472 research outputs found

    Elastic properties of 5d transition-metal carbides: An ab initio study

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    We have systematically studied the mechanical stability of group V transition metal carbides TMC2_2 (TM = Hf, Ta, W, Re, Os, Ir, Pt, and Au) in the pyrite and fluorite phase, by calculating their elastic constants within the density functional theory scheme. It was found that all but ReC2_2 and OsC2_2 are stable in pyrite phase. On the other hand, all metal carbides studied were unstable in the fluorite phase.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Selam Program Studi Ekowisata Bawah Laut Politeknik Negeri Manado

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    Ekowisata Wisata Bawah Laut adalah salah satu program studi di Politeknik Negeri Manado yang salah satu tujuannya adalah untuk mendukung dunia pariwisata di Indonesia Khususnya di Provinsi Sulawesi Utara. Pengolahan Data selam pada Program Studi Ekowisata Bawah Laut selama ini dilakukan dengan cara mencatat di buku.  Menyelam dimana, perangkat yang digunakan, waktu penyelaman dan hal lain yang menyangkut penyelaman dilakukan dengan cara mencatat.  Kebutuhan akan pengolahan data peyelaman berbasis komputer dirasakan sangat mendesak.  Selain untuk kebutuhan perekaman data, memproses dan dalam melaporkan kegiatan perkuliahan. Tujuan perancangan sistem informasi selam Program Studi Ekowisata Bawah Laut adalah merancang dan membuat sistem pengolahan data penyelaman berbasis komputer sehingga pengolahan data penyelaman yang selama ini dilakukan dengan cara mencatat di buku akan dilakukan dengan menggunakan aplikasi baik untuk merekam, memproses data dan menghasilkan informasi. Metode yang digunakan untuk membangun sistem menggunakan metode waterfall, dimulai dengan tahapan penetapan kebutuhan sistem, desain, implementasi dan pengujian unit, integrasi dan pengujian sistem kemudian tahapan operasi dan perawatan. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Perangkat Lunak Sistem informasi selam pada program studi ekowisata bawah laut Politeknik Negeri ManadoUnderwater Tourism Ecotourism is one of the study programs in the Manado State Polytechnic which one supports to support the world of tourism in Indonesia, especially in North Sulawesi Province. Diving Data Processing in the Underwater Ecotourism Study Program so far has been done by recovering in books. Diving where, equipment used, time diving and other things that save diving is done by recovering. The need for computer-based dive data processing was received very satisfactorily. In addition to the purposes of data recording, processing and reporting of lecture activities. The purpose of designing an information system for the Underwater Ecotourism Study Program is to organize and create a computer-based diving data processing system for data processing diving which has been done by updating books to be carried out using good applications to assist, process data and produce information. The method used to build the system using the waterfall method, starting with the stages of determining the system requirements, design, implementation and unit testing, integration and testing of the system begins the operation and maintenance stages. The results of this study are Dive Information System Software in the underwater ecotourism study program Manado State Polytechni

    Using classifiers to predict linear feedback shift registers

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    Proceeding of: IEEE 35th International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology. October 16-19, 2001, LondonPreviously (J.C. Hernandez et al., 2000), some new ideas that justify the use of artificial intelligence techniques in cryptanalysis are presented. The main objective of that paper was to show that the theoretical next bit prediction problem can be transformed into a classification problem, and this classification problem could be solved with the aid of some AI algorithms. In particular, they showed how a well-known classifier called c4.5 could predict the next bit generated by a linear feedback shift register (LFSR, a widely used model of pseudorandom number generator) very efficiently and, most importantly, without any previous knowledge over the model used. The authors look for other classifiers, apart from c4.5, that could be useful in the prediction of LFSRs. We conclude that the selection of c4.5 by Hernandez et al. was adequate, because it shows the best accuracy of all the classifiers tested. However, we have found other classifiers that produce interesting results, and we suggest that these algorithms must be taken into account in the future when trying to predict more complex LFSR-based models. Finally, we show some other properties that make the c4.5 algorithm the best choice for this particular cryptanalytic problem.Publicad


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    The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the implementation of the policy for the development of the Lembeh Strait tourism object, South Lembeh District, Bitung City. as well as to determine the factors supporting and inhibiting the implementation of the policy. The research method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive. Data collection techniques used are interviews, observations and documents The theory used is the Van Meter and Van Horn implementation model, the model consisting. The research informants were 15 people. The results showed that the implementation of the Lembeh Strait tourism object development policy, South Lembeh District, Bitung City has not been carried out properly due to the difficulty of establishing communication with the surrounding community in terms of cooperation in maintaining and supporting development facilities and the implementation of planned activities. In implementing this policy, human resources are still experiencing obstacles. Inadequate and ineffective coordination with other agencies is caused by the agency's own department, and the agency assumes itself that this development task is only the task of the related institutions.

    Productivity of a \u3cem\u3eLeucaena Leucocephala-Cynodon Nlemfuensis\u3c/em\u3e Silvopastoral System with Sheep in Yucatan, Mexico

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    Animal production in the tropics of Mexico is based on grazed grasslands of low productivity; this type of production system has reduced the areas of natural vegetation and damaged the ecology (erosion of flora, fauna and soil). Silvopastoral technologies may improve the welfare and economic conditions of the rural population and, consequently, preserve their natural resources. The current work was designed to assess the introduction of Leucaena leucocephala in a silvopastoral system with Cynodon nlemfuensis (star grass) grazed by sheep

    Kedisiplinan Kerja Karyawan PT. Karya Tanah Subur Menurut Sistem Kinerja Islami

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    Penelitian ini berjudul: “Kedisiplinan Kerja Karyawan PT.Karya Tanah Subur Menurut Sistem Kinerja Islami”. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kedisiplinan kerja karyawan, mengetahui sistem kinerja Islami. Dan untuk mengetahui peluang dan tantangan dalam meningkatkan kedisiplinan kerja karyawan.Penelitian ini adalah penelitian lapangan dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kedisiplinan kerja karyawan menurut kinerja islami dilakukan dengan menetapkan kebijakan seperti apel pagi, guna untuk memberikan arahan kepada karyawan tentang bagaiamana melakukan pekerjaan sesuai dengan keinginan perusahaan, memberikan arahan untuk melakukan pekerjaan berlandaskan kepada ketaatan kepada Allah dengan melakukan ibadah shalat tepat waktu dan berjamaah, selain itu juga menetapkan kedisiplinan waktu dan profesional dengan waktu yang telah ditetapkan, termasuk waktu istirahat untuk beribadah dan waktu untuk libur.sistem kinerja Islami di PT. Karya Tanah Subur sesuai dengan kinerja islami dilakukan denga lima prinsip seperti: prinsip Mardhatillah,yaitu prinsip mencari keridhaan Allah, prinsip Muhshinin,yaitu prinsip pilihan alternatif yang lebih baik,prinsip as-shabru wa ginanul nafs,yaitu prinsip sabar dan memuliakan hati, prinsip Ittihad wa as-silaturahim, prinsip persatuan dan silaturahim, dan prinsip syiar al-Islam, yaitu prinsip keteladanan dengan menunjukkan prilaku yang islami dimanapun berada. Peluang dan kendala dalam meningkatkan kedisiplinan kerja sangat beragam diantaranya: peluang adalah kekompakkan karyawan dalam berkerja, ini menjadi faktor yang dirasakan sangat mendukung pekerjaan yang diberikan, selain itu sikap saling bantu antar karyawan dan yang terakhir kedisiplinan dalam melaksankan waktu untuk beribadah. Namun juga ada beberapa kendala yang dirasakan diantaranya: masih ada karyawan yang terlambat masuk kerja dan masih adanya juga karyawan yang masih meninggalkan ibadah shalat, namun hal ini akan terus dibenah oleh PT. Karya Tanah Subu


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    The objective of this research is to assess the economic development disparities among districts and cities in North Maluku in 2010 - 2015 period. This research is motivated by the diversity of natural resources and demographic conditions, differences in income per capita and economic growth contained in each regency and town in North Maluku. As a result of these differences, the ability to increase economic development is different from one region to the other region. The data collected for two months from February to March 2017. The data used are PDRB per capita data, population data and economic growth data obtained from Central Bureau of Statistics of North Maluku Province. Analysis of data in the form of descriptive analysis presented in tabular form using Williamson Index analysis tool. The results showed that the economic development district and cities in the province of North Maluku during the period 2010 - 2015 continues to inequality, where the data is used proved that there are significant differences among the districts and cities in North Maluku. Results proficiency level could be seen clearly when analyzed by Williamson Index which indicates that the rate of economic development was still classified inequality on inequality of economic development. This was due to the diversity of potential and natural resources among districts and cities that led to per capita income and economic growth becomes different resulting imbalance of economic development


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    This study aims to analyze using multiplier effect analysing of tomato agribusiness activity against other activities that affect the economy. Data collection consists of primary and secondary data. Primary data were obtained through a list of questions that had been prepared, while the secondary data obtained from the Head of the Agricultural Extension Agencies. The data collected by looking at the population number for eighteen tomato growers and interviews were also conducted at the Head of the Agricultural Extension Agencies (BPP) was one person. The data analysing method used is descriptive analysis and backward linkage and forward linkage analysis (multiplier effect analysis). The concept of measuring variables was used backward linkage, forward linkage, MPC1 of farmer’s income was spent in the village, and PSY, or expenditure farmer generate incomes. The results showed that the tomato agribusiness activities have backward linkage and forward linkage. The activities related to the tomato agribusiness activity has multiplier revenue of 1,090. Tomato agribusiness activity has an impact on the economy of the community

    Sikap Pemilik Lahan terhadap Alih Fungsi Lahan di Desa Kalasey Satu

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    This study aims to determine the attitude of landowners against land conversion in the village Kalasey One, Minahasa. This research was conducted by using primary data obtained from interviews on a sample of attitudes concerning land owners who\u27ve experienced over the land by using a questionnaire that has been prepared. Secondary data were obtained from the Office of the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) and the Office of Manado City Government Kalasey Village One. The results showed that the attitude of landowners against land conversion mostly to take place quickly and the conversion is done by first over land tenure. Land converted generally used to build houses and residential areas. Factors that cause land conversion categorized into internal factors such as the pressing economic needs and the desire to change the fate, as well as external factors such as population growth and government policies. Meanwhile land use also has a positive effect, namely the presence of housing construction resulted in the development of rural economy. The attitude of landowners against land conversion is at an index number of 73.73 percent means included in either category