513 research outputs found

    Computer security incident response teams: are they legally regulated? The Swiss example

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    Computer Security Incident Response Teams (CSIRTs) or Computer Emergency Response Teams (CERTs) are an integral part of incident handling capabilities and are increasingly demanded by organizations such as critical infrastructures. They can hold many different skills and are of great interest to organizations in terms of cyber security and, more concretely, cyber incident management. This contribution seeks to analyze the extent to which their activity is regulated under Swiss law, considering that private CSIRTs are not regulated in the same way as governmental and national CSIRTs such as the Computer Emergency Response Team of the Swiss government and official national CERT of Switzerland (GovCERT)

    A Universal Scaling for the Energetics of Relativistic Jets From Black Hole Systems

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    Black holes generate collimated, relativistic jets which have been observed in gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), microquasars, and at the center of some galaxies (active galactic nuclei; AGN). How jet physics scales from stellar black holes in GRBs to the supermassive ones in AGNs is still unknown. Here we show that jets produced by AGNs and GRBs exhibit the same correlation between the kinetic power carried by accelerated particles and the gamma-ray luminosity, with AGNs and GRBs lying at the low and high-luminosity ends, respectively, of the correlation. This result implies that the efficiency of energy dissipation in jets produced in black hole systems is similar over 10 orders of magnitude in jet power, establishing a physical analogy between AGN and GRBs.Comment: Published in Science, 338, 1445 (2012), DOI: 10.1126/science.1227416. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of the AAAS for personal use, not for redistribution. Corrected typo in equation 4 of the supplementary materia


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    Goal pursuit can involve deliberate and conscious processes, but can also occur automatically and nonconsciously, following the priming of specific contents. The way in which priming and conscious goals combine remains unresolved. We investigated the effect of goal-compatible or goal-incompatible priming on the pursuit of a conscious goal. Participants 1) were primed with accuracy-related words or inaccuracy-related words, 2) were given an instruction of accuracy (i.e. a conscious goal), and 3) performed an unskilled motor task. Results indicated that both nonconscious priming and conscious goal influence motor performance. Effects of priming and conscious goal pursuit are additive when contents are compatible and subtractive when they are incompatible

    Pelvic floor dysfunction 6 years post-anal sphincter tear at the time of vaginal delivery

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    Introduction and hypothesis: This study aims to estimate fecal, urinary incontinence, and sexual function 6 years after an obstetrical anal sphincter tear. Methods: Among 13,213 women who had a vaginal delivery of a cephalic singleton at term, 196 women sustained an anal sphincter tear. They were matched to 588 controls. Validated questionnaires grading fecal and urinary incontinence, and sexual dysfunction were completed by the participants. Results: Severe fecal incontinence was more frequently reported by women who had sustained an anal sphincter tear compared to the controls. Women with an anal sphincter tear had no increased risk of urinary incontinence, but reported significantly more pain, difficulty with vaginal lubrication, and difficulty achieving orgasm compared to the controls. A fetal occiput posterior position during childbirth was an independent risk factor for both severe urinary incontinence and severe sexual dysfunction. Conclusions: Fecal incontinence is strongly associated with an anal sphincter tear. A fetal occiput posterior position represents a risk factor for urinary incontinence and sexual dysfunctio

    Loi fédérale sur la sécurité de l’information : version 2.0

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    La Loi fédérale sur la sécurité de l’information (LSI) servira de cadre légal pour assurer des traitements (informatisés ou non) sécurisés de l’information, principalement au sein de l’administration fédérale. Elle servira également de base légale pour l’activité du Centre national pour la cybersécurité (NCSC) et prévoira une obligation de signaler les cyberattaques visant les infrastructures critiques. Nous allons examiner en quoi consiste exactement cette loi et, plus particulièrement, les conséquences de l’obligation de signaler les cyberattaques pour les organisations qui y seront soumises

    Ultra Wide Band over fibre transparent architecture for High Bit-rate Home Networks

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    Session « short range optical communications systems »International audienceWe numerically and experimentally demonstrate the feasibility of an Ultra Wide Band (UWB) over fiber transparent architecture based on laser direct modulation and using single mode fiber (SMF) for high bit rate home networks

    Contracting the Facebook API

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    In recent years, there has been an explosive growth in the popularity of online social networks such as Facebook. In a new twist, third party developers are now able to create their own web applications which plug into Facebook and work with Facebook's "social" data, enabling the entire Facebook user base of more than 400 million active users to use such applications. These client applications can contain subtle errors that can be hard to debug if they misuse the Facebook API. In this paper we present an experience report on applying Microsoft's new code contract system for the .NET framework to the Facebook API.We wrote contracts for several classes in the Facebook API wrapper which allows Microsoft .NET developers to implement Facebook applications. We evaluated the usefulness of these contracts during implementation of a new Facebook application. Our experience indicates that having code contracts provides a better and quicker software development experience.Comment: In Proceedings TAV-WEB 2010, arXiv:1009.330

    Formation and structure of slightly anionically charged nanoemulsions obtained by the phase inversion concentration (PIC) method

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.While nanoemulsions (10–200 nm) are not thermodynamically stable systems they can exhibit quite long term stability. In this paper oil/surfactant mixtures, containing diethylhexyl carbonate/phenoxyethanol/parabens as oil and polyglyceryl-4 laurate/dilauryl citrate as surfactant, form nanoemulsions simply by dilution with water, i.e. by means of the phase inversion concentration (PIC) method. In order to study this highly interesting phenomenon an investigation at constant oil-to-surfactant (O/S) ratio was done by means of viscosity, conductivity, and UV/Vis-transmittance measurements. This phase study as a function of the dilution by water shows that at an intermediate water content a two-phase system of bicontinuous structure is formed, which exhibits a very pronounced viscosity and conductivity maximum shortly before the homogeneous nanoemulsion phase is reached. In the same region SANS shows a high degree of ordering of this bicontinuous structure. SANS and cryo-TEM investigations of the nanoemulsion regime show an increasing average size with dilution and, more interestingly, the presence of two populations with different average particle sizes around 10–15 nm and 25–40 nm. The relative proportion of each population depends on the amount of added water, leading to an average growth of the particle size with increasing dilution