134 research outputs found

    Effect of certain psychopharmacological preparations on adaptation under stress conditions

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    Experiments staged on rats demonstrated that the formation of pathological states caused by stress and accompanied by the development of ulcerative lesion of the gastric mucosa are associated with the degree of the catecholamines level drop in the mesencephalon and hypothalamus. The application of seduxen and also of combinations consisting of L-DOPA with seduxen, or with an L-adrenoblocking agent pyroxan tends to reduce the frequency of developing alcerative lesions of the stomach. The protective effect produced by the combination of L-DOPA with an L-adrenoblocking agent pyroxan is barred by an additional administration of an B-adrenoblocking agent, inderal

    The brown adipocyte differentiation pathway in birds: An evolutionary road not taken

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    Background Thermogenic brown adipose tissue has never been described in birds or other non-mammalian vertebrates. Brown adipocytes in mammals are distinguished from the more common white fat adipocytes by having numerous small lipid droplets rather than a single large one, elevated numbers of mitochondria, and mitochondrial expression of the nuclear gene UCP1, the uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation responsible for non-shivering thermogenesis. Results We have identified in vitro inductive conditions in which mesenchymal cells isolated from the embryonic chicken limb bud differentiate into avian brown adipocyte-like cells (ABALCs) with the morphological and many of the biochemical properties of terminally differentiated brown adipocytes. Avian, and as we show here, lizard species lack the gene for UCP1, although it is present in amphibian and fish species. While ABALCs are therefore not functional brown adipocytes, they are generated by a developmental pathway virtually identical to brown fat differentiation in mammals: both the common adipogenic transcription factor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ (PPARγ), and a coactivator of that factor specific to brown fat differentiation in mammals, PGC1α, are elevated in expression, as are mitochondrial volume and DNA. Furthermore, ABALCs induction resulted in strong transcription from a transfected mouse UCP1 promoter. Conclusion These findings strongly suggest that the brown fat differentiation pathway evolved in a common ancestor of birds and mammals and its thermogenicity was lost in the avian lineage, with the degradation of UCP1, after it separated from the mammalian lineage. Since this event occurred no later than the saurian ancestor of birds and lizards, an implication of this is that dinosaurs had neither UCP1 nor canonically thermogenic brown fat.Nadejda V Mezentseva, Jaliya S Kumaratilake and Stuart A Newma

    MOOC introduction into educational process: experience of on-line courses integration in university educational programs

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    The article presents the results of a study on the introduction of mass open online courses into educational programs of the Belgorod State National Research Universit

    Sex differences in cooperativeness:An experiment with Buryats in Southern Siberia

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    We report on an experimental study that was set up to reveal differences in the tendencies of men and women to cooperate in same-sex interactions. Former studies on this subject were mostly conducted in industrialized modern societies. In contrast, we tested the cooperation tendency among Buryats, a people from Southern Siberia of Mongolian origin. All subjects participated in (1) one iterated Public Goods Game in a group of four individuals of the same sex and (2) four one-shot Prisoner's Dilemma games with different partners of the same sex. The interactions were in a face-to-face setting, but any intentional communication during the experiments was prohibited. We found that Buryat men were more cooperative than Buryat women in both types of same-sex interactions. In particular, the fraction of men employing a strategy of unconditional cooperation in the iterated Public Goods Game was much higher (36%) than the fraction of unconditional cooperators among women (21%). In general, the behavior of men was less context dependent than the behavior of women. In both sexes, individuals who were more cooperative in one type of game tended to be more cooperative in the other type of game. Although direct communication was prohibited, the interaction partners in the Prisoner's Dilemma games employed the same strategy much more frequently than expected by chance. We conclude that, even among strangers, the exchange of subtle signals is sufficient to coordinate strategic decisions

    Системная оценка конкурентной позиции промышленного предприятия

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    У статті розглянуто системний метод оцінки конкурентної позиції підприємства. Обґрунтовано взаємозв’язок сутності конкурентної позиції та конкурентоспроможності підприємств та його особливостей. Висунуто підхід до оцінки конкурентної позиції підприємства за п’ятьма суб’єктами її оцінки.The paper considers a systematic method for assessing the competitive position of the company. Grounded relationship entity's competitive position and competitiveness of enterprises and its features. Nominated approach to assessing the competitive position of the company in five subjects to assess it.В статье рассмотрен системный метод оценки конкурентной позиции предприятия. Обосновано взаимосвязь сущности конкурентной позиции и конкурентоспособности предприятий и их особенностей. Выдвинут подход к оценке конкурентной позиции предприятия по пяти субъектам ее оценки

    The modern concept of health and healthy lifestyles

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    Здоровье – это главная ценность жизни, оно занимает самую высокую ступень в иерархии потребностей человека. Здоровье – один из важнейших компонентов человеческого счастья и одно из ведущих условий успешного социального и экономического развития. Реализация интеллектуального, нравственно-духовного, физического и репродуктивного потенциала возможна только в здоровом обществеHealth is the main value of life; it occupies the highest level in the hierarchy of human needs. Health is one of the most important components of human happiness, and one of the major conditions of successful social and economic development. Realization of intellectual, moral-spiritual, physical and reproductive potential is possible only in a healthy societ

    Improving independent physical training student

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    Большое значение имеет формирование у обучающихся стремления к физическому совершенствованию.Of great importance is the formation of students desire for physical improvement


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    A possibility of applying the stripping voltammetry method for the determination of benzylated derivatives of phenobarbital (benzonal and halonal) in tableted forms of medicinal drugs was shown. The regularities of the physicochemical behavior of the barbiturates on the glassy carbon electrode depending on the pH of the solution were studied, and the following accumulation parameters with an analytical value were estimated: the range of variation in the accumulation potential and the accumulation time as well as the voltammetric mode. It was established that the character of the dependence of the magnitude of the electroreduction currents of the barbiturates studied had an adsorption character. The following working conditions were established: the background electrolyte was 0.1 M solutions of Na2SO3 or 0.1 M NaH2PO4, the accumulation potential was -0.6 V, the accumulation time was 30 s, the cathode differential-impulse sweep of the potentials was at the speed of 50 mV / s. A possible interfering effect of auxiliary substances of tableted forms on the voltammetric signal of halonal and benzonal was investigated: under the conditions of real contents of auxiliary and basic components of the tableted form the error in determining the halonal (benzonal) was 3-5% and did not exceed the error of the method. The methods of analysis of tableted forms of medicinal drugs for the content of halonal and benzonal by the method of differential-pulse voltammetry had been developed. The verification of the correctness of the developed algorithm was carried out by the " introduced-found" method. The analysis time of one sample, considering the sample preparation, did not exceed 15 minutes. The detection limit Cmin = 0.33 mg/l, limit of determination Сlim = 1.32 mg/l, and the range of determined concentrations - 2-200 mg/l were determined. The calculation of the basic metrological indices was carried out including the computation of indices of correctness, intralaboratory precision and repeatability.Keywords: Halonal, benzonal, barbituric acid, stripping voltammetry, glassy carbon electrode, dosage form, method of determination(Russian) DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2018.22.2.011O.L. Mezentseva, G.B. Slepchenko, V.D. Filiminov, E.V. Miheeva, G.A. ArbitTomsk Polytechnic University, Lenin av., 30, Tomsk, 634050, Russian FederationПоказана возможность применения метода инверсионной вольтамперометрии для определения бензоилированных производных фенобарбитала (бензонал и галонал) в таблетированных формах лекарственных препаратов.  Изучены закономерности физико-химического поведения определяемых барбитуратов на стеклоуглеродном электроде в зависимости от рН раствора и оценены параметры накопления, имеющие аналитическое значение: диапазон изменения потенциала накопления и времени накопления, режим полярографирования. Найдено, что характер зависимости величины токов электровосстановления изучаемых барбитуратов носит адсорбционный характер. Установлены рабочие условия измерений: фоновый электролит – 0.1 М растворы Na2SO3 или 0.1 М NaH2PO4, потенциал накопления – -0.6 В, время накопления 30 с, катодная дифференциально-импульсная развертка потенциалов, со скоростью 50 мВ/с. Проведено исследование возможного мешающего влияния вспомогательных веществ таблетированных форм на вольтамперометрический сигнал галонала и бензонала: в условиях реальных содержаний вспомогательных и основных компонентов таблетированной формы, погрешность определения галонала (бензонала) составляет 3-5 % и не превышает погрешности метода. Разработаны методики анализа таблетированных форм лекарственных препаратов на содержание галонала и бензонала методом дифференциально-импульсной вольтамперометрии.  Проверка правильности разработанного алгоритма методики проведена методом «введено-найдено». Время анализа одной пробы с учетом пробоподготовки не превышает 15 минут. Определены: предел обнаружения Сmin = 0.33 мг/л, предел определения Сlim = 1.32 мг/л, диапазон определяемых концентраций – 2-200 мг/л; проведен расчет основных метрологических показателей: показатель правильности, внутрилабораторной прецизионности, повторяемости.   Ключевые слова: Галонал, бензонал, барбитуровая кислота, инверсионная вольтамперометрия, стеклоуглеродный электрод, лекарственная форма, методика определенияDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2018.22.2.01