492 research outputs found

    Perceptual asymmetry in the subjective duration of ramped and damped sounds

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    International audienceTime-varying-level sounds that increase or decrease in level are well established to induce auditory perceptual asymmetries, for loudness and subjective duration. Several studies revealed ramped sounds to be perceived louder than equivalent damped sounds using durations from few milliseconds to few seconds. In addition, other studies revealed ramped sounds to be perceived longer than damped sounds for durations from 10 ms to 500 ms. As a consequence, it could be hypothesized that the perceived duration asymmetry may be responsible for the loudness asymmetry. Thus, the aim of the present study was to extend the results about asymmetries in subjective duration for tones above 500 ms, in order to test the plausibility of the hypothesis under these conditions. Using a 2I-2AFC adaptive method, ramped and damped tones were matched in duration to the point of subjective equality. At equal subjective duration, short-damped sounds (< 0.5 s) were matched longer than short-ramped sounds, confirming previous results, whereas long-damped sounds (0.5 to 2 s) were matched to the same duration as long-ramped sounds, which question the hypothesis for durations above 500 ms

    Appeal No. 0777: Mike Johnson v. Division of Mineral Resources Management

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    Chief\u27s Order 2006-13

    Cross-cultural validation and analysis of responsiveness of the QUALIOST(®): QUAlity of Life questionnaire In OSTeoporosis

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    BACKGROUND: The QUALIOST(® )was designed for use with the SF-36 to measure established osteoporosis-specific quality of life (QoL). The reliability (internal consistency and test-retest) and validity of the questionnaire were established in a stand-alone psychometric validation study. The objective of this paper is to provide additional information on the instrument's responsiveness using clinical trial data, along with the reliability and validity of translated versions. METHODS: The Spinal Osteoporosis Therapeutic Intervention (SOTI) was an international clinical trial comparing strontium ranelate to placebo on the occurrence of new vertebral fracture in patients with postmenopausal osteoporosis. QoL was a secondary endpoint, assessed using the SF-36 and QUALIOST(® )at baseline and every six months, with the main analysis at 3-year follow-up. Questionnaire acceptability, analysis of the hypothesised structure, internal consistency reliability and responsiveness to clinical change over time were assessed at the 3-year follow up. RESULTS: 1592 patients from 11 countries completed at least one QoL questionnaire. The psychometric properties of the questionnaires were assessed on cross-sectional (N = 1486) and longitudinal (N = 1288) data. Item discriminant validity of the QUALIOST(® )was excellent, as was item convergent validity, with 100% of item-scale correlations being above the 0.40 level. Internal consistency reliability was also extremely good, with high Cronbach's alpha scores above the 0.70 benchmark. Responsiveness results were consistent for all QUALIOST(® )scores, indicating that greater decreases in QoL corresponded to greater numbers of fractures experienced. QUALIOST(® )scores also differed according to the type of fracture suffered. This was demonstrated by increased effect sizes for more severe vertebral fractures (clinical vertebral and painful vertebral). In comparing responsiveness, the QUALIOST(® )scores were generally more consistent than those of the SF-36. Most notably, the QUALIOST(® )was more responsive with regard to painful vertebral fractures than the SF-36. CONCLUSION: The QUALIOST(® )is a reliable and valid tool for measuring QoL in postmenopausal osteoporotic women. Being available in several validated language versions, it is ready to be used in a variety of settings, including international clinical trials

    Apprentissage profond non supervisé fondé sur l'algorithme EM pour la segmentation du mouvement

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    International audienceThis paper presents a CNN-based fully unsupervised method for motion segmentation from optical flow. We assume that the input optical flow can be represented as a piecewise set of parametric motion models, typically, affine or quadratic motion models. The core idea of this work is to leverage the Expectation-Maximization (EM) framework. It enables us to design in a well-founded manner the loss function and the training procedure of our motion segmentation neural network. However, in contrast to the classical iterative EM, once the network is trained, we can provide a segmentation for any unseen optical flow field in a single inference step, with no dependence on the initialization of the motion model parameters since they are not estimated in the inference stage. Our method outperforms comparable unsupervised methods and is very efficient.Cet article présente une méthode entièrement non supervisée basée sur un réseau neuronal convolutionnel pour la segmentation du mouvement à partir du flot optique. Nous supposons que le flot optique d'entrée peut être représenté par un ensemble de modèles de mouvement paramétriques, typiquement des modèles de mouvement affines ou quadratiques. L'idée centrale de ce travail est d'exploiter le cadre de l'Espérance-Maximisation (EM). Il nous permet de concevoir d'une manière bien fondée la fonction de perte et la procédure d'apprentissage de notre réseau de neurones de segmentation du mouvement. Contrairement à la méthode EM itérative classique, une fois le réseau entraîné, nous pouvons fournir une segmentation pour tout nouveau champ de flot optique en une seule étape d'inférence et sans avoir avoir à estimer de modèles de mouvement. Notre méthode surpasse les méthodes non supervisées comparables et est très efficace en temps de calcul. Mots Clés Segmentation du mouvement, flot optique, réseau de neurones, algorithme EM

    The Homeodomain-Containing Transcription Factors Arx and Pax4 Control Enteroendocrine Subtype Specification in Mice

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    Intestinal hormones are key regulators of digestion and energy homeostasis secreted by rare enteroendocrine cells. These cells produce over ten different hormones including GLP-1 and GIP peptides known to promote insulin secretion. To date, the molecular mechanisms controlling the specification of the various enteroendocrine subtypes from multipotent Neurog3+ endocrine progenitor cells, as well as their number, remain largely unknown. In contrast, in the embryonic pancreas, the opposite activities of Arx and Pax4 homeodomain transcription factors promote islet progenitor cells towards the different endocrine cell fates. In this study, we thus investigated the role of Arx and Pax4 in enteroendocrine subtype specification. The small intestine and colon of Arx- and Pax4-deficient mice were analyzed using histological, molecular, and lineage tracing approaches. We show that Arx is expressed in endocrine progenitors (Neurog3+) and in early differentiating (ChromograninA−) GLP-1-, GIP-, CCK-, Sct- Gastrin- and Ghrelin-producing cells. We noted a dramatic reduction or a complete loss of all these enteroendocrine cell types in Arx mutants. Serotonin- and Somatostatin-secreting cells do not express Arx and, accordingly, the differentiation of Serotonin cells was not affected in Arx mutants. However, the number of Somatostatin-expressing D-cells is increased as Arx-deficient progenitor cells are redirected to the D-cell lineage. In Pax4-deficient mice, the differentiation of Serotonin and Somatostatin cells is impaired, as well as of GIP and Gastrin cells. In contrast, the number of GLP-1 producing L-cells is increased concomitantly with an upregulation of Arx. Thus, while Arx and Pax4 are necessary for the development of L- and D-cells respectively, they conversely restrict D- and L-cells fates suggesting antagonistic functions in D/L cell allocation. In conclusion, these finding demonstrate that, downstream of Neurog3, the specification of a subset of enteroendocrine subtypes relies on both Arx and Pax4, while others depend only on Arx or Pax4

    DNA cleavage and binding selectivity of a heterodinuclear Pt–Cu(3-Clip-Phen) complex

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    The synthesis and nuclease activity of a new bifunctional heterodinuclear platinum–copper complex are reported. The design of this ditopic coordination compound is based on the specific mode of action of each component, namely, cisplatin and Cu(3-Clip-Phen), where 3-Clip-Phen is 1-(1,10-phenanthrolin-3-yloxy)-3-(1,10-phenanthrolin-8-yloxy)propan-2-amine. Cisplatin is not only able to direct the Cu(3-Clip-Phen) part to the GG or AG site, but also acts as a kinetically inert DNA anchor. The nuclease activity of this complex has been investigated on supercoiled DNA. The dinuclear compound is not only more active than Cu(3-Clip-Phen), but is also capable of inducing direct double-strand breaks. The sequence selectivity of the mononuclear platinum complex has been investigated by primer extension experiments, which reveal that its interaction with DNA occurs at the same sites as for cisplatin. The Taq polymerase recognizes the resulting DNA damage as different from that for unmodified cisplatin. The sequence-selective cleavage has been investigated by high-resolution gel electrophoresis on a 36-bp DNA fragment. Sequence-selective cleavages are observed in the close proximity of the platinum sites for the strand exhibiting the preferential platinum binding sites. The platinum moiety also coordinates to the other DNA strand, most likely leading only to mono guanine or adenine adducts

    Household acquisition and transmission of extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL) -producing Enterobacteriaceae after hospital discharge of ESBL-positive index patients

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    Objectives: This study aimed to determine rates and risk factors of extended-spectrum b-lactamaseproducing Enterobacteriaceae (ESBL-PE) acquisition and transmission within households after hospital discharge of an ESBL-PE-positive index patient. Methods: Two-year prospective cohort study in five European cities. Patients colonized with ESBLproducing Escherichia coli (ESBL-Ec) or Klebsiella pneumoniae (ESBL-Kp), and their household contacts were followed up for 4 months after hospital discharge of the index case. At each follow up, participants provided a faecal sample and personal information. ESBL-PE whole-genome sequences were compared using pairwise single nucleotide polymorphism-based analysis. Results: We enrolled 71 index patients carrying ESBL-Ec (n ¼ 45), ESBL-Kp (n ¼ 20) or both (n ¼ 6), and 102 household contacts. The incidence of any ESBL-PE acquisition among household members initially free of ESBL-PE was 1.9/100 participant-weeks at risk. Nineteen clonally related household transmissions occurred (case to contact: 13; contact to case: 6), with an overall rate of 1.18 transmissions/100 participant-weeks at risk. Most of the acquisition and transmission events occurred within the first 2 months after discharge. The rate of ESBL-Kp household transmission (1.16/100 participant-weeks) was higher than of ESBL-Ec (0.93/100 participant-weeks), whereas more acquisitions were noted for ESBL-Ec (1.06/100 participant-weeks) compared with ESBL-Kp (0.65/100 participant-weeks). Providing assistance for urinary and faecal excretion to the index case by household members increased the risk of ESBL-PE transmission (adjusted prevalence ratio 4.3; 95% CI 1.3e14.1).Instituto de Salud Carlos II