76 research outputs found

    Principio democratico e partecipazione alla decisione pubblica

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    L’articolo espone alcuni itinerari attraverso i quali il principio costituzionale della partecipazione, pensato dal Costituente con maggiore attenzione all’attività politica, si è gradualmente esteso anche all’attività amministrativa, a misura che l’evoluzione dell’ordinamento italiano ha tolto centralità alla mediazione partitica e al circuito rappresentativo. L’articolo si sofferma brevemente su alcune forme di partecipazione all’attività amministrativa, evidenziando come non sempre essa dia luogo al pieno dispiegamento del principio democratico.The article shows the route through which the constitutional princile of participation, once mainly referred to political activity, has gradually involved the administrative process too, to the extent that the centrality of political parties and representative legitimacy have decreased. The article also shortly considers some types of administrative participation and highlights that they do not always imply a full development of democratic principles

    Giusto procedimento e tutela dei diritti. Riflessioni a margine della giurisprudenza CEDU in rapporto alle tradizioni costituzionali nazionali

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    Il contributo esplora il rapporto tra le garanzie dei diritti in sede giurisdizionale e, rispettivamente, in sede amministrativa. La questione è affrontata sotto il profilo teorico e dogmatico. Per quest’ultimo, l’attenzione si focalizza sul diritto all’equo processo di cui all’art. 6 della Cedu e sui termini della sua estensione al procedimento amministrativo. L’analisi è condotta avendo riguardo al rapporto tra la giurisprudenza della Cedu e la tradizione costituzionale italiana, caratterizzata dalla centralità della giurisdizione nella tutela dei diritti. In particolare, è posta la questione dell’evoluzione dell’ordinamento costituzionale italiano, su spinta della Cedu, nella direzione di una maggiore valorizzazione delle garanzie procedimentali in campo amministrativo in luogo di quelle processuali

    Simulation and measurement of quasi-optical multipliers

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    Design and Experimental Characterization of a Combined WPT - PLC System

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    In this contribution, the authors perform the design and show the experimental results relative to a prototype of a combined wireless power transfer (WPT)–power line communications (PLC) system, in which the WPT channel is interfaced to a PLC environment to allow data transfer when the cabled connection is no longer available. The main rationale behind this idea stays in the fact that PLC communication is now a popular choice to enable communications, for instance, in smart grids and in home automation, while WPT devices start to be available in the market (i.e. for mobile phones) and soon they will be a reality also for higher power (i.e. vehicle battery charging). In particular, theoretical insights about the requirements of the system are given; a two coils system has been implemented and a measurement campaign, together with simulations, show that the system is of great potentiality and could be used in applications where both wireless power and data transfer are needed (such as vehicles battery charging), achieving maximum power transfer and good data rate in order to transmit high-speed signals

    L'attività statutaria, legislativa e regolamentare della Regione Calabria nella VIII legislatura (2005-2010)

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    Il lavoro analizza non solo il procedimento ma anche le caratteristiche e i principi fondamentali contenuti all’interno dello Statuto, nonché l’assetto istituzionale della Regione Calabria attraverso l’analisi particolarmente approfondita dei principali organi istituzionali, Consiglio Regionale, Presidente della Giunta e Giunta Regionale. Lo scritto prosegue attraverso l’analisi della legge elettorale approvata dalla Regione Calabria nel 2010, approvata all’unanimità e come nuova legge elettorale sostitutiva della precedente del 2005 abolisce, come è noto, il “listino bloccato”. Il lavoro prosegue con una indagine sul numero e sulla tipologia delle leggi approvate nella VIII legislatura. Nella seconda parte del saggio, è fornita una rassegna completa del contenzioso costituzionale della regione calabria avente ad oggetto atti legislativi. Sono sintetizzati gli estremi e i contenuti dei processi costituzionali, sia quelli definiti dalla Corte, sia quelli pendenti alla data della stesura del saggio. Infine, il lavoro si chiude con una rassegna di tutti i regolamenti posti in essere dalla Regione Calabria nella legislatura in esame.This paper analyzes not only the process but also the characteristics and principles contained in the Statute, as well as the institutional structure of the Calabria region particularly through in-depth analysis of the main institutional bodies, the Regional Council, and President of the Regional Council. The paper continues by analyzing the electoral law adopted by the Region of Calabria in 2010, and was unanimously approved as the new replacement of the previous electoral law of 2005 abolished, as is well known, the "blocked list". The work continues with a survey on the number and type of laws passed in the legislature VIII. The second part of the essay provides a complete report of the constitutional processes concerning the Region's legislative acts that were issued in the legislaure VIII . A synthesis is given of the content both of the processes already decided and of those still pending. The work is concluded with a report of all the regulations issued by the Region during the legislature

    Design of a patch antenna with thermo-electric generator and solar cell for hybrid energy harvesting

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    The design and the radiation performances of performances of a novel hybrid Energy Harvesting ( Energy Harvesting (Energy Harvesting (EH ) and wireless communication system based on a quarter-wave patch wave patch antenna with integrated modules for EH applications are documented in this paper. A Thermo-Electric Generator (TEG) and a Solar Cell (SC) are used in order toare used in order to harvest concurrently thermal and solar energy providing a hybrid EH system system system. The antenna, with the harvesting modules harvesting modules stacked on it, operates in the the the Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) frequency band 2.4-2.48 GHz showing a reflection coefficient below the -10 dB and a maximum gain of about 2.6 dB. The antenna can be used for wireless of about 2.6 dB. The antenna can be used for wireless of about 2.6 dB. The antenna can be used for wireless of about 2.6 dB. The antenna can be used for wireless of about 2.6 dB. The antenna can be used for wireless of about 2.6 dB. The antenna can be used for wireless of about 2.6 dB. The antenna can be used for wireless of about 2.6 dB. The antenna can be used for wireless of about 2.6 dB. The antenna can be used for wireless communication or, alternatively, to perform Electro-Magnetic (EM) energy scavenging by mounting a voltage rectifier at its terminals

    Performance analysis of a ultra-compact low-power rectenna in paper substrate for RF energy harvesting

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    In this paper the experimental results of a compact low-power rectenna in paper substrate, designed to operate in the Wi-Fi band, are presented. The complete prototype, based on an annular slot antenna and a single-diode rectifier, features a weight of 1.5 grams and shows an RF-to-dc conversion efficiency in the design band of about 40 % for a -10 dBm available input power, of about 28 % at -15 dBm, and in the range [10, 22] % at -20 dBm, corresponding to an output DC voltage in the order of 320, 240 and 60 mV respectively. Additionally, the rectenna features an efficiency higher then 7 % in the whole band 1.8-2.7 dBm for a power density estimated around 3 μW/cm2.Grant numbers : The work was supported by the EU COST Action IC1301 WiPE (Wireless Power Transmission for sustainable Electronics). © 2017 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works

    Innovative RFID Sensors for Internet of Things Applications

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    Radio-Frequency IDentification (RFID) devices and sensors are among the main innovations of the last years, with an enormous impact on the Internet of Things (IoT) physical communication layer as well as on logistics and robotics. The aim of the present paper is to review the main technologies available for RFID sensors, and to identify the corresponding state-of-the-art when these technologies are applied to realistic IoT scenarios. Firstly, the concepts of radio backscattering and harmonic backscattering are analyzed, highlighting the pros and cons of each approach. Then, state-of-the-art solutions are reported, and the performance of each of them are discussed, to provide an overview of the potential of RFID-based sensing in different scenarios