40 research outputs found

    Blow up of solutions of pseudoparabolic equations

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    AbstractWe obtain sufficient conditions for the blow up of solutions of the initial-boundary value problem for nonlinear pseudoparabolic equation involving nonlinear convective term

    Effect of foot anthropometric measurements on postural stability

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    Aim: To examine the effect of foot anthropometric measurements and body sizes of young male adults with normal posture on balance. Methods: In this study, the effect of body size and foot anthropometric measurements of 112 young male adults with normal posture on balance was investigated. The foot and body parameters of the cases were measured. The static and the dynamic balance tests were evaluated according to the dominant foot in each case. The parameters that affected balance were determined and the variables were taken to the model. In addition, the significance levels that defined the effects of the properties examined in relation with the balance were also calculated. Results: When the findings were evaluated, it was determined that the effect of the foot parameters other than the foot length, and the effect of 15 body parameters other than the biiliac diameter, trochanteric height, and right upper extremity length on balance performance was significant. The balance test performance was predicted with success ranging from 7.8% to 43% with the parameters included in the model. Conclusion: In this study, the fact that the relation between the foot anthropometric and body dimensions and functional balance performances of young male adults was found to be significant shows that this relation must be considered in the creation of a normative database on balance, and in clinical studies that will be conducted on the subject

    Inclination and Alsberg angle changes in hip degenerative arthritis

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    Aim: To compare the inclination and Alsberg angles of both hips in patients with unilateral coxarthrosis and healthy population. Methods: 89 patients who underwent total hip replacement due to end-stage unilateral idiopathic coxarthrosis between 2016 and 2019 in Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University Orthopedics and Traumatology Department and had preoperative pelvic anteroposterior radiographs were included in the study. A total of 87 patients with pelvic radiographs taken due to low back pain or minor trauma were included in the study as control group. Patients with bilateral end-stage coxarthrosis, any lower extremity fractures, secondary coxarthrosis caused by any reasons like Perthes disease, trauma, avascular necrosis, hematologic disease etc. and unsuitable radiographs were excluded from the study. Two researchers took the measurements separately and the averages were considered and the results were analyzed statistically. Results: Statistically significant differences were detected between the right side and the left side in terms of both Alsberg and hip inclination values in individuals of healthy control group. In patients with unilateral osteoarthritis, no significant differences were detected between right and left sides in terms of hip inclination values. Similarly, no significant difference was found between the right and left sides in terms of Alsberg values in patients with unilateral osteoarthritis. The Alsberg angle was found to be higher at statistically significant levels in patients with unilateral hip osteoarthritis, in both the osteoarthritis side and the contralateral hip, compared to the values in healthy individuals. Conclusion: When compared with healthy individuals, it was concluded that the Alsberg and inclination angles changed with the development of unilateral coxarthrosis. While significant differences were detected between the sides for Alsberg and inclination angle in healthy individuals, this difference between the sides was not observed in the coxarthrosis groups. With the development of unilateral coxarthrosis, it was concluded that the asymmetry between the right and left sides of healthy individuals disappeared and a more symmetrical structure emerged in terms of Alsberg and hip inclination angles

    Evaluation of apertura piriformis and related cranial anatomical structures through computed tomography: golden ratio

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    Background: The purpose of study was to evaluate normal morphometric measurements of piriform aperture (PA) by limiting the age range in genders to show the morphometry of the relevant and close proximal cranial structures; and also to investigate whether these are in compliance with the golden ratio. Materials and methods: Our study was performed on 83 (42 female, 41 male) multidetector computed tomography images obtained from patients. A total of 14 morphological measurements were performed including the height of PA, the width of PA and 12 cranial structures; and these measurements were evaluated for compliance with the golden ratio. The differences of 14 parameters between the genders and age groups, and also the interaction of these two factors were analysed. Results: In our morphometric study, significant difference between the genders was found in all measurements except for the distance between vertex and rhinion (V~Rh), between rhinion and right foramen supraorbitalis (Rh~FSOR), between rhinion and left FSO (Rh~FSOL), and the width of PA on the level between the right and left foramen infraorbitalis (PAW~FIO) with the difference valid for both age subgroups (p < 0.05). When the differences between the age subgroups were evaluated, there was significant difference only at the widest distance of cranium (CW; p = 0.008); and it was observed that the average has increased with age in both genders. When the golden ratio was examined, the ratio of the distance between anterior nasal spine and nasion to the height of piriform aperture (NSA~N:PAH) was found to be within the limits of the golden ratio in males (p = 0.074). No golden ratio has been found in females. Conclusions: In our study, significant differences were detected between genders in all parameters of PA and in some parameters of the close cranial structures in the age group we examined. The effect of age was detected only in the CW parameter, and the PA and close cranial structures were not affected. In our study, the averages of the morphometric measurements of 13 parameters of young adults were determined. The PA and surrounding cranial structures are important for the area and related surgical procedures; however, gender differences must be considered in this respect. In addition to this, in the PA, which is the anterior limit of the skeletal nose in males, the NSA~N:PAH ratio having the ideal golden ratio limits is valuable in aesthetical terms and due to its position of the PA in the face


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    Sun drying of seedless grapes (Vitis vinifera cv. Sultanina) is widely practised in the western Aegean Region providing Turkey with a significant share in the world trade of sultanas. Research was initiated in 1998 to determine the incidence of ochratoxin A (OTA), to identify the major factors resulting in contamination and to develop techniques to reduce or prevent contamination. This paper assesses OTA formation in five experimental vineyards located in Manisa province of Turkey between 1998 and 2003. The cultural practices recorded were tillage (type and timing), fertilisation, plant protection, irrigation, trellising, pruning, GA(3) application, harvest maturity and date, and drying practices (type of drying yard, dipping into alkaline solution, length of drying period). In the experimental vineyards, no OTA was found at veraison. OTA levels in grapes harvested at fresh maturity ranged between <LOD and 8 ng g(-1), whereas in dried sultanas they were between <LOD and 35 ng g(-1). The frequency of OTA-positive samples increased in dried grapes compared with fresh. The number and timing of tillage, number of damaged berries, and removal of damaged/infected berries prior to sun drying were identified as the major good practices that may contribute to the reduction of OTA in sultanas

    Synthesis and characterization of comb-type graft copolymers by redox polymerization and "click" chemistry method

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    WOS: 000517964300042TARAMAWOSTARAMASCOPUSThe synthesis of poly(epichlorohydrin- g-methyl methacrylate) [poly(ECH-g-MMA)] comb-type graft copolymers were carried out by use of a "click" chemistry to graft terminally propargyl poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA-propargyl) to poly(epichlorohydrin) azido (PECH-N-3). For this purpose, PECH-N-3 was synthesized by using poly(epichlorohydrin) and sodium azide. PMMA-propargyl was obtained by reaction of methyl methacrylate and propargyl alcohol via redox polymerization technique. By using PECH-N-3 and PMMA-propargyl, the comb-type graft copolymers were obtained. Characterization of the modified homopolymers and the comb-type graft copolymers was performed by using FT-IR, H-1-NMR, SEM, GPC, and elemental analysis techniques. Thermal transitions and degradation features of the comb-type graft copolymers were investigated by using DSC and TGA methods. Spectroscopic and thermal analyses revealed that both group modifications and coupling reactions were successfully achieved.Kafkas University Scientific Research Fund [2018-FM-77]The work was founded by Kafkas University Scientific Research Fund (Grand Number: 2018-FM-77)

    Effect of sulfuryl fluoride fumigation on dried fig quality

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    29th International Horticultural Congress on Horticulture - Sustaining Lives, Livelihoods and Landscapes (IHC) / International Symposia on Postharvest Knowledge for the Future and Consumer and Sensory Driven Improvements to Fruits and Nuts -- AUG 17, 2014 -- Brisbane, AUSTRALIAWOS: 000386327300036Storage pests pose a significant threat for the dried fig industry especially after the ban of methyl bromide (MeBr). Research on MeBr alternatives are being conducted in Turkey as it is a major producer and trader of dried fig. Sulfuryl fluoride was tested as a MeBr alternative on dried figs. The aim of the trial was to examine its effect on the quality of the dried fruit of 'Sarilop' figs. The initial tests were carried out in laboratory conditions in France and a further two trials were conducted in Turkish dried fig processing plants on commercial scale applications. Commercial scale sulfuryl fluoride treatments were performed in containers at 100 g m(-3) where the temperature and relative humidity were monitored during exposure and later in storage. After assessing sulfuryl fluoride as an effective fumigant, fruit quality was evaluated after short (15 days), medium (100 days) or long-term storage (210 days). No negative impacts occurred on fruit surface colour, sugaring, water content, water activity, total soluble solids and titratable acidity content, pH and firmness. Further analysis also showed no SO2 residues in the treated fruit.Int Soc Hort Sc

    Synthesis and characterization of the block copolymers using the novel bifunctional initiator by RAFT and FRP technics: evaluation of the primary polymerization parameters

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    WOS: 000520503500001TARAMASCOPUSTARAMAWOSSynthesis of poly(styrene-b-methyl methacrylate) block copolymers were obtained via reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization of styrene using RAFT-macro agent. For this purpose, 4-bromomethyl benzoyl chloride was obtained using 4-methylbenzoyl chloride and N-bromosuccinimide. The mono functional bromomethyl benzoyl t-butyl peroxy ester (t-BuBP) was obtained by reaction of 4-bromomethyl benzoyl chloride with t-butyl hydroperoxide. Terminally brominated poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA-Br) was synthesized using t-BuBP and methyl methacrylate via free-radical polymerization. RAFT-macro agent was acquired by reaction of PMMA-Br and potassium ethyl xanthogenate. By reacting RAFT-macro agent and styrene, block copolymers were obtained. The primary parameters, for example concentration, and time that affect reaction were evaluated. The products were characterized by FT-IR, H-1-NMR, GPC, and TGA. The multi instruments studies of the obtained block copolymers show that the copolymers easily formed as a result of RAFT. Mn,GPC values of the copolymers were between 24,900 g.mol(-1) and 74,100 g.mol(-1).chemical analyses by Giresun University Research Fund [FEN-BAP-A160317-51]; Kafkas University Research FundKafkas University [2011/FEF/40]The work was funded for some chemicals and chemical analyses by Giresun University Research Fund (FEN-BAP-A160317-51) and funded to supply some chemicals by Kafkas University Research Fund (2011/FEF/40)