102 research outputs found

    Robustesse des partitions de textes : une exploration autour de l'apport des motifs de mots.

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    International audienceLes partitions d'ensembles de textes peuvent ĂȘtre d'origine endogĂšne - provenir d'une classification non supervisĂ©e - ou exogĂšne, par catĂ©gorisation a priori des textes par des experts. Dans les deux cas se pose la question du caractĂšre gĂ©nĂ©ralisable des catĂ©gories qu'elles expriment. Dans le cadre de la recherche d'une meilleure catĂ©gorisation des domaines scientifiques, et Ă  partir d'un extrait significatif de la base de rĂ©fĂ©rence Web of Science, nous avons appliquĂ© la mĂ©thodologie classique de l'apprentissage automatique (sous-corpus distincts: apprentissage, ajustement, test) Ă  une partition non supervisĂ©e du domaine de la gĂ©nomique. Les rĂ©sultats sur cet ensemble de 120 000 rĂ©sumĂ©s d'articles font la preuve d'une qualitĂ© et d'une robustesse accrues quand on caractĂ©rise chaque partition, plutĂŽt que par de simples termes, par des motifs de termes. Ces motifs spĂ©cifiques de chaque catĂ©gorie sont extraits par notre mĂ©thode Midova de sĂ©lection et dĂ©termination de liaisons complexes entre variables boolĂ©ennes par "pulvĂ©risation" des effectifs impliquĂ©s dans chaque relation n-aire

    Investigating word interactions in texts. Application to text categorization in genomics

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    International audienceWords interacting in a text may be compared, to a certain extent, to molecules interacting and building “complexes”, i.e. multiwords, named entities, or longer-range semantic or syntactic associations. We will call them “k-itemsets” in the sequel, k being their interaction level. We have shown (Cadot 06) than an adequately built subset of these k-itemsets is enough for describing the entirety of the relations at work in a corpus, whatever the level k of these relations. Experimental assessment: we have shown, on a subset of 120,000 abstracts of Web of Science database in the domain of genomics that a small proportion of these itemsets suffices for discriminating with a measurable precision, fifty sub-categories of genomic research. These ones are issued from an unsupervised categorization process involving the whole 230,000 1-itemsets, i.e. individuals words

    A Retrospective Investigation of Thiamin and Energy Intakes Following an Outbreak of Beriberi in the Gambia

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    In the early part of the rainy season in 1988, an outbreak of beriberi occurred in free-living adults in a relatively small area in the North Bank region of The Gambia. In 1995 we selected two compounds in a village called Chilla situated within the affected district to retrospectively examine dietary factors potentially contributing to the outbreak. There had previously been cases of beriberi in one compound (BBC) but not in the other (NBC). We measured energy and thiamin intakes for four days on six occasions during the year. We calculated energy and thiamin intakes of people living in the two compounds and foods were collected for thiamin analysis through the year. Thiamin:Energy ratios only met international recommendations in the immediate post‑harvest season when energy and thiamin intakes were highest and then fell through the year. In the rainy season when food was short and labour was heaviest, energy intakes were lower in the NBC but thiamin:energy ratios were lower in BBC. Records of rainfall in 1988 collected near the village indicated that the amount in August was twice the average. We suggest the heavy rainfall may have increased farm workload and reduced income from outside-village work activity. The lower energy intakes in the NBC may have forced adults to rest thus sparing thiamin demands and delaying onset of beriberi. In contrast, the higher energy intake of adults in the BBC may have enabled them to continue working, thus increasing demands for thiamin and inducing the earlier onset of beriberi

    De Ceilån a Constantinopla: el Advertimiento de Andrés de Noronha, el Memorial de Felipe Botello y la correspondencia apócrifa entre los judíos de España y los de Constantinopla

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    In this article we throw new light on the Advertimiento that bishop AndrĂ©s de Noronha sent to Phillip II’s secretary, Mateo VĂĄzquez, in 1584. This document has been presented by some historians as a very early evidence of the circulation of the famous apocryphal correspondence between the Jews of Spain and those of Constantinople. We analyse the Advertimiento by situating it in its context, thanks to the study of the correspondence that Noronha maintained with VĂĄzquez. And finally, we analyse the document by comparing its content with that of the memorandum – unpublished until now – that the clergyman Felipe Botello handed to the inquisitor MartĂ­n de Salvatierra in 1569. Through that analysis we will demonstrate that almost all what Noronha said in his document was a forgery, a product of the misrepresentation of Botello’s memorandum.En el presente artĂ­culo se arroja nueva luz sobre el Advertimiento que el obispo AndrĂ©s de Noronha enviĂł a Mateo VĂĄzquez, secretario de Felipe II, en 1584, texto que ha sido presentado por algĂșn historiador como una evidencia muy temprana de la circulaciĂłn de la famosa correspondencia apĂłcrifa entre los judĂ­os de España y los de Constantinopla. Examinamos el Advertimiento situĂĄndolo en su contexto gracias al estudio de la correspondencia que Noronha mantuvo VĂĄzquez. Y, finalmente, analizamos el documento a partir de su comparaciĂłn con el memorial –hasta hoy inĂ©dito– que el clĂ©rigo Felipe Botello entregĂł al inquisidor MartĂ­n de Salvatierra en 1569. Mediante este anĂĄlisis demostraremos que prĂĄcticamente todo lo que Noronha decĂ­a en su documento es falso, producto de la tergiversaciĂłn del memorial de Botello

    Évolution internationale du droit des mineurs en conflit avec la loi

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    Dans une optique comparatiste, l’auteur dĂ©crit l’émergence, Ă  la fin du XX°siĂšcle, d’un modĂšle d’intervention international concernant l’enfance en conflit avec la loi. Ce modĂšle est dĂ©crit comme une troisiĂšme voie entre le modĂšle de tutelle1 qui se caractĂ©rise par une pĂ©nalitĂ© souvent plus douce, mais une lĂ©galitĂ© plus floue, tendant Ă  accroĂźtre les pouvoirs du magistrat au dĂ©triment des garanties judiciaires, et le modĂšle de justice pĂ©nale des mineurs2, qui privilĂ©gie une lĂ©galitĂ© nette, in..

    Fronleichnams-BĂŒchlein : zum Gebrauche bei der Fronleichnams-Prozession

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    von F. Meuri


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    LILLE2-BU Santé-Recherche (593502101) / SudocSudocFranceF
