10 research outputs found

    Stochastic inverse modeling of transient laboratory-scale three-dimensional two-phase core flooding scenarios

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    We develop a comprehensive and efficient workflow for a stochastic assessment of key parameters governing two-phase flow conditions associated with core-scale experiments. We rely on original and detailed datasets collected on a Berea sandstone sample. These capture the temporal evolution of pressure drop across the core and three-dimensional maps of phase saturations (determined via X-ray CT) in oil- and brine-displacement flooding scenarios characterized by diverse brine/oil viscosity contrasts. Such experiments are used as a test-bed for the proposed stochastic model calibration strategy. The latter is structured across three main steps: (i) a preliminary calibration, aimed at identifying a behavioral region of the model parameter space; (ii) a Global Sensitivity Analysis (GSA), geared towards identification of the relative importance of model parameters on observed model outputs and assessment of non-influential parameters to reduce dimensionality of the parameter space; and (iii) a stochastic inverse modeling procedure. The latter is based on a differential-evolution genetic algorithm to efficiently explore the reduced parameter space stemming from the GSA. It enables one to obtain a probabilistic description of the relevant model parameters through their frequency distributions conditional on the detailed type of information collected. Coupling GSA with a stochastic parameter estimation approach based on a genetic algorithm of the type we consider enables streamlining the procedure and effectively cope with the considerable computational efforts linked to the two-phase scenario considered. Results show a remarkable agreement with experimental data and imbue us with confidence on the potential of the approach to embed the type of rich datasets considered towards model parameter estimation fully including uncertainty

    Relationship between cellular and whey components in buffalo milk

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    High somatic cell count (SCC) affects milk quality and cheesemaking, resulting in a reduction in cheese yield and quality. In dairy cows, quarter milk samples with >200 000 cells/ml are considered to have subclinical mastitis, while there is much uncertainty on the corresponding levels of SCC in buffalo milk. In this study 30 lactating water buffaloes were selected and SCC, differential somatic cell counts and several whey components were tested in quarter milk samples to assess the relationship between inflammation markers and milk quality. Overall 236 quarter milk samples were considered. To evaluate the relationship between cellular markers (SCC, polymorphonuclear leucocytes, PMN, and N-Acetyl-\u3b2-glucosaminidase, NAGase) and other milk components, three classes were defined (low, medium and high). Analysis of milk yield showed a significant reduction in the high class of each of the three markers chosen. Overall, the highest class was characterized by significant changes in milk composition and a lower milk quality. The presence of an inflammatory status of the udder was frequent after the first trimester of lactation and in buffaloes with two or more parturitions. This study showed that significant changes in milk components can be observed when SCC are >400 000 cells/ml, PMN are >50% and NAGase is >100 units. These thresholds could be suggested as levels to define udder health status in buffalo cows

    Stochastic inverse modeling of transient laboratory-scale three-dimensional two-phase core flooding scenarios

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    We develop a comprehensive and efficient workflow for a stochastic assessment of key parameters governing two-phase flow conditions associated with core-scale experiments. We rely on original and detailed datasets collected on a Berea sandstone sample. These capture the temporal evolution of pressure drop across the core and three-dimensional maps of phase saturations (determined via X-ray CT) in oil- and brine-displacement flooding scenarios characterized by diverse brine/oil viscosity contrasts. Such experiments are used as a test-bed for the proposed stochastic model calibration strategy. The latter is structured across three main steps: (i) a preliminary calibration, aimed at identifying a behavioral region of the model parameter space; (ii) a Global Sensitivity Analysis (GSA), geared towards identification of the relative importance of model parameters on observed model outputs and assessment of non-influential parameters to reduce dimensionality of the parameter space; and (iii) a stochastic inverse modeling procedure. The latter is based on a differential-evolution genetic algorithm to efficiently explore the reduced parameter space stemming from the GSA. It enables one to obtain a probabilistic description of the relevant model parameters through their frequency distributions conditional on the detailed type of information collected. Coupling GSA with a stochastic parameter estimation approach based on a genetic algorithm of the type we consider enables streamlining the procedure and effectively cope with the considerable computational efforts linked to the two-phase scenario considered. Results show a remarkable agreement with experimental data and imbue us with confidence on the potential of the approach to embed the type of rich datasets considered towards model parameter estimation fully including uncertainty.Funding was provided by Eni. A.D. acknowledges the funding by the European Commission through the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship, research project ‘MixUQ’ Grant Agreement No. 895152. The software developed in this study (4D-CoreINV) is protected by copyright.Peer reviewe

    Ponte Sisto: ricerche e proposte

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    Il volume redatto in occasione della mostra omonima descrive le vicende legate alla storia e al cantiere di restauro di Ponte Sisto a Rom

    Salmonella Typhimurium infection primes a nutriprive mechanism in piglets

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    Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (S. Typhimurium) is an important cause of acute food- borne zoonoses worldwide, typically carried by pigs. It is well known that Salmonella has evolved a wide array of strategies enabling it to invade the host, but little information is available on the specific host responses to Salmonella infections. In the present study, we used an in vivo approach (involving piglets infected with a virulent or an attenuated S. Typhimurium strain) coupled to histological and proteomic analysis of the cecum mucosa, to highlight the host pathways activated during S. Typhimurium infection. We confirm the complex host-pathogen interaction. Our data showed that the metabolic and the cytoskeleton organization functions were the most significantly altered. In particular, the modifications of energy metabolic pathway could suggest a "nutriprive" mechanism, in which the host reduce its metabolic and energetic status to limit Salmonella infection. This study could represent a preliminary approach, providing information useful to better understand the host-Salmonella interaction

    Salmonella Typhimurium infection primes a nutriprive mechanism in piglets

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    Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (S. Typhimurium) is an important cause of acute food- borne zoonoses worldwide, typically carried by pigs. It is well known that Salmonella has evolved a wide array of strategies enabling it to invade the host, but little information is available on the specific host responses to Salmonella infections. In the present study, we used an in vivo approach (involving piglets infected with a virulent or an attenuated S. Typhimurium strain) coupled to histological and proteomic analysis of the cecum mucosa, to highlight the host pathways activated during S. Typhimurium infection. We confirm the complex host-pathogen interaction. Our data showed that the metabolic and the cytoskeleton organization functions were the most significantly altered. In particular, the modifications of energy metabolic pathway could suggest a "nutriprive" mechanism, in which the host reduce its metabolic and energetic status to limit Salmonella infection. This study could represent a preliminary approach, providing information useful to better understand the host-Salmonella interaction

    O tratamento das superfícies arquitetônicas como problema teórico da restauração

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    O artigo aborda a questão das superfícies arquitetônicas e sua relação com a teoria de restauração. São examinadas com esse intuito, em linhas gerais, as transformações por que passaram as teorias de restauro. Analisam-se também as tendências contemporâneas, com o intuito de averiguar os princípios gerais que deveriam guiar as intervenções. Verificase então o que ocorre na prática de intervenções em superfícies arquitetônicas, notando-se que há uma dissociação entre teoria e prática. Neste texto, procura-se enfatizar a relevância da reflexão teórica para enfrentar os problemas em toda a sua complexidade e como meio eficiente de preservar os aspectos materiais, históricos, formais e simbólicos dos monumentos