21 research outputs found

    Relationship between Grazing Jaw Movements and Time Per Bite in Cattle: Effect of Sward Structure and Grazing Methods

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    The time per bite is the result of the interaction between mouth morphology, animal behaviour and sward structure (Laca et al. 1994). The time per bite increases with bite mass (Laca et al. 1994), but it has a constant component that is the time required to open and close the jaws, namely, the time required for one jaw movement (Hirata et al. 2010, Newman et al. 1994). In this experiment we tested the hypothesis that the time per jaw movement will remain constant independently of sward structure and grazing method

    Management Targets to Maximize Short-Term Herbage Intake Rate

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    Besides grazing, the animals carry a host of other essential activities to their survival, such as rumination, vigilance and idling, and these activities compete with each other in the animal’s daily time (Fonseca et al. 2012). Therefore, any management action that provides an increase in forage intake rate, with a consequent reduction in the time necessary to achieve the daily nutrient requirements, is essential for an animal product-ion success. In this study, four experiments were performed based upon the hypothesis that different sward structures, formed by distinct sward surface heights (SSH) and levels of grazing down influence the short-term herbage intake rate (STIR)

    Handling Time and Bite Mass Mechanisms in Large Herbivores: Contrasts between Sward Structure and Grazing Methods

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    Grazing is a time-dependent process where jaw movements of prehension, handling and chewing compete with them (Laca et al. 1994; Ungar et al. 2006). The grazing efficiency is dependent of bite mass and time per bite. Bite mass has been related to sward structure by forage height, structural components (Cangiano et al. 2002). In rotational stocking this effect becomes more pronounced, especially under high grazing down levels. Consequently, there is a progressive reduction in short-term intake rate (Fonseca et al. in press). New management targets should be proposed based on the predominant influence of sward structure in short-term intake rate by grazing animals (Carvalho et al. 2007). We hypothesise that intake potential of animals grazing tropical pastures will be reduced due to higher constraints in bite formation when compared to temperate pastures. This study aimed to investigate the intake process of heifers under the influence of different sward heights and grazing down levels in two contrasting - tropical and temperate - forage species

    Sward Management Targets in Natural Grasslands of Southern Brazil

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    The relationship between environment, plant and animal is one of the most important focuses in the ecological and productive context of natural grasslands. The limited knowledge of the complexity of this environment can lead to inappropriate management strategies, determining degradation, biodiversity and productivity losses. This study is based on the concept that the best way to conserve natural grasslands is through adequate management targets. This study aimed to identify sward management targets that maximize productivity in natural grasslands of Southern Brazil

    Data from: Mechanisms and implications of a type IV functional response for short-term intake rate of dry matter in large mammalian herbivores

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    1. The functional response (i.e. the relationship between consumers’ intake rate and resource density) is central in plant-herbivore interactions. Its shape and the biological processes leading to it have significant implications for both foraging theory and ecology of grazing systems. 2. A type IV functional response (i.e. dome-shaped relationship) of short-term intake rate of dry matter (intake while grazing) has rarely been reported for large herbivores and the conditions that can lead to it are poorly understood. 3. We report a type IV functional response observed in heifers grazing monocultures of Cynodon sp. and Avena strigosa. The mechanisms and consequences of this type of functional response for grazed system dynamics are discussed. 4. Intake rate was higher at intermediate than at short or tall sward heights in both grass species. The type IV functional response resulted from changes in bite mass instead of a longer time needed to encounter and process bites. Thus, the decrease of intake rate of dry matter in tall swards is not explained by a shift from process 3 (potential bites are concentrated and apparent) to process 2 (potential bites are apparent but dispersed, Spalinger & Hobbs 1992). Bite mass was smaller in tall than in intermediate swards due to a reduction of bite volume possibly caused by the greater proportion of stem and sheath acting as a physical barrier to bite formation. 5. It is generally accepted that potential bites are abundant and apparent in most grassland and meadow systems, as they were in the present experiments. Therefore, a type IV response of intake rate not directly related to digestive constraints may determine the dynamics of intake and defoliation under a much larger set of conditions than previously thought. These results have implications for foraging theory and stability of grazing systems. For example, if animals prefer patches of intermediate stature that yield the highest intake rate, grazing should lead to the widely observed bimodal distribution of plant mass per unit area, even when tall patches are not of significantly lower digestive quality than the pasture average

    Functional response for short-term intake rate of dry matter in heifers

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    This file contains the data of the short-term intake rate of dry matter experiment published in Mezzalira et al. 2017, Journal of Animal Ecology. The objective of the study is to understand the mechanisms and implication of the type 4 functional response (dome-shaped) observed in this experiment. The readme file contains description of the variables present in the data file

    Forage Allowance as a Target of Grazing Management: Implications on Grazing Time and Forage Searching

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    This work aimed to evaluate the following hypotheses: 1) the daily grazing time (GT) and 2) forage searching are more associated with the sward structure than with the levels of daily forage allowance (FA). To this end we proposed a model that was tested through an analysis of the sward structure, grazing time, and displacement in grazing by heifers on the natural grassland of the Pampa Biome (southern Brazil), which has been managed by FA levels since 1986. For three seasons, between January 2009 and February 2010, we evaluated the effect of FA on the main descriptors of the sward structure (herbage mass, sward height, and tussocks frequency) and the effect of these on the GT, displacement rate (DR), and daily displacement (D) in grazing. The data were analyzed with the use of regression and descriptive analyses from three-dimensional contour graphs withthe data of the sward structure and GT. The DR was not associated with the FA levels or sward structure; however, the DR presented a positive linear relationship with the D and GT. The incremental change in the GT was accompanied by an increase in the D. Lastly, independently of the level of the FA and season evaluated, the lower values of GT were always associated with the following structural configuration: forage mass between 1 400 and 2 200 kg DM ha-1, sward height between 9 and 13 cm, and tussock levels not exceeding 35%. Outside these limits, a penalty occurred in the GT and displacement patterns of the heifers. We found evidence that a better understanding of the cause-effect relationships between the sward structure and the ingestive behavior of the animals demonstrates the possibility of increasing the performance of domestic herbivores with important economic and ecological consequences./El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar las siguientes hipótesis: (i) si el tiempo de pastoreo diario (TP) y (ii) la búsqueda de forraje están más estrechamente relacionados a la estructura del pasto que a los niveles diarios de oferta de forraje (OF). Con este fin, propusimos un modelo que se puso a prueba en base al análisis de la estructura del pasto, el tiempo de pastoreo y el desplazamiento en pastoreo en terneras sobre un pastizal natural del Bioma Pampa (sur de Brasil) que, desde 1986, se ha manejado con distintos niveles de OF. En tresépocas, entre Ene/2009 y Feb/2010, se evaluó el efecto de la OF sobre los principales descriptores de la estructura del pasto (biomasa de forraje, altura y frecuencia de matas) y el efecto de éstos sobre el tiempo de pastoreo (TP), la tasa de desplazamiento (TD) y el desplazamiento diario (D). Los datos fueron analizados mediante regresión y por análisis descriptivos a partir de gráficos de contorno tridimensionales en base a los datos de estructura del pastoy TP. La TD no tuvo relación con OF ni con la estructura del pasto, pero mostró una relación lineal positiva con D. Incrementos en TP estuvieron asociados a incrementos en D. El estudio demostró la importancia de la estructura del pasto al constatar que, independientemente del nivel de OF y de la época del año evaluada, los valores más bajos de TP siempre estuvieron asociados aestructuras del pasto caracterizadas por una masa de forraje de 1 400 a 2 200 kg MS ha-1, alturas de 9 a 13 cm y frecuencia dematas en el pastizal menores al 35%. Fuera de estos límites hubo una penalización en el TP y en el patrón de desplazamiento en pastoreo de las vaquillas. Encontramos evidencias de que el mejor entendimiento de las relaciones causa-efecto entre la estructura del pasto y el comportamiento en pastoreo harían posible incrementar el rendimiento de los herbívoros domésticos, con importantes consecuencias económicas y probablemente ecológicas.The Rangeland Ecology & Management archives are made available by the Society for Range Management and the University of Arizona Libraries. Contact [email protected] for further information.Migrated from OJS platform August 202