325 research outputs found


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    Since the adoption of the Basic law of Germany, it doesnā€™t stops the actuality of banning the associations. Political and religious plurality and contemporary political challenges tempt the freedom of association and open society for all the time. As a response to the new social challenges the new cause of banning an association in the Basic law was introduced, in comparison to Weimar Constitution. As a matter of fact, with this, besides criminal justice, the institute of banning associations contains the political element. This is why the institute of banning associations is put on the risky line between defense of the legal order and suppression of democracy. The relation with political trends carries the danger of self-will. To avoid it, banning associations must comprehensively be regulated by clear causes for banning, all because of the principles of Rule of Law. In this way, the legal security for associations will be achieved.Od donoÅ”enja Osnovnog zakona aktuelnost zabrane udruženja ne prestaje. Politički i verski pluralizam i moderni politički izazovi neprestano uskuÅ”avaju slobodu udruživanja i otvoreno druÅ”tvo. Poučeni bolnim iskustvom sa propaŔću vajmarske demokratije, donosioci Osnovnog zakona su propisali nove osnove za zabranu. Time je institut zabrane udruženja pored dotadaÅ”nje krivičnopravne, dobio i novu, delimično političku komponentu. Zbog toga se institut zabrane udruženja nalazi na rizičnom prelazu između odbrane poretka i guÅ”enja demokratije. U radu se analiziraju elementi zabrane udruženja i doprinosi se rasvetljavanju uloge ovog instituta u modernoj Nemačkoj

    Ispitivanje karakteristika sopstvenih i prinudnih oscilacija na terenskom vozilu FAP 2228 sa specijalnom nadgradnjom

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    The paper presents the testing of free and forced oscillations characteristics on FAP 2228 BS/A-45 off-road vehicle. The testing of free oscillations was conducted according to SORS 9127 (Standard of Defense of the Republic of Serbia) in laboratory conditions. The testing of forced oscillations was conducted in the course of driving on various surface paths - the heath in Deliblatska pescara, gravel at the territory of Fruska gora, on concrete surface at the runway of the Kovin airport, as well as on the asphalt surface of Belgrade-Šid highway. The testing was carried out according to SORS 0318 and ISO 2631 standards, and the results were evaluated according to 2002/44/EC Directive.U radu je dat prikaz ispitivanja karakteristika sopstvenih i prinudnih oscilacija terenskog vozila FAP 2228 BS/A-45. Ispitivanje sopstvenih oscilacija vozila obavljeno je prema SORS 9127 u laboratorijskim uslovima. Ispitivanje prinudnih oscilacija vozila obavljeno je vožnjom po stazi - ispresecana ledina, u oblasti Deliblatske peŔčare, ravničarski makadam u oblasti FruŔke gore, po betonskoj podlozi na pisti aerodroma Kovin, kao i po asfaltnoj podlozi autoputa Bgd - Šid. Ispitivanja su obavljena prema SORS 0318 i ISO 2631, a rezultati su ocenjeni prema direktivi 2002/44/EC

    Polyaryletherketone in prosthetic dentistry

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    Potential for improvement of comfort parameters in off-road vehicles of Serbian Armed Forces

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    U radu su prikazani usporedni rezultati ispitivanja parametara udobnosti u kabini terenskog automobila Land Rover Defender. Mjerenja su provedena na dvije varijante vozila 110 GS Hard Top i 110 GS Soft Top ā€“ heavy duty. Testiranja parametara udobnosti obavljena su samo na vojnim terenskim vozilima, ili joÅ” preciznije, na terenskim vozilima koja su u uporabi u Vojsci Srbije. Rezultati obavljenih testiranja nude neke prijedloge za poboljÅ”anje udobnosti vojnih terenskih vozila koja se koriste u Vojsci Srbije. Uspoređeni su elementi udobnosti s aspekta smjeÅ”taja posade, buke, vibracija i efikasnosti grijanja. Dio eksperimenta je obavljen u realnim eksploatacijskim uvjetima, prilikom intenzivne vožnje terenskih vozila na tri odabrane opitne staze, kako bi se osigurala ponovljivost rezultata ispitivanja: ispresijecana ledina (Deliblatska peŔčara), ravničarski makadam (FruÅ”ka gora) i asfaltna podloga (dionica autoputa Beograd ā€“ Zagreb pored Å ida zbog manje frekvencije saobraćaja i kvalitetne podloge). Mjerenja buke i vibracija su obavljena na mjestima vozača, suvozača i članova posade pri strogo definiranim brzinama gibanja vozila. Ispitivanje efikasnosti grijanja u kabini obavljeno je u laboratorijskim uvjetima u hladnoj komori poligona Nikinci pri konstantnoj temperaturi okoline od -16 Ā°C.The paper presents the comparative results of comfort parameter testing inside the cabin of Land Rover Defender off-road vehicles. The measurements were carried out on two vehicle models ā€“ 110 GS Hard Top and 110 GS Soft Top Heavy Duty. Tests on comfort parameters were performed only on the military off-road vehicles, or to be more precise on the military off-road vehicles used by the Serbian Armed Forces. The results of the performed tests offer some suggestions for the improvement of comfort of military off-road vehicles used by the Serbian Armed Forces.The comfort elements have been compared from the aspect of accommodation of the crew, noise, vibrations and heating efficiency. A part of the experiment was performed by intensive driving of these off-road vehicles in real world conditions, on three pre-selected types of terrain surface, in order to ensure the repeatability of the testing results: heath, gravel and asphalt base (a portion of the Belgrade ā€“ Zagreb highway at the territory near Å id was used due to its less frequent traffic and surface quality). Noise and vibration measurements were carried out at the driverā€™s seat, co-driverā€™s seat and other passenger seats under strictly defined vehicle speeds. Testing of the heating efficiency inside the cabin was carried out under laboratory conditions in the cold chamber of the artillery range at Nikinci at a constant ambient temperature of -16 Ā°C

    Praktična obuka studenata u sistemu visokog policijskog obrazovanja Republike Srbije

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    The main institution of law enforcement officers' education in the Republic of Serbia is the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies. The Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies is a higher education institution established by the Decision of the Government of the Republic of Serbia and based on the Law on Higher Education. The Academy has created the study curricula for the requirements of the higher police education. Pursuant to the educational processes, the Academy has made and defined their own concept of practical training for the requirements of the Serbian police which have been approved by the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Serbia. There is a Directorate for Education, Training, Professional Development and Science established within the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Serbia. This organizational unit of the Ministry performs all work related to professional training (both training and further education) of the personnel required by the police, as well as other work of interest in order to create the most suitable educational structure of the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Serbia. The Directorate includes the Basic Police Training Center and the Center for Specialized Training and Professional Development of the Police. In addition to this, the Directorate manages the cooperation between the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Serbia and the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies in Belgrade.Nosilac visokog obrazovanja policijskih službenika u Republici Srbiji je Kriminalističko-policijska akademija. Akademija je ustanova osnovana Odlukom Vlade Srbije, a na osnovu Zakona o visokom obrazovanju. Kriminalističko-policijska akademija realizuje studijske programe za potrebe visokog policijskog obrazovanja. Shodno obrazovnom procesu, Akademija je definisala i izgradila, uz saglasnost Ministarstva unutraŔnjih poslova Republike Srbije (MUP RS), sopstveni koncept praktične obuke za potrebe policije. U okviru Ministarstva unutraŔnjih poslova Republike Srbije posebno mesto zauzima Uprava za stručno obrazovanje, osposobljavanje, usavrŔavanje i nauku. Ta organizaciona jedinica Ministarstva obavlja poslove stručne obuke (osposobljavanja i usavrŔavanja) kadra, koordinacije naučnoistraživačkog rada za potrebe policije, kao i druge poslove od interesa za stvaranje Ŕto povoljnije obrazovne strukture MUP RS. Uprava u svom sastavu ima Centar za osnovnu policijsku obuku i Centar za specijalističku obuku i usavrŔavanje policije. Pored toga, navedena Uprava je nosilac saradnje MUP RS i Kriminalističko-policijske akademije iz Beograda

    Violation of the rules of sport and liability of athletes for damage

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    Povrede sportskih pravila od strane sportista sastavni su deo mnogih sportskih aktivnosti. Nije redak slučaj da kao posledica, usled izvrÅ”ene povrede, nastane Å”teta za jednog od učesnika sportske igre. U vezi sa tim postavlja se pitanje da li oÅ”tećeni ima pravo na naknadu Å”tete, odnosno da li i prema kojim pravilima Å”tetnik odgovara za prouzrokovanu Å”tetu? Moguće reÅ”enje ovog pitanja sadržano je u Zakonu o sportu Republike Srbije. Uz analizu tog reÅ”enja, u članku su izneti teorijski stavovi o kriterijumima koje treba imati u vidu prilikom utvrđivanja odgovornosti, kao i mogući osnovi za isključenje odgovornosti sportista.The breach of sport rules by athletes may be the outcome of many sports activities. Thus, it is not uncommon that as a result of violation of sport rules arise damage for one of the participants in sports activities. With respect of that, question arises whether the injured party is entitled to request compensation for damages, and if so, which rules would be applicable for determining liability of the party who caused a damage? A possible solution to this issue is contained in the Law on Sport of the Republic of Serbia. Along with legal analysis of the respective solution, the article presents theoretical views on the criteria that should be taken into account when determining liability, as well as the possible basis for exclusion of liability of athletes

    Homonimija i polisemija na primerima engleskog jezika policijske struke

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    The aim of this paper is to present what homonymy and polysemy are and how difficult it is in some cases to distinguish clearlz between the two. Both linguists and lexicographers have difficulties in classification of these semantic categories. What are the criteria that differentiate between polysemy and homonymy? In what was do dictionary editors classify a word into these two categories? The students of English for Specific (ESP) (or in our case English for Police - EPP) Purposes are often faced with many learning problems, especially with respect to vocabulary. For non-native ESP (EPP) learners the most problematic element of comprehending scientific and technical texts is a set of vocabulary items that has been variously labeled as sub-technical, nont-technical and semi-technical. This set is commonly said to be shared across academic disciplines and to be context-dependent. This is also where our semantic categories of homonymy and polysemy belong to. The paper also presents the examples of homonymy and polysemy in English for Police Purposes.Cilj ovog rada je da predstavi Å”ta su homonimija i polisemija i koliko je u pojedinim slučajevima teÅ”ko napraviti jasnu razliku između dva pojma. I lingvisti i leksikografi sa teÅ”koćom klasifikuju ove semantičke kategorije. Koji su kriterijumi za određivanje razlike između polisemije i homonimije? Na koji način urednici rečnika klasifikuju reč u jednu od dve kategorije? Oni koji uče engleski jezik za posebnu struku (ili u naÅ”em slučaju engleski jezik policijske struke) često se suočavaju sa mnogim problemima, naročito u vokabularu. Onima kojima engleski jezik nije maternji najproblematičniji deo razumevanja stručnih tekstova jeste poseban skup jedinica vokabulara koji smo u radu nazvali polustručnim vokabularom. Reči iz ovog skupa često se mogu naći u nekoliko različitih akademskih disciplina i zavise od konteksta. U ovu grupu spadaju i naÅ”e semantičke kategorije homonimije i polisemije. U radu su takođe navedeni konkretni primeri homonimije i polisemije koji se mogu pronaći u engleskom jeziku policijske struke

    Structural requirements for ligands of the delta-opioid receptor

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    The delta-opioid receptor is sensitive to ligand geometry. In order to assist the synthesis of new delta-selective opioid ligands, the structure elements of delta-selective opioid ligands necessary for their effective binding were investigated. The automated docking procedure with a flexible ligand was used to simulate the binding of 17 delta-selective ligands to the delta-receptor. It was found that voluminous N-alkyl groups reduce the binding potency of naltrindole derivatives by preventing the ligands from adopting the preferred conformation in the receptor. This was confirmed by enantiospecific binding of chiral compounds where only one enantiomer adopts the naltrindole-like preferred conformation in the binding pocket. Voluminous groups replacing the hydroxyl group in the 3-hydroxybenzyl fragment of naltrindole analogs reduce the binding potency due to unfavorable steric interactions with the receptor. The two diastereoisomers of the potent delta-opioid ligand SNC80 confirmed the preferred binding conformation and the major receptor-ligand interactions
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