2,884 research outputs found

    ATLAS Strips Upgrade

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    It is foreseen to increase the luminosity of the LHC at CERN around 2020 by about an order of magnitude (SLHC). The ATLAS experiment will require a new particle tracking system for SLHC operation in order to cope with the increase in background events by about one order of magnitude at the higher luminosity. , an all silicon detector with enhanced radiation hardness is being designed. A massive R&D programme, involving many particles physics groups and several leadings manufacturers of silicon detectors for particle physics, is underway to develop silicon sensors with sufficient radiation hardness. In this framework new sensor materials like p-type silicon and the 3D technology are investigated. In parallel, the SCT commissioning experience has taught us to look into alternative module concepts, in which higher levels of integration are combined with the modularity of the SCT approach. We will report on the status of the R&D projects on radiation hard silicon strip detectors for particle physics, linked to the SLHC upgrade of the ATLAS microstrip detector

    An application of the SMS method for imaging designs.

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    The Simultaneous Multiple Surface (SMS) method in planar geometry (2D) is applied to imaging designs, generating lenses that compare well with aplanatic designs. When the merit function utilizes image quality over the entire field (not just paraxial), the SMS strategy is superior. In fact, the traditional aplanatic approach is actually a particular case of the SMS strateg

    Free-form optics for Fresnel-lens-based photovoltaic concentrators

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    The Concentrated Photovoltaics (CPV) promise relies upon the use of high-efficiency triple-junction solar cells (with proven efficiencies of over 44%) and upon high-performance optics that allow for high concentration concurrent with relaxed manufacturing tolerances (all key elements for low-cost mass production). Additionally, uniform illumination is highly desirable for efficiency and reliability reasons. All of these features have to be achieved with inexpensive optics containing only a few (in general no more than 2) optical elements. In this paper we show that the degrees of freedom using free-forms allow the introduction of multiple functionalities required for CPV with just 2 optical elements, one of which is a Fresnel lens

    Estudio de la integración de la sostenibilidad en grados de ingeniería industrial

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    Antecedentes: Tras la adaptación al EEES, todos los grados relacionados con la ingeniería industrial incluyen competencias relacionadas con las distintas dimensiones de la sostenibilidad. Método: Con el fin de conocer su nivel de integración real en la docencia, hemos analizado los planes de estudio de 25 universidades españolas, identificando las asignaturas que incluían dichas competencias no sólo en sus guías docentes, sino también en sus temarios, opciones metodológicas y criterios de evaluación. Resultados: Los resultados muestran una gran diversidad entre universidades en el enfoque y el nivel de integración de la sostenibilidad. Se ha observado un desequilibrio entre la presencia de los aspectos económicos y ambientales frente a los sociales y éticos, así como carencias en la visión holística de la sostenibilidad y de espacios para la reflexión. No obstante, se han identificado buenas prácticas que pueden ser de gran ayuda para afrontar dichos retos. Conclusiones: El estudio realizado muestra que es posible integrar la sostenibilidad de forma holística y sistemática en el actual marco académico, pero queda mucho por hacer. Como factores clave a potenciar se destacan la implicación institucional, la formación y compromiso del profesorado, así como la evaluación interna y externa. ABSTRACT: Background: After the Bologna process, every industrial engineering degree program in Spain includes competences related to the different dimensions of sustainability. Methodology: In order to know their level of real integration in teaching, we have analysed the curricula of 25 Spanish universities, identifying the courses that include in fact such competences in their syllabus, methodological options and evaluation criteria. Results: The results show that there are not many examples of holistic and systematic approaches to sustainability and a lack of spaces for reflection has been observed. However, we have identified some good practices that can be of great help to deal with these challenges in the present framework of the Spanish universities. Conclussions: The study shows that the current academic framework provides opportunities to integrate sustainability in a holistic and systematic way. Some key factors are considered such as institutional commitment, teacher’s training and internal and external evaluation

    C’est la faute à Le Corbusier!: théâtre radieux de Louise Doutreligne

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    C’est la faute à Le Corbusier! est une oeuvre récente de Louise Doutreligne, qui met en scène un débat d’actualité sur l’architecture et l’urbanisme, tenant compte de leurs implications sociales et politiques. L’auteure a écrit cette oeuvre à l’écoute des populations touchées par la dégradation de leur habitat et leur logement. L’examen de la figure de Le Corbusier est fondamental dans cette pièce d’un langage dramatique particulier, caractérisé par le débat pluriel et influencé lui-même par les conceptions de cet architecte.Mots-clefs: Théâtre ; XXIe siècle ; Architecture ; Le Corbusier ; Femme. C’est la faute à Le Corbusier! is a recent play by Louise Doutreligne, which stages a topical debate on architecture and urban planning, taking into account their social and political implications. The author has written this play keeping in mind those dwellers who have been affected by the degradation of their habitat and accommodation. The examination of the figure of Le Corbusier is essential in this work distinguished by a particular dramatic language, characterized by its plural debate and influenced itself by the designs of this architect. Keywords: Theatre; 21st Century; Architecture, Le Corbusier; Woman

    Les Séductions espagnoles de Louise Doutreligne

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    Louise Doutreligne, dramaturge contemporaine, a récemment réédité une partie de ses oeuvres avec le titre de Séductions espagnoles. Six oeuvres, avec une septième annoncée (La novice et le jésuite) révèlent son intérêt pour la culture espagnole et montrent ses différentes modalités d'inspiration et d'écriture : à partir du théâtre classique espagnol (à titre d'exemple : Don Juan d'origine, inspirée de Tirso de Molina), du roman contemporain espagnol (Signé Pombo, inspirée de Vázquez Montalbán) ou de la littérature française de thème espagnol (Carmen la nouvelle, inspirée de Mérimée). Les Séductions espagnoles diffusent la culture espagnole en se fondant non pas sur un exotisme déformateur mais sur une connaissance passionnée. Les oeuvres adoptent fréquemment une structure de théâtre dans le théâtre qui non seulement rapproche le référent espagnol du spectateur contemporain français, mais constitue aussi un élément fondamental pour la quête de sens, permettant à l'auteur de se distancier, voire de critiquer ses source
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