19 research outputs found

    Cranberry juice vs. placebo as prophylaxis for recurrent urinary tract infection in adult women: A systematic review

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    Objective: To determine the effectiveness of cranberry juice consumption as prophylaxis for urinary tract infection (UTI) in women with a history of recurrent UTI. Methods: Systematic literature review using Google Scholar with search terms “cranberry juice prophylaxis.” Results: Our search resulted in three randomized-control trials (RCTs), two of which demonstrated no benefit of cranberry juice in preventing recurrent UTI. Conclusion: Because of the significant heterogeneity among published studies, there is no definitive proof that cranberry juice is effective or useless as UTI prophylaxis

    Antimicrobial activity of potato Rhizospheric Pseudomonas chlororaphis subsp. aureofaciens from SĂ©tif Algeria

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    Aims: This study was assessed to demonstrate the antimicrobial activity in vitro of an identified fluorescent Pseudomonas strain characterized for its capacity to produce phenazine compounds. Methodology: First Pseudomonas chlororaphis subsp aureofaciens was inoculated on Nutrient Broth supplemented with Yeast Extract (NBY) and with glucose at a final concentration of 2%, after incubation the filtered culture was acidified with HCl to pH 2. The solution was extracted twice with the same volume of ethyl-acetate. The organic supernatants were combined, dried over anhydrous Na2SO4, and evaporated to dryness. The crude extract was resuspended in methanol and tested for antimicrobial activity. Antimicrobial activity was determined (i) by disc diffusion technique for bacteria and (ii) using serial dilution technique in soft PDA for fungi. Secondly the antifungal activity of the bacterial strain was tested against several phytopathogenic fungi in dual culture. Results: The studied strain has an important activity against the phytopathogenic bacteria and fungi tested. Among the tested fungi Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. albedinis is the most sensitive to the actions of this Pseudomonas, where the inhibition rate reached 77.78%. The less sensitive one was Pythium ultimum with a rate of 55.56%. While for pathogenic bacteria only Salmonella enteridis was sensitive to the tested strain. Conclusion: Pseudomonas chlororaphis subsp aureofaciens showed appreciable antagonistic activity, in vitro, against special forms of Fusarium oxysporum and the tested phytopathogenic bacteria

    Bacteriocins contributing in Rhizospheric competition among Fluorescent Pseudomonads

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    Aims: To examine the production of bacteriocins through the study of a group of rhizospheric Pseudomonas isolates already known to produce metabolites that are antagonistic to fungi. Methodology: Fourteen rhizospheric strains of fluorescent Pseudomonads spp., were tested as well as two referenced strains Pseudomonas protogens CHA0 and Pseudomonas aureofaciens 30-84, for their ability to produce induced bacteriocins. The induction is carried out first by UV light, and secondly by mitomycin C. Results: In addition to the reference strains, six isolates were found to produce bactericidal substances after UV light induction against Pseudomonas target bacteria but also against other genera (Escherichia and Staphylococcus). Producing strains were treated with mitomycin C, and then lysed with chloroform. Analysis of the lysates by trypsin and freezing treatments, suggests that the active compounds are of high molecular weight. Conclusion: It is therefore suggested that these bacteria could be good competitors for their introduction as biocontrol agents

    Inhibition of Three Potato Pathogens by Phenazine-Producing Pseudomonas

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    EnquĂȘte CANNAVID : Modifications de la consommation de cannabis chez les usagers quotidiens en pĂ©riode de pandĂ©mie de Covid-19

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    International audienceIn this context of lockdown linked to the Covid-19 health crisis, a survey was offered to daily cannabis users in order to study the impact of lockdown on their use and their health. The specific objectives of this article are to describe this population of daily cannabis users, the changes in use before and during the lockdown, and the link with certain sociodemographic, behavioural and health characteristics.Contexte : Les consommateurs de cannabis reprĂ©sentent une population hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšne en constante augmentation. MĂȘme si le cannabis prĂ©sente un pouvoir addictogĂšne avec des effets nĂ©fastes pour la santĂ©, cette substance est Ă©galement connue pour ses effets thĂ©rapeutiques sur de nombreuses conditions et notamment sur la douleur et la dĂ©pendance Ă  d’autres substances. Le confinement liĂ© Ă  l’épidĂ©mie de Covid-19 a provoquĂ© dĂšs l’annonce des rĂ©actions de la part des usagers et des associations de rĂ©duction des risques, prĂ©occupĂ©s par les situations Ă  risque (stress et sevrage). Dans ce contexte, une enquĂȘte a Ă©tĂ© proposĂ©e aux consommateurs quotidiens de cannabis afin d’étudier l’impact du confinement sur leurs usages et leur santĂ©. Les objectifs spĂ©cifiques de cet article sont de dĂ©crire cette population de consommateurs quotidiens de cannabis, les Ă©volutions d’usage avant et pendant le confinement et le lien avec certaines caractĂ©ristiques sociodĂ©mographiques, comportementales et sanitaires.MĂ©thodes : L’enquĂȘte a consistĂ© en un questionnaire en ligne rempli pendant la pĂ©riode de confinement et diffusĂ© sur diffĂ©rents sites frĂ©quentĂ©s par les usagers de cannabis. Ce questionnaire Ă©tait composĂ© de 3 parties : profil sociodĂ©mographique, pratiques de consommation avant le confinement et pendant le confinement. Des donnĂ©es plus prĂ©cises sur la santĂ© des usagers ont Ă©tĂ© recueillies telles que les symptĂŽmes anxieux, dĂ©pressifs, la douleur et les troubles du sommeil.RĂ©sultats : Au total, 4 279 questionnaires ont Ă©tĂ© remplis de maniĂšre complĂšte. La population est essentiellement composĂ©e d’hommes (75 %), de jeunes (mĂ©diane Ă  27 ans), de personnes diplĂŽmĂ©es (84 % ont le baccalaurĂ©at) et vivant dans des grandes unitĂ©s urbaines (62 %). L’étude de l’évolution de la consommation de cannabis avant et pendant le confinement permet de distinguer 4 profils : ceux qui ont arrĂȘtĂ© (7 %), ceux qui ont diminuĂ© (28 %), ceux qui n’ont pas changĂ© (29 %) et ceux qui ont augmentĂ© (36 %). L’augmentation est plus frĂ©quente chez les femmes, pour les personnes habitant dans des grandes villes et celles qui ont stockĂ© du cannabis en prĂ©vision du confinement. L’arrĂȘt est associĂ© Ă  un Ă©tat de santĂ© dĂ©gradĂ© (anxiĂ©tĂ©, dĂ©pression, douleur et troubles du sommeil). Ceux qui ont maintenu une consommation stable pendant le confinement semblent avoir eu moins d’effets nĂ©gatifs sur leur santĂ©.Conclusion : Notre enquĂȘte CANNAVID a permis de recruter un Ă©chantillon suffisamment important pour pouvoir dĂ©crire une partie de la population des consommateurs quotidiens de cannabis et les effets du confinement sur leurs usages et leur santĂ©. Ces donnĂ©es prĂ©liminaires montrent que le confinement a provoquĂ© des rĂ©actions et des effets qui ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©lĂ©tĂšres surtout chez ceux qui ont arrĂȘtĂ© ou augmentĂ© leur consommation

    Antimicrobial secondary metabolites from agriculturally important bacteria as next-generation pesticides

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    The whole organisms can be packaged as biopesticides, but secondary metabolites secreted by microorganisms can also have a wide range of biological activities that either protect the plant against pests and pathogens or act as plant growth promotors which can be beneficial for the agricultural crops. In this review, we have compiled information about the most important secondary metabolites of three important bacterial genera currently used in agriculture pest and disease management

    Auxins of microbial origin and their use in agriculture

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    To maintain the world population demand, a sustainable agriculture is needed. Since current global vision is more friendly with the environment, eco-friendly alternatives are desirable. In this sense, plant growth–promoting rhizobacteria could be the choice for the management of soil-borne diseases of crop plants. These rhizobacteria secrete chemical compounds which act as phytohormones. Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) is the most common plant hormone of the auxin class which regulates various processes of plant growth. IAA compound, in which structure can be found a carboxylic acid attached through a methylene group to the C-3 position of an indole ring, is produced both by plants and microorganisms. Plant growth–promoting rhizobacteria and fungi secrete IAA to promote the plant growth. In this review, IAA production and mechanisms of action by bacteria and fungi along with the metabolic pathways evolved in the IAA secretion and commercial prospects are revised. Key points ‱ Many microorganisms produce auxins which help the plant growth promotion. ‱ These auxins improve the plant growth by several mechanisms. ‱ The auxins are produced through different mechanisms