
Since the adoption of the Basic law of Germany, it doesn’t stops the actuality of banning the associations. Political and religious plurality and contemporary political challenges tempt the freedom of association and open society for all the time. As a response to the new social challenges the new cause of banning an association in the Basic law was introduced, in comparison to Weimar Constitution. As a matter of fact, with this, besides criminal justice, the institute of banning associations contains the political element. This is why the institute of banning associations is put on the risky line between defense of the legal order and suppression of democracy. The relation with political trends carries the danger of self-will. To avoid it, banning associations must comprehensively be regulated by clear causes for banning, all because of the principles of Rule of Law. In this way, the legal security for associations will be achieved.Od donošenja Osnovnog zakona aktuelnost zabrane udruženja ne prestaje. Politički i verski pluralizam i moderni politički izazovi neprestano uskušavaju slobodu udruživanja i otvoreno društvo. Poučeni bolnim iskustvom sa propašću vajmarske demokratije, donosioci Osnovnog zakona su propisali nove osnove za zabranu. Time je institut zabrane udruženja pored dotadašnje krivičnopravne, dobio i novu, delimično političku komponentu. Zbog toga se institut zabrane udruženja nalazi na rizičnom prelazu između odbrane poretka i gušenja demokratije. U radu se analiziraju elementi zabrane udruženja i doprinosi se rasvetljavanju uloge ovog instituta u modernoj Nemačkoj

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