3,677 research outputs found

    An Introduction to the CenPRIS Ocean Research Cluster ‐ ORES

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    The initial main theme of CenPRIS’s ocean research cluster is “connecting oceans” - an allusion to CenPRIS’s eventual focus on the Straits of Malacca as a body of water or maritime space that connects its littoral states - Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore - with the larger ocean space, the Indian Ocean. Focusing on the maritime potential of nations represents the other principal component of CenPRIS’s ocean research cluster. The development of the “CenPRIS Ocean Index” will measure the level of utilisation of a nation’s maritime resources and act as a policy planning instrument within Malaysia’s new Ocean Policy. Another research project under the cluster will examine the development of Penang as a knowledge hub in the Straits of Malacca region. A third project that will build upon the two research frameworks is on the governance of ethnic and bio-diversity along the Straits of Malacca, examining in greater detail the importance of sea passageways. For the governance of diversity, the participation of the natural sciences - marine biologists, oceanographers and other scientists - will bring more depth to a complex field that demands an interdisciplinary approach.ocean research; maritime economy; maritime resources; shipping; CenPRIS ocean index; Malaysia; Indonesia; Singapore

    Hermeneutika dalam perspektif Martin Heidegger

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    Madaniah Al-Munawarah dan masyarakat madani (civil society)

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    Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia “Environment of Strategic Human Resourceâ€

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    Dalam kondisi perubahan lingkungan bisnis yang semakin cepat, setiap organisasi dituntut untuk memiliki daya serap dan daya tanggap yang lebih tinggi. Tanpa kemampuan untuk melakukan transformasi diri secara terus menerus, sebuah organisasi berisiko tertinggal, dan kemudian bangkrut. Metode penelitian yang penulis gunakan adalah Metode Deskriptif dengan jenis Penelitian Kualitatif. Pemerintah dan pelaku bisnis harus siap menghadapinya dengan menyiapkan strategi bisnis dan terutama sumber daya manusia agar kita bisa bersaing di skala dunia.Kata Kunci : Manajemen, Sumber Daya Manusi

    Karakteristik Tafsir al-Jawâhir al-Hisân fî Tafsîr al-Qur`ân al-Karîm Karya Imam al-Tsa’alibi

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    This study discusses the characteristics of the book of interpretation of al-Jawâhir al-Hisân FÎ TafsÎr al-Qur`ân al-KarÎm by Imam al-Tsa'alibi. For this reason, this study aims to find out about the general profile of the author of the book, the background of writing, the method and style of interpretation, and the feature it has. This research is descriptive-analytical literature research. The primary source used is the book of Tafsir al-Tsa'alibi with the title al-Jawâhir al-Hisân FÎ Tafsr Al-Qur`ânil KarÎm and literature related to this discussion as secondary sources. The results showed that the book of Tafsir al-Jawâhir al-Hisân was the work of Abu Zaid, Abdurrahman bin Muhammad bin Makhluf al-Tsa'alibi, al-Jaza'iri, al-Maliki. Born in 786 H and died in 875 H. This interpretation uses the tahlili method and does not have a special feature that stands out, because all aspects and problem areas are well discussed and relatively balanced in interpretation. In addition, the specialty of this book also lies in systematic writing which is easy to read and understand because it is systematically arranged in a language that is not difficult and suitable for consumption by many people


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    Penelitian ini adalah penelitian neuropragmatik di mana kajian yang menggabungkan interdisiplin ilmu antara neurolinguistik dan pragmatik. Penelitian ini bertujuan mencari Hemisfer yang terganggu pada komentator-komentator di Media Diskusi Rakyat yang terjadi pada jaringan Media Diskusi Rakyat yang diterbitkan di jaringan sosial facebook. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pengumpulan data “baca dan teknik catat” yang dikemukakan oleh Sudaryanto. Kemudian untuk menganalisa data ini, penulis menggunakan metode kontribusi/agih dan dilanjutkan dengan teknik bagi unsur langsung. Selanjutnya penulis menemukan gangguan hemisfer kanan pada kommentator Media Diskusi Rakyat pada media sosial facebook
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