41 research outputs found

    Perkembangan Pemikiran Tasawuf dan Implementasinya di Era Modern

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    The rapid development of science and technology on one hand created a modern civilization promising advance and ease for life. The hegemony of science and technology generating revolution of industry and information provided abundant of products and sharpened consumptive character of human to fulfill the his biological needs. On the other hand, the advance and hegemony ignore the need for safety, love, dignity, freedom, truth and justice. Because the high civilization causes human being ignored and alienated from God, environment, community, even from himself, which in effect generated disasters and disturbing crisis. To get though with, Tasawuf is believed to be solution to neutralize chaos. The implementation of tasawuf in modern era must be practiced in the frame of syari‟ah by confessing the transformation understanding of Tasawuf. It cannot be practiced by prioritizing maqamat and ahwal alone but by modifying the Tasawuf become dynamic and inclusive in order to it could be digested by spiritual intelligence. The spiritual intelligence is a way into Tasawuf, which is the exploration of spiritual life to get closer to Allah

    Paleotemperature of Middle Eocene Tonasa Limestone based on Foraminifera at Palakka Area South Sulawesi

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    The research area is located in Palakka area, Barru Regency of South Sulawesi. The aim of this research is to interpret paleotemperature deposition of the Tonasa Limestone especially marl based on small bentonic foraminifera. The reseach method used in this study is measuring section at Palakka River and Pange River and identification and determination of foraminifera species under binoculer microscopic. The research area consists of interbedded mudstone and bioclastic limestone, and based on abundant of foraminifera the depositional environment was Inner Neritic to Middle Neritic of Middle Eocene (P11) and sea water temperature indicate warm water. Sea temperature changes may be affected by sea level change and other activities such as global climate changes, local tectonic, and oceanic current, which impact on the presence and abundance of foraminifera

    Paleoseanografi Formasi Tonasa Berdasarkan Kandungan Foraminifera Daerah Barru, Sulawesi Selatan

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    Secara Administratif, daerah penelitian terletak di Kabupaten Barru Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Lokasi penelitian berada di Sungai Barru, Sungai Palakka, Sungai Pange, dan Sungai Ralla. Lokasi tersebut sangat baik untuk dilakukan stratigrafi terukur dan studi fosil khususnya foraminifera. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi pembentukan batuan dengan membuat rekonstruksi paleoseanografi Formasi Tonasa yang terdiri atas napal dan batugamping, berdasarkan kelimpahan fosil foraminifera. \ud Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode measuring section, dari sampel terpilih kemudian dibuat preparasi untuk pengamatan foraminifera kecil maupun foram besar. Selanjutnya determinasi spesies foraminifera dengan menggunakan mikroskop binokuler dan mikroskop polarisasi, kemudian analisis foraminifera baik bentonik maupun planktonik untuk menentukan umur relatif batuan, interpretasi lingkungan pengendapan, suhu, serta salinitas air laut ketika batuan tersebut terbentuk. \ud Berdasarkan kelimpahan foraminifera kecil dan foram besar, diperoleh umur relatif batuan dari Eosen Bawah ??? Eosen Atas (P9-P16), selama pengendapan napal dan batugamping terjadi siklus pengendapan antara lingkungan neritik tepi ??? neritik tengah ??? neritik luar, pada kondisi temperatur air hangat (berkisar 35o/oo) dengan kondisi salinitas berada pada normal marine lagoon dan paparan\ud karbonat. \ud Perselingan napal dan batugamping menunjukkan perubahan kondisi lingkungan pengendapan, secara umum pengendapan berlangsung relatif dari arah Baratdaya ??? Timurlaut atau dari Sungai Barru hingga Sungai Ralla. Perubahan litologi dengan dominasi batulempung karbonatan di bagian utara kemudian beransur didominasi oleh batugamping ke arah selatan yaitu di Sungai Ralla dengan kandungan foram besar yang melimpah

    Sandstone Provenance of Walanae Formation as a Parent Rock in Bulukumpa area, Bulukumba Regency, South Sulawesi: Provenance Batupasir Formasi Walanae sebagai Bahan Induk Tanah di Daerah Bulukumpa Kabupaten Bulukumba, Sulawesi Selatan

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    The Walanae Formation has a wide distribution in the southern arm of Sulawesi, this rock formation was deposited during the formation of the basin due to the Walanae strike-slip fault. The Walanae Formation in the study area comprises sedimentary rocks and pyroclastic rocks, which give different soil characteristics. This study aims to determine the types of sandstones, rocks of origin, and provenance of sandstones in the study area by using spot sampling at representative stations and petrographic analysis. The sandstones of the study area are divided into two groups based on Folk (1974), namely arkose lithic and feldspathic litharenite. Based on the type of quartz, rock fragments, and associated minerals, the origin of the sandstones in the study area are plutonic igneous rocks, volcanic rocks, sedimentary rocks, and metamorphic rocks. The results show that the types of provenance sandstones in the study area are magmatic arc and recycled orogenic

    Bung Hatta Pribadinya dalam Kenangan

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    Jakartaxiii, 730 hlm.: ilus.; 21 c

    Bung Hatta : Pribadinya dalam Kenangan

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    Jakartaxiii, 730 hal.: ilus.; 21 cm