1,300 research outputs found

    A Simflowny-based high-performance 3D code for the generalized induction equation

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    In the interior of neutron stars, the induction equation regulates the long-term evolution of the magnetic fields by means of resistivity, Hall dynamics and ambipolar diffusion. Despite the apparent simplicity and compactness of the equation, the dynamics it describes is not trivial and its understanding relies on accurate numerical simulations. While a few works in 2D have reached a mature stage and a consensus on the general dynamics at least for some simple initial data, only few attempts have been performed in 3D, due to the computational costs and the need for a proper numerical treatment of the intrinsic non-linearity of the equation. Here, we carefully analyze the general induction equation, studying its characteristic structure, and we present a new Cartesian 3D code, generated by the user-friendly, publicly available {\em Simflowny} platform. The code uses high-order numerical schemes for the time and spatial discretization, and relies on the highly-scalable {\em SAMRAI} architecture for the adaptive mesh refinement. We present the application of the code to several benchmark tests, showing the high order of convergence and accuracy achieved and the capabilities in terms of magnetic shock resolution and three-dimensionality. This paper paves the way for the applications to a realistic, 3D long-term evolution of neutron stars interior and, possibly, of other astrophysical sources.Comment: 23 pages, 13 figures. In pres

    Edad, crecimiento y reproducción de Gobio gobio L. (Pisces, Cyprinidae) en un tramo regulado del río Segura (SE de España)

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    The age, growth and reproduction of Gobio gobio, were studied during a period of two years in a section of the Segura River regulated by the effect of a small upstream hydroelectric power station. A total of 254 specimens were caught monthly by electrofishing. The studied population showed a maximum of six age classes in females (0+–5+) and five in males (1+–5+). All females were mature at 2+ age class, whereas only 62.5% 2+ males showed mature gonads. During the studied period, both sexes showed maximum values of Gonadosomatic Index in May and spawn was different between the two studied periods. Compared with other populations, the studied population from a regulated locality is characterized by a non–seasonal body condition cycle and low captures of juvenile fish (0+, 1+) probably due to the effect of washing produced by drastic and unpredictable flow changes.La edad, crecimiento y reproducción de Gobio gobio, ha sido estudiada a lo largo de dos años en un tramo del río Segura regulado por una pequeña central hidroeléctrica. Mediante pesca eléctrica fueron capturados, mensualmente, un total de 254 ejemplares. Las hembras presentaron seis clases de edad (0+–5+) mientras que los machos presentaron cinco clases (1+–5+). Todas las hembras de clase de edad 2+ resultaron maduras mientras que los machos 2+ resultaron maduros en un 62,5% de los casos. Durante el periodo de estudio, ambos sexos presentaron los máximos valores del Índice Gonadosomático durante los meses de mayo aunque el desove resultó diferente entre los dos periodos estudiados. En comparación con otras poblaciones, la población estudiada en un tramo regulado del río se caracteriza por no presentar un ciclo estacional en la condición somática y bajas capturas de ejemplares juveniles (0+, 1+) debido, probablemente, al efecto de lavado provocado por los drásticos e impredecibles cambios en el caudal

    Perfect imaging with geodesic waveguides

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    Transformation optics is used to prove that a spherical waveguide filled with an isotropic material with radial refractive index n=1/r has radial polarized modes (i.e. the electric field has only radial component) with the same perfect focusing properties as the Maxwell Fish-Eye lens. The approximate version of that device using a thin waveguide with a homogenous core paves the way to experimentally prove perfect imaging in the Maxwell Fish Eye lens

    Edad y crecimiento de Barbus graellsii Steindachner, 1866 y Chondrostoma miegii, Steindachner, 1866 (Pisces, Cyprinidae) en el río Cinca (cuenca hidrográfica del Ebro, NE España)

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    The age and growth of two endemic cyprinids from the lberian peninsula were studied for one year in a stretch of the Cinca River. There were caught by electrofishing 279 individuals of B. graellsii and 189 individuals of Ch. miegii. lmmature specimens of both species were not caught probably due to their migratory behaviour during the reproductive period. B. graellsii presented a maximum of 11 age classes in both sexes. Female Ch. miegii live for 8 years and males seven years. Growth was allometric in B. graellsii specimens whereas Ch. miegii showed isometric growth. Females were longer than males in both species. B. graellsii females showed higher growth rates than males whereas Ch. miegii showed similar growth rates between sexes. B. graellsii males showed a significant increase in condition before the reproductive period and a decrease in condition during this period, while females only showed a significant decrease in condition in July. Ch. miegii females presented dynamics of condition very similar to B. graellsii males. Key words: Age, Growth, Cyprinidae, Barbus graellsii, Chondrostoma miegii.The age and growth of two endemic cyprinids from the lberian peninsula were studied for one year in a stretch of the Cinca River. There were caught by electrofishing 279 individuals of B. graellsii and 189 individuals of Ch. miegii. lmmature specimens of both species were not caught probably due to their migratory behaviour during the reproductive period. B. graellsii presented a maximum of 11 age classes in both sexes. Female Ch. miegii live for 8 years and males seven years. Growth was allometric in B. graellsii specimens whereas Ch. miegii showed isometric growth. Females were longer than males in both species. B. graellsii females showed higher growth rates than males whereas Ch. miegii showed similar growth rates between sexes. B. graellsii males showed a significant increase in condition before the reproductive period and a decrease in condition during this period, while females only showed a significant decrease in condition in July. Ch. miegii females presented dynamics of condition very similar to B. graellsii males. Key words: Age, Growth, Cyprinidae, Barbus graellsii, Chondrostoma miegii.The age and growth of two endemic cyprinids from the lberian peninsula were studied for one year in a stretch of the Cinca River. There were caught by electrofishing 279 individuals of B. graellsii and 189 individuals of Ch. miegii. lmmature specimens of both species were not caught probably due to their migratory behaviour during the reproductive period. B. graellsii presented a maximum of 11 age classes in both sexes. Female Ch. miegii live for 8 years and males seven years. Growth was allometric in B. graellsii specimens whereas Ch. miegii showed isometric growth. Females were longer than males in both species. B. graellsii females showed higher growth rates than males whereas Ch. miegii showed similar growth rates between sexes. B. graellsii males showed a significant increase in condition before the reproductive period and a decrease in condition during this period, while females only showed a significant decrease in condition in July. Ch. miegii females presented dynamics of condition very similar to B. graellsii males. Key words: Age, Growth, Cyprinidae, Barbus graellsii, Chondrostoma miegii

    Contextual intelligence and expertise in soccer

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    Para los entrenadores la inteligencia en el juego es uno de los intangibles que predicen el éxito en la competición. De ahí que el objetivo de este estudio fuera analizar la percepción que jugadores de fútbol de diferente nivel de pericia tenían de su inteligencia para el juego. Se aplicó el Cuestionario de Inteligencia Contextual en el Deporte (ICD) que evalúa tres dimensiones: Inteligencia Anticipatoria, Inteligencia Táctica e Inteligencia Competitiva. En este estudio participaron 690 jugadores de fútbol de diferente nivel competitivo. Los resultados mostrarion que a medida que aumentaba el nivel competitivo se incrementaba la percepción de los jugadores sobre su inteligencia contextual. Este estudio confirma el papel que para los jugadores posee el sentirse competentes para solucionar los problemas tácticos de su deporte y que este sentimiento aumenta con su nivel de competencia.Coaches consider that game intelligence is one of the main elements that can predict success in competition. The objective of this study was to analize the perceptions that soccer players of different level of expertise had about their intelligence in the field. The Contextual Intelligence Questionnaire (ICD) was applied to a sample of spanish soccer players. This instrument evaluate three dimensions: Anticipatory intelligence, Tactical Intelligence and Competitive Intelligence. Six hundred and ninety of spanish soccer players of different level of expertise, participated in this study. Results showed that this self-perception increased with the level of players. This study confirmed the relevance of feeling able of solving tactical problems in the game, and how this feeling increase with the level of expertise.El presente estudio se pudo llevar a cabo gracias a la ayuda a la investigación concedida por la Cátedra Real Madrid- Universidad Europea de Madrid en su convocatoria 201

    Light intensity enhancement by diffracting structures in solar cells

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    A simplified three-dimensional study is presented of the light confinement, that is, of the enhancement of the Poynting vector of the electromagnetic radiation of the light inside a solar cell absorbing the light weakly when diffracting structures are used. The model is based on the theory of periodic radiation arrays and is easily applied to one- and two-dimensional diffraction gratings. Realistically wide illumination bundles are considered. The extended nature of illumination severely limits the enhancement capabilities of diffraction structures. Results are compared to those of the more widely used Lambertian light confinement

    Taxonomic key of nymphs of Ephemeroptera (Insecta) from southeastern Peru

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    Ephemeroptera es un orden de insectos cuyas etapas inmaduras cumplen un importante papel ecológico en los ecosistemas acuáticos. Sin embargo, el conocimiento de su diversidad en áreas tropicales aún es escaso. Específicamente, en el Perú se han reportado 64 especies pertenecientes a 35 géneros y ocho familias. En este estudio se presenta una clave taxonómica para la determinación de géneros de ninfas de Ephemeroptera de la vertiente suroriental de los Andes del Perú. Las ninfas revisadas fueron recolectadas en las quebradas de los departamentos de Cusco y Madre de Dios, dentro de un gradiente altitudinal de 180 – 4411 m, en los años 2012, 2013, 2015 y 2017. Se utilizaron tres metodologías de muestreo: recolección manual, red Surber y colonización de paquetes de hojas. Se reconocieron 48 géneros de ocho familias en 36 quebradas dentro de este gradiente. Seis géneros son nuevos registros para el Perú: Prebaetodes, Zelusia, Meridialaris, Tricorythopsis, Homoeoneuria y Hubbardipes.Ephemeroptera is an insect order of whose immature stages play an important ecological role in aquatic ecosystems. However, its diversity knowledge in tropical areas is scarce. In particular, only 64 species of 35 genera and eight families have been reported in Peru. In this work, we provide a general key of Ephemeroptera nymphs for southeastern Peru. Nymphs were collected from streams of Cusco and Madre de Dios departments, within an altitudinal gradient of 180 – 4411 m, in 2012, 2013, 2015 and 2017 years. The samples were obtained by manual collection, using a Surber net and by colonization of leaf packs. We recognized 48 genera within eight families, coming from 36 streams within the gradient. Six genera are new records to Peru: Prebaetodes, Zelusia, Meridialaris, Tricorythopsis, Homoeoneuria and Hubbardipes