2,115 research outputs found

    Classifying elephant behaviour through seismic vibrations

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    Seismic waves — vibrations within and along the Earth’s surface — are ubiquitous sources of information. During propagation, physical factors can obscure information transfer via vibrations and influence propagation range [1]. Here, we explore how terrain type and background seismic noise influence the propagation of seismic vibrations generated by African elephants. In Kenya, we recorded the ground-based vibrations of different wild elephant behaviours, such as locomotion and infrasonic vocalisations [2], as well as natural and anthropogenic seismic noise. We employed techniques from seismology to transform the geophone recordings into source functions — the time-varying seismic signature generated at the source. We used computer modelling to constrain the propagation ranges of elephant seismic vibrations for different terrains and noise levels. Behaviours that generate a high force on a sandy terrain with low noise propagate the furthest, over the kilometre scale. Our modelling also predicts that specific elephant behaviours can be distinguished and monitored over a range of propagation distances and noise levels. We conclude that seismic cues have considerable potential for both behavioural classification and remote monitoring of wildlife. In particular, classifying the seismic signatures of specific behaviours of large mammals remotely in real time, such as elephant running, could inform on poaching threats

    An adolescent with both Wegener's Granulomatosis and chronic blastomycosis

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    We report a case of Wegener's Granulomatosis (WG) associated with blastomycosis. This appears to be the first case report of WG co-existing with a tissue proven blastomycosis infection. The temporal correlation of the two conditions suggests that blastomycosis infection (and therefore possibly other fungal infections), may trigger the systemic granulomatous vasculitis in a predisposed individual; a provocative supposition warranting further study

    Mapping polyclonal antibody responses to bacterial infection using next generation phage display

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    Mapping polyclonal antibody responses to infectious diseases to identify individual epitopes has the potential to underpin the development of novel serological assays and vaccines. Here, phage-peptide library panning coupled with screening using next generation sequencing was used to map antibody responses to bacterial infections. In the first instance, pigs experimentally infected with Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium was investigated. IgG samples from twelve infected pigs were probed in parallel and phage binding compared to that with equivalent IgG from pre-infected animals. Seventy- seven peptide mimotopes were enriched specifically against sera from multiple infected animals. Twenty-seven of these peptides were tested in ELISA and twenty-two were highly discriminatory for sera taken from pigs post-infection (P < 0.05) indicating that these peptides are mimicking epitopes from the bacteria. In order to further test this methodology, it was applied to differentiate antibody responses in poultry to infections with distinct serovars of Salmonella enterica. Twenty-seven peptides were identified as being enriched specifically against IgY from multiple animals infected with S. Enteritidis compared to those infected with S. Hadar. Nine of fifteen peptides tested in ELISA were highly discriminatory for IgY following S. Enteritidis infection (p < 0.05) compared to infections with S. Hadar or S. Typhimurium

    Patterns in blood pressure medication use in US incident dialysis patients over the first 6 months.

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    BACKGROUND: Several observational studies have evaluated the effect of a single exposure window with blood pressure (BP) medications on outcomes in incident dialysis patients, but whether BP medication prescription patterns remain stable or a single exposure window design is adequate to evaluate effect on outcomes is unclear. METHODS: We described patterns of BP medication prescription over 6 months after dialysis initiation in hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis patients, stratified by cardiovascular comorbidity, diabetes, and other patient characteristics. The cohort included 13,072 adult patients (12,159 hemodialysis, 913 peritoneal dialysis) who initiated dialysis in Dialysis Clinic, Inc., facilities January 1, 2003-June 30, 2008, and remained on the original modality for at least 6 months. We evaluated monthly patterns in BP medication prescription over 6 months and at 12 and 24 months after initiation. RESULTS: Prescription patterns varied by dialysis modality over the first 6 months; substantial proportions of patients with prescriptions for beta-blockers, renin angiotensin system agents, and dihydropyridine calcium channel blockers in month 6 no longer had prescriptions for these medications by month 24. Prescription of specific medication classes varied by comorbidity, race/ethnicity, and age, but little by sex. The mean number of medications was 2.5 at month 6 in hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis cohorts. CONCLUSIONS: This study evaluates BP medication patterns in both hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis patients over the first 6 months of dialysis. Our findings highlight the challenges of assessing comparative effectiveness of a single BP medication class in dialysis patients. Longitudinal designs should be used to account for changes in BP medication management over time, and designs that incorporate common combinations should be considered

    Metabolic fate, mass spectral fragmentation, detectability, and differentiation in urine of the benzofuran designer drugs 6-APB and 6-MAPB in comparison to their 5-isomers using GC-MS and LC-(HR)-MSn techniques

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    The number of so-called new psychoactive substances (NPS) is still increasing by modification of the chemical structure of known (scheduled) drugs. As analogues of amphetamines, 2-aminopropyl-benzofurans were sold. They were consumed because of their euphoric and empathogenic effects. After the 5-(2-aminopropyl)benzofurans, the 6-(2-aminopropyl)benzofuran isomers appeared. Thus, the question arose whether the metabolic fate, the mass spectral fragmentation, and the detectability in urine are comparable or different and how an intake can be differentiated. In the present study, 6-(2-aminopropyl)benzofuran (6-APB) and its N-methyl derivative 6-MAPB (N-methyl-6-(2-aminopropyl)benzofuran) were investigated to answer these questions. The metabolites of both drugs were identified in rat urine and human liver preparations using GC-MS and/or liquid chromatography-high resolution-mass spectrometry (LC-HR-MSn). Besides the parent drug, the main metabolite of 6-APB was 4-carboxymethyl-3-hydroxy amphetamine and the main metabolites of 6-MAPB were 6-APB (N-demethyl metabolite) and 4-carboxymethyl-3-hydroxy methamphetamine. The cytochrome P450 (CYP) isoenzymes involved in the 6-MAPB N-demethylation were CYP1A2, CYP2D6, and CYP3A4. An intake of a common users’ dose of 6-APB or 6-MAPB could be confirmed in rat urine using the authors’ GC-MS and the LC-MSn standard urine screening approaches with the corresponding parent drugs as major target allowing their differentiation. Furthermore, a differentiation of 6-APB and 6-MAPB in urine from their positional isomers 5-APB and 5-MAPB was successfully performed after solid phase extraction and heptafluorobutyrylation by GC-MS via their retention times

    Engineering challenges of intrafirm technology reuse

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    Companies derive additional value from technological investments by repeatedly applying them across different product lines in their portfolios. Technology reuse strategies have helped to increase efficiency in leveraging research and development investments, but the attempts to explain how to duplicate such results for technology reuse at the engineering level are missing. While there are synergetic effects to the reuse of technologies, there are also transaction costs that limit the benefits in practice. This paper presents a model, along with three examples, of technology reuse to help account for these transaction costs and mitigate the fallacy of perceiving technologies as reusable “off‐the‐shelf” elements

    Administrators in higher education: organizational expansion in a transforming institution

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    Recent European research has revealed growth in the number of administrators and professionals across different sections of universities—a long established trend in US universities. We build on this research by investigating the factors associated with variation in the proportion of administrators across 761 Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in 11 European countries. We argue that the enactment of expanded and diversified missions of HE is one of the main factors nurturing universities’ profesional and administrative bodies. Our findings support such an assertion; regardless of geographical and institutional differences, HEIs with high levels of “entrepreneurialism” (e.g. in service provision and external engagement) are characterized by a larger proportion of administrative staff. However, we find no empirical support for arguments citing structural pressures and demands on HEIs due to higher student enrolments, budget cuts or deregulation as engines driving such change. Instead, our results point towards, as argued by neo-institutionalists, the diffusion of formal organization as a model of institutional identity and purpose, which is especially prevalent at high levels of external connectedness

    La mutación de la biblioteca en los inicios del siglo XXI

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    El papel que las bibliotecas desempeñan en la actualidad ha sido cuestionado en numerosas ocasiones, a causa de la revolución tecnológica a la que se está asistiendo, la cual pondría en amenaza el papel básico que hasta ahora tenían éstas. Pero la realidad es que se observa una tendencia en la que cada vez se construyen más bibliotecas y más complejas. Por lo que se torna harto interesante descubrir hacia dónde camina la arquitectura en este sentido. A este respecto, se advierte un cambio de paradigma respecto al papel que juega la biblioteca en la actualidad, provocando a su vez una respuesta en cuanto a la arquitectura bibliotecaria. Los cambios sociales que se han producido de la mano del desarrollo de la tecnología, se han visto implicados de forma directa e indirecta en este cambio de paradigma, presentando los desafíos a los que se enfrenta la arquitectura actual. Debido a la incertidumbre que se presenta de cara a este nuevo periodo, en base a los constantes cambios que se manifiestan debido a la rápida evolución que sufren las nuevas tecnologías, y de cara a las demandas de esta nueva sociedad, se torna fundamental la aplicación del principio de la flexibilidad en los nuevos espacios bibliotecarios, pero se rehúye de la clásica solución espacial donde el espacio se vuelve uniforme, sin apenas expresión plástica ni variedad. Por otro lado, se presentan los temidos efectos que la globalización tiene sobre el planeta, a cualquier escala, y que parecen llevar todo hacia una tendencia universalista. Por lo que se hace interesante el estudio de la arquitectura bibliotecaria desde diferentes ópticas a nivel cultural, tomando como referencia la cultura occidental, debido a su importante papel de cara al origen de este proceso, así como la cultura oriental, definida prácticamente como la antítesis de ésta. Sobre la base de lo planteado, la presente investigación, a modo de primera toma de contacto, ha pretendido abrir un campo de estudio a través del cual se puedan identificar nuevas formas de aplicar la flexibilidad en los espacios bibliotecarios, de cara a que éstos no se vuelvan caducos en cuanto al diseño que presentan, además de poner el causa los procesos de globalización que pretenden reducir la realidad actual, en base a procesos de homogeneización; por lo que se busca identificar procesos de hibridación en la arquitectura actual, a través de los cuales poder identificar si se producen diferencias entre las distintas culturas, valorando en qué medida se incluyen las cuestiones de carácter local en las obras que representan cada una de estas culturas. A través de la metodología empleada, basada en los estudios de caso individual y en el análisis comparativo de éstos, se han podido evidenciar líneas que muestran esa evolución de la arquitectura actual, en la que se torna evidente la importancia que tiene la flexibilidad en el nuevo escenario, así como la posibilidad de aplicarla de diversa manera, además de reconocerse los mencionados procesos de hibridación, permitiendo establecer diferencias entre las dos culturas, desmontando así la ambiciosa visión de carácter unilateral que se tenía sobre la globalización.Abstract: The role played by libraries nowadays has been frequently questioned in view of the technological revolution currently underway, which would seem to threaten the basic function libraries had up until now. However, what we are actually seeing is a trend in which a growing number of increasingly complex libraries are being built. Therefore, it is of interest to take a look at where architecture in this sector is heading. The truth is, a change can be observed in what is considered to be the model role of libraries today, which in turn leads to a different response in terms of their architecture. The social changes that have taken place as a result of developments in technology have played both a direct and indirect role in such a change of model and represent the challenges facing current architecture. Given the uncertainty that exists these days due to the constant changes occurring as a result of the rapid evolution of new technologies and of society’s new demands, it has become essential to build a flexibility component into all new library design concepts, while shying away from the classic solution of uniform spaces with little plastic variety or expression. On the other hand, the effects of globalisation present at all scales of life on this planet inevitably arise and tend to drive everything towards a common universality. So it is interesting to study the architecture of libraries from different cultural perspectives, firstly in Western culture, given the important role it has played in the origin of this process, and subsequently from the viewpoint of Oriental culture, practically defined as the antithesis of the former. On the basis of the above premises, this paper seeks to stand as the initial contact in a line of research that identifies new ways of applying flexibility into the architecture of libraries so that they do not become obsolete in terms of their design, as well as identifying the globalisation processes that seek to reduce current reality through homogenisation procedures. Therefore, it aims to identify hybridisation processes in current architecture that serve to ascertain whether distinctions occur between different cultures and to assess the extent to which local issues find a place in iconic buildings representing each of those cultures. By means of the methodology used, based on individual case studies and comparative analysis of each, certain traits have been revealed that show an evolution in contemporary architecture, in which greater importance is given in this new scenario to flexibility and the ability to apply it in different ways, as well as acknowledging the aforementioned hybridization processes, enabling differences between the two cultures to be identified and thus any narrow-minded view of globalization as a unilateral phenomenon to be dismantled

    Presentism remains

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    Here I examine some recent attempts to provide a new way of thinking about the philosophy of time that question the central role of ‘presentness’ within the definition of presentism. The central concern raised by these critics turns on the intelligibility and theoretical usefulness of the term ‘is present’ (cf. Correia and Rosenkrantz in Thought 4:19–27, 2015; Deasy in Nous, 2017. https://doi.org/10.1111/nous.12109; Williamson in Modal logic as metaphysics, OUP, Oxford, 2013). My overarching aim is to at least challenge such concerns. I begin with arguments due to Deasy (Nous, 2017. https://doi.org/10.1111/nous.12109). Deasy develops a view that he calls ‘transientism’ and that he takes to be a well-motivated version of presentism. I show that both this way of thinking about presentism and the argument supposedly motivating it all fail. I then move to an argument due to Correia and Rosenkrantz (Thought 4:19–27, 2015). Correia and Rosenkrantz purport to show that presentism can be salvaged without making recourse to the term ‘is present’. I demonstrate that their arguments fail. I then move on to a view, proposed and defended by Merricks (Truth and ontology, OUP, Oxford, 2007), Tallant (Erkenntnis 79:479–501, 2014), and Zimmerman (Philos Pap 25:115–126, 1996), and show that it has the wherewithal to meet the challenges raised by Williamson (Modal logic as metaphysics, OUP, Oxford, 2013) who, as noted above, raises genuine concerns about our capacity to define presentism