Overall, eleven themes were identified associated with healthcare providers’ perceptions of their ability to recognize a boy as a victim of CST including but not limited to issues related to the lack of recognition of signs and symptoms of boys as victims of CST, communication with the child, continued provider educational needs, the busy ER environment, and to boys are not recognized as victims of CST. The implications for positive social change include the need for researchers and healthcare providers to broaden their scope to change their views that only girls are victims of CST. They should consider that all children regardless of age, sex, race, and sexual orientation can be victims of CST
Aplicación de la tusa en campo como complemento de la fertilización en el cultivo de la palma de aceite Elaeis Guineensis.
La palma de aceite en Colombia se ha convertido en una de las principales fuentes de empleo en el sector rural, lo que ha impactado positivamente el desarrollo de las regiones y se ha convertido en una aliada de la paz, en los procesos de reintegración de las personas que pertenecieron a grupos armados. Sin embargo, en los últimos años, el costo del aceite de palma, la incidencia de plagas y enfermedades, sumado a un elevado costo de los fertilizantes químicos, ha llevado de las plantaciones a buscar estrategias que permitan la reducción de los costos en fertilización, sin afectar los rendimientos en producción y una de las alternativas en la utilización de las tusas, subproducto de la extracción del aceite de palma, como complemento a la fertilización. En este trabajo se evidencia que la reducción de los costos de fertilización en un 30%, con la adición de 350 kg de tusa por palma, durante el primer año de seguimiento, no presenta una disminución en la producción. Adicionalmente un correcto plan de transporte y distribución de las tusas desde la planta hasta el lote, puede reducir los costos del manejo de la tusa hasta en un 80%.The oil palm in Colombia has become one of the main sources of employment in the rural sector, which has positively impacted the development of the regions and has become an ally of peace, in the processes of reintegration of people who belonged to armed groups. However, in recent years, the cost of palm oil, the incidence of pests and diseases, coupled with a high cost of chemical fertilizers, has led plantations to look for strategies that allow the reduction of fertilization costs, without affect the yields in production and one of the alternatives in the use of the tusas, by-product of the extraction of the oil of palm, like complement to the fertilization. In this work it is evident that the reduction of fertilization costs by 30%, with the addition of 350 kg of tusse per palm, during the first year of follow-up, does not present a decrease in production. Additionally, a correct transport and distribution plan for the tusses from the plant to the batch can reduce the costs of handling the tussa by up to 80%
Project portfolio risk management: a structured literature review with future directions for research
Project Portfolio Risk Management (PPRM) has been identified as a relevant area regarding project portfolio success. This paper reports on a structured literature review of PPRM. A structured search and selection process was carried out and conventional content analysis was conducted in the literature analysis of 62 papers published in international journals. PPRM has its theoretical and practical bases in the modem theory of portfolios, decision theory and risk management (RM). The content analysis reveals four main recurrent topics in PPRM: (1) The influence of RM on project portfolio success, based on project portfolio impact level, moderators or contingency factors between RM and project portfolio success, and PPRM dimensions; (2) risk and project interdependencies, highlighting resources, technology, outcome, value, and accomplishment project interdependencies; (3) project portfolio risk (PPR) identification, where four main risk source categories are identified; and (4) PPR assessment, composed of risk measures and the main methods used for risk assessment. Therefore, this study provides an overview of PPRM as a research field, while it also promotes four future research directions: (1) PPRM as part of organizational RM (2) RM, success dimensions and strategic impact; (3) mechanisms for PPR assessment, and (4) PPRM as a complex and dynamic system.This research was sponsored by the University of Valle, Colombia, and Colfuturo-Colciencias, Colombia
Deuda externa y crecimiento económico en Colombia : un análisis entre 2005-2018
Spa: En esta investigación se evidencia, mediante un modelo SVAR, la relación que existe entre la deuda externa y el crecimiento económico en Colombia. El modelo analizó el comportamiento de las variables para el periodo 2005-2018, se identificaron las características y el comportamiento de la deuda externa como porcentaje del PIB, el Producto Interno Bruto y el tipo de cambio. Los resultados del modelo indican la existencia de una relación y efectos sobresalientes en la variable de PIB, la tasa representativa del mercado y deuda externa.Bibliografía y webgrafía: páginas 65-69.MaestriaMagister en Economí
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