226 research outputs found

    Security of a biometric identity-based encryption scheme

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    Biometric identity-based encryption (Bio-IBE) is a kind of fuzzy identity-based encryption (fuzzy IBE) where a ciphertext encrypted under an identity w' can be decrypted using a secret key corresponding to the identity w which is close to w' as measured by some metric. Recently, Yang et al. proposed a constant-size Bio-IBE scheme and proved that it is secure against adaptive chosen-ciphertext attack (CCA2) in the random oracle model. Unfortunately, in this paper, we will show that their Bio-IBE scheme is even not chosen-plaintext secure. Specifically, user w using his secret key is able to decrypt any ciphertext encrypted under an identity w' even though w is not close to w'.Comment: Journal version of the paper will be appearing in International Journal of Network Securit

    Professor Wang Xiaoyan's Experience in Treating Dementia

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    Dementia is a common Psychiatric disease, especially in the elderly group of high incidence, Professor Wang Xiaoyan thinks that the pathogenesis of this disease is the deficiency of upper qi, Yang qi can not access the brain body, the etiology is divided into two categories, including deficiency syndrome is divided into weak temper, kidney essence deficiency, positive syndrome is divided into phlegm turbidity and upper confusion, Yang Ming dry heat, etc.Clinical patients are mostly mixed with deficiency and reality, need to distinguish the primary and secondary, dialectical treatment, remarkable effect

    Summary of Professor Wang Xiaoyan's Experience in Treating Insomnia

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    Professor Wang Xiaoyan applied the theory of "monism of qi" in traditional Chinese medicine to study insomnia, and believed that insomnia was caused by a variety of pathogenic factors, which affected the normal rise and fall of qi in various organs of the human body, and eventually led to the rise of yang, which could not be submerged. Yang did not enter into yin, but became sleepless. By "supporting yang", the yang returned to its place, and this group of vitality moved slowly and orderly in the human body, and yin and yang combined to sleep peacefully

    PS-TRUST: Provably Secure Solution for Truthful Double Spectrum Auctions

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    Truthful spectrum auctions have been extensively studied in recent years. Truthfulness makes bidders bid their true valuations, simplifying greatly the analysis of auctions. However, revealing one's true valuation causes severe privacy disclosure to the auctioneer and other bidders. To make things worse, previous work on secure spectrum auctions does not provide adequate security. In this paper, based on TRUST, we propose PS-TRUST, a provably secure solution for truthful double spectrum auctions. Besides maintaining the properties of truthfulness and special spectrum reuse of TRUST, PS-TRUST achieves provable security against semi-honest adversaries in the sense of cryptography. Specifically, PS-TRUST reveals nothing about the bids to anyone in the auction, except the auction result. To the best of our knowledge, PS-TRUST is the first provably secure solution for spectrum auctions. Furthermore, experimental results show that the computation and communication overhead of PS-TRUST is modest, and its practical applications are feasible.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Infocom 201

    A load-balancing mechanism for distributed SDN control plane using response time.

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    Software-Defined Networking (SDN) has become a popular paradigm for managing large-scale networks including cloud servers and data centers because of its advantages of centralized management and programmability. The issues of scalability and reliability that a single centralized controller suffers makes distributed controller architectures emerge. One key limitation of distributed controllers is the statically configured switch-controller mapping, easily causing uneven load distribution among controllers. Previous works have proposed load-balancing methods with switch migration to address this issue. However, the higher-load controller is always directly considered as the overloaded controller that need to shift its load to other controllers, even if it has no response time delay. The pursuit of absolute load-balancing effect can also result in frequent network delays and service interruptions. Additionally, if there are several overloaded controllers, just one controller with the maximum load can be addressed within a single load-balancing operation, reducing load-balancing efficiency. To address these problems, we propose SMCLBRT, a load-balancing strategy of multiple SDN controllers based on response time, considering the changing features of real-time response times versus controller loads. By selecting the appropriate response time threshold and dealing with multiple overloading controllers simultaneously, it can well solve load-balancing problem in SDN control plane with multiple overloaded controllers. Simulation experiments exhibit the effectiveness of our scheme.N/

    Lateralization in the dichotic listening of tones is influenced by the content of speech

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    Available online 10 February 2020.Cognitive functions, for example speech processing, are distributed asymmetrically in the two hemispheres that mostly have homologous anatomical structures. Dichotic listening is a well-established paradigm to investigate hemispherical lateralization of speech. However, the mixed results of dichotic listening, especially when using tonal languages as stimuli, complicates the investigation of functional lateralization. We hypothesized that the inconsistent results in dichotic listening are due to an interaction in processing a mixture of acoustic and linguistic attributes that are differentially processed over the two hemispheres. In this study, a within-subject dichotic listening paradigm was designed, in which different levels of speech and linguistic information was incrementally included in different conditions that required the same tone identification task. A left ear advantage (LEA), in contrast with the commonly found right ear advantage (REA) in dichotic listening, was observed in the hummed tones condition, where only the slow frequency modulation of tones was included. However, when phonemic and lexical information was added in simple vowel tone conditions, the LEA became unstable. Furthermore, ear preference became balanced when phonological and lexicalsemantic attributes were included in the consonant-vowel (CV), pseudo-word, and word conditions. Compared with the existing REA results that use complex vowel word tones, a complete pattern emerged gradually shifting from LEA to REA. These results support the hypothesis that an acoustic analysis of suprasegmental information of tones is preferably processed in the right hemisphere, but is influenced by phonological and lexical semantic processes residing in the left hemisphere. The ear preference in dichotic listening depends on the levels of speech and linguistic analysis and preferentially lateralizes across the different hemispheres. That is, the manifestation of functional lateralization depends on the integration of information across the two hemispheres.This study was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China 31871131, Major Program of Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality (STCSM) 17JC1404104, Program of Introducing Talents of Discipline to Universities, Base B16018 to XT, and the JRI Seed Grants for Research Collaboration from NYU-ECNU Institute of Brain and Cognitive Science at NYU Shanghai to XT and QC, and NIH 2R01DC05660 to David Poeppel at New York University supporting NM and AF and F32 DC011985 to AF
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