2,041 research outputs found

    Just transition: Employment projections for the 2.0 °c and 1.5 °c scenarios

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    © The Author(s) 2019. This section provides the input data for two different employment development calculation methods: The quantitative analysis, which looks into the overall number of jobs in renewable and fossil fuel industries and the occupational analysis which looks into specific job categories required for the solar and wind sector as well as the oil, gas, and coal industry. Results are given with various figures and tables

    Stomach Content Analysis of Pterygoplichthys Pardalis From the Air Hitam River, Payung Sekaki District, Riau Province

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    Pterygoplichthys pardalis is a type of freshwater fish that live in the Air Hitam River, one of polluted river in Riau. Eventhough the river is polluted, but this species well developed in that river. To understand the stomach content of that fish and its relationship with size, sex and level of maturity, a study has been conducted from February to May 2015. There were 169 fishes captured, however only 91 fishes were used for stomach content study as the other had empty stomach. The stomach content was analyzed and was used as a basis to calculate the Preponderance Index (PI). Results shown that the main food of P. pardalis is Bacillariophyceae (PI 41.19%), small fishes (91-124 mm TL) tend to consume Cyanophyceae (PI53.54%), while the big fish (more than 295 mm TL) tend to consume Bacillariophyceae (PI 45,48%) and rest of crustacea (PI 46,66%). Male eat more Cyanophyceae (PI 46,69%), the female consume Bacillariophyceae (PI 39,05%). Fish with low maturity level (2nd and 3rd maturity level) tend to eat Chlorophyceae (PI 48.81%) and Bacillariophyceae (PI 34.19%), while the mature fish prefer to consume Chlorophyceae (PI 37.14%). Based on data obtained, it can be concluded that the main food of P. pardalis was various and it is related to body size, sex and gonad maturity level

    Toroidal grating astigmatism of high-harmonics characterized by EUV Hartmann sensor

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    The beam transport of single high-order harmonics in a monochromator arrangement is studied. A toroidal grating combines spectral filtering and focusing in order to produce a small individual spot for each harmonic. Here, the effect of small deviations from perfect alignment is investigated. Experimentally, a Hartmann sensor monitors the EUV wavefront while the grating is subjected to an online alignment procedure. The obtained results are confirmed by a simple theoretical description employing optical matrix methods

    Seebeck coefficient of thermopile made of nickel-coated carbon fiber

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    A textile-based thermopile has been fabricated by etching the nickel layer of a nickel coated carbon fiber (NiCF) selectively to form a series of CF-NiCF junctions along the NiCF. The pristine NiCF was inserted into the polyester woven fabric manually. Each half part of the float yarns was covered with Lurapret® D579 dropwise to form a 36-pair CF-NiCF thermopile. After drying in the oven, the sample was etched in the etching solution, then rinsed with water and air dried. The Seebeck coefficient resulting from 36-pair CF-NiCF thermopile is 93.04 µV/K. This proofs that creating a flexible thermoelectric generator from a conductive textile yarn is possible

    Thermodynamics of trajectories of the one-dimensional Ising model

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    We present a numerical study of the dynamics of the one-dimensional Ising model by applying the large-deviation method to describe ensembles of dynamical trajectories. In this approach trajectories are classified according to a dynamical order parameter and the structure of ensembles of trajectories can be understood from the properties of large-deviation functions, which play the role of dynamical free-energies. We consider both Glauber and Kawasaki dynamics, and also the presence of a magnetic field. For Glauber dynamics in the absence of a field we confirm the analytic predictions of Jack and Sollich about the existence of critical dynamical, or space-time, phase transitions at critical values of the "counting" field ss. In the presence of a magnetic field the dynamical phase diagram also displays first order transition surfaces. We discuss how these non-equilibrium transitions in the 1dd Ising model relate to the equilibrium ones of the 2dd Ising model. For Kawasaki dynamics we find a much simple dynamical phase structure, with transitions reminiscent of those seen in kinetically constrained models.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figure

    Just Transition: Implications for the Corporate Sector and Financial Institutions in Australia

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    The era of coal-fired power is coming to an end. Solar and wind energy are the least-cost source of new electricity generation in two-thirds of the world (Bloomberg New Energy Finance, 2019) and growing rapidly at the expense of coal power. Under the Paris Agreement, almost all nations have signed commitments that require net zero emissions by 2050. Over 130 financial institutions globally have announced exit dates from financing, investing in or insuring thermal coal (Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis [IEEFA]), 2020) and close to 1000 companies have set or committed to set targets aligned with the Paris Agreement under the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). The International Energy Agency (IEA) has highlighted that COVID-19 has caused a plunge in energy demand ‘seven times greater than the global financial crisis’, impacting heavily on coal, oil and gas whilst renewable energy is proving so far to be more resilient (IEA, 2020). The full impact of COVID-19 will be determined by the recovery paths taken around the world, but if low thermal coal demand persists as economies reopen, coal retirements are likely to accelerate. The question is no longer ‘if’ there will be a transition from coal to renewable energy but ‘when’ and ‘how’. For coal producing countries such as Australia, the challenge is how to avoid a ‘disruptive’ transition with social and economic dislocation in coal regions, while at the same time positioning ourselves to maximise the economic opportunities

    Airborne measurements of reflectivity and albedo of urban and rural surfaces of Megacities

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    Spectral reflectivity and albedo are obtained from airborne measurements of spectral irradiance and radiance during two field campaigns in Leipzig, Germany and Zhongshan, China. The data measured above urban and rural areas have been investigated with respect to the heterogeneity and anisotropy of the surface. Furthermore the spectral albedo and reflectivity measured above the same surface but at different flight altitudes have been analyzed. These data is used to estimate the impact of multiple scattering processes by aerosol particles and gas molecules