202 research outputs found

    Le rôle des transports dans le commerce de banlieue : le cas parisien

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    Dans la banlieue parisienne, l'organisation du réseau de transport exerce une influence considérable sur la disposition et l'activité de l'appareil commercial. La facilité des transports canalise l'évasion des achats vers les centres commerciaux mieux équipés de Paris tandis qu'elle paralyse l'éventuel apport de clientèle des communes voisines. Les établissements, souvent de petite taille, sont incapables de lutter contre cette concurrence parisienne et s'adaptent à ces conditions défavorables en s'implantant à proximité des voies de communication afin de capter une partie de la clientèle de passage. En conséquence, s'est développé une curieuse organisation linéaire de l'équipement commercial calquée sur le schéma du réseau de transport et la distribution des types d'habitat, elle-même étroitement déterminée par les moyens de communication. Il n'est pas jusqu'aux carences ou hypertrophies de certains secteurs de l'activité commerciale qui ne reflètent, comme bien d'autres phénomènes, l'étroite dépendance du fait commercial et de la circulation.In the Paris suburbs, the layout of the transport network exerts a considerable influence upon the localisation and the activity of the retail trade complex. Efficient means of transport channel the evasion of shopping towards the better equipped retail trade centres in Paris and paralyse the potential spending of the nearby customer. The existing establishments, often antiquated and small-sized, are unable to withstand this Parisian competition and adjust to these unfavourable conditions by locating near the transport axes so as to attract at least part of the transient customer. Consequently, a peculiar lineal retail trade structure has developed, which is modelled after the layout of the transport network and the distribution of housing types, the latter being in itself closely determined by the quality of the means of transport. Even the shortcomings or overdevelopment in some sectors of retail trade reflect, in the same way as many other phenomena, the close interdependence between trade and transport

    L’électricité dans les ménages du Québec

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    La consommation d'électricité des ménages québécois présente une double originalité. Elle est, en premier lieu, une des plus fortes qui soient au monde en raison des taux de diffusion très élevés des divers appareils électriques et de la concurrence, jusqu'à présent modérée, des autres sources d'énergie. Les particularités climatiques de la province contribuent également à stimuler la consommation d'électricité. La seconde originalité réside dans le très bas prix de vente du kwh qui n'a cessé de baisser depuis une vingtaine d'années. Aussi, en dépit du niveau élevé de consommation, la facture d'électricité ne représente-t-elle qu'une dépense restreinte variable en fonction des revenus et de la composition des ménages et elle a, dans l'ensemble, tendance à augmenter plus rapidement que d'autres types de dépenses, traduisant ainsi la diffusion du bien-être au foyer.The electricity consumption of Quebec's households presents a dual originality. First of all, it is one of the highest in the world (about 6,550 kwh per residential customer) as a result of the very widespread use of various electrical appliances, and of a hitherto moderate competition from other sources of energy. The climatic peculiarities of the Province also contribute in stimulating the consumption of electricity. The second originality lies in the very low sale price of the kwh which has kept decreasing over the past twenty years (1.38 cents today on the average). As a result, and despite the high rate of consumption, the electricity bill accounts for a small percentage only (1.2%) of the Québec families' budget. This expense varies, however, in relation to income and household make-up, and has a tendency, as a rule, to increase more rapidly than other types of expense. This tendency reflects the increased well-being in the home

    From the Popular Front to the Eastern Front: Youth Movements, Travel, and Fascism in France (1930-1945).

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    There is no straight line leading from the French Popular Front to Hitler’s Europe. Yet, quite a few Frenchmen followed such a crooked path that led them from one the 20th century’s great democratic movements to its most exclusionary and destructive ideology. Seeking to uncover the apparent contradictions that frame this political itinerary, my dissertation entitled “From the Popular Front to the Eastern Front: Youth Movements, Travel, and Fascism in France (1930-1945)” looks at the interwar youth hostel movement, a pacifist and left-leaning organization and the drift of some of its members towards Europeanist fascism during the Second World War. I argue that discourses on European civilization on the right and the left coalesced at the end of the 1930s around of critique of industrial modernity and consumerism. In doing so they provided a solid platform for this radical shift of political allegiances and provided common historical narratives to youths of countries under Nazi influence. Looking at the complex articulation between youth politics, travel practices, and French-German relations, my research highlights the significance of generational sentiments in the development of an original pan-European fascist ideology during WWII. In the last instance, I show that the war experience brought about a radical transformation of the spatial imaginary of Nazism, from a hyper-national to a supra-national ideology, and suggest the need to reassess the significance of Hitler’s wartime European project within the larger historical framework of 20th Century Europe.PhDAnthropology and HistoryUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/116650/1/bgmetton_1.pd

    Le personnel des chantiers de la Manicouagan et des Outardes

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    Laser-induced plume investigated by finite element modelling and scaling of particle entrainment in laser powder bed fusion

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    Although metal vaporisation has been observed in several laser processes such as drilling or welding, vapour plume expansion and its induced side effects are not fully understood. Especially, this phenomenon is garnering scientific and industrial interest since recent investigations in laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) have designated metal vaporisation as main source of denudation and powder spattering. The present study aims to provide a new insight on the dynamics of laser-induced vaporisation and to assess the potential of different gases for particle entrainment. A self-consistent finite element model of laser-induced keyhole and plume is thus presented for this purpose, built from a comprehensive literature review. The model is validated with dedicated experimental diagnostics, involving high-speed imaging to measure the ascent velocity of the vapour plume. The transient dynamics of vapour plume is thus quantified for different laser incident intensities and gas flow patterns such as the mushroom-like structure of the vapour plume are analysed. Finally, the model is used as a tool to quantify the entrainment flow expected in LPBF and an analytical model is derived to define a velocity threshold for particle entrainment, expressed in term of background gas properties. Doing so it is possible to predict how denudation evolves when the gaseous atmosphere is changed

    Mesenteric lymph node cells from neonates present a prominent IL-12 response to CpG oligodeoxynucleotide via an IL-15 feedback loop of amplification

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    At birth, the immune system is still in development making neonates more susceptible to infections. The recognition of microbial ligands is a key step in the initiation of immune responses. It can be mimicked to stimulate the immune system by the use of synthetic ligands recognising pattern recognition receptors. In human and mouse, it has been found that neonatal cytokine responses to toll-like receptor (TLR) ligands differ in many ways from those of adults but the relevant studies have been limited to cord blood and spleen cells. In this study, we compared the responses in neonate and adult sheep to CpG oligodeoxynucleotides (ODN), a TLR9 ligand, in both a mucosal and a systemic organ. We observed that in response to CpG-ODN more IL-12 was produced by neonatal than adult sheep cells from mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN) and spleen. This higher IL-12 response was limited to the first 20 days after birth for MLN cells but persisted for a longer period for spleen cells. The major IL-12-producing cells were identified as CD14+CD11b+. These cells were poor producers of IL-12 in response to direct stimulation with CpG-ODN and required the cooperation of other MLN cells. The difference in response to CpG-ODN between neonates and adults can be attributed to both a higher proportion of CD14+CD11b+ cells in neonate lambs and their higher capacity to produce IL-15. The IL-15 increases IL-12 production by an amplifying feedback loop involving CD40

    Transient dynamics and stability of keyhole at threshold in laser powder bed fusion regime investigated by finite element modeling

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    A Finite element model is developed with a commercial code to investigate the keyhole dynamics and stability at keyhole threshold, a fusion regime characteristic to laser microwelding or to Laser Powder Bed Fusion. The model includes relevant physics to treat the hydrodynamic problems - surface tension, Marangoni stress, and recoil pressure - as well as a self-consistent ray-tracing algorithm to account for the "beam-trapping"effect. Implemented in both static and scanning laser configurations, the model successfully reproduces some key features that most recent x-ray images have exhibited. The dynamics of the liquid/gas interface is analyzed, in line with the distribution of the absorbed intensity as well as with the increase of the keyhole energy coupling. Based on these results, new elements are provided to discuss our current understanding of the keyhole formation and stability at threshold.The authors are grateful to Anthony D. Rollett and Tao Sun for helpful discussion on their x-ray experiments. This work has been supported by Safran Additive Manufacturing and Association Nationale de la Recherche et de la Technology (ANRT)


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    ABSTRACT: Introduction: The upper airways are important sites for the emergence and proliferation of many pathogens, mainly due to direct contact with the external environment, presence of oxygen, moisture, nutrients and adequate temperature, promoting an infectious, inflammatory and irritative process in the affected site, characterized as one of the most frequent problems found in public health services. Objective: To evaluate the antimicrobial sensitivity profile in cultures of oropharyngeal secretion and positive sputum in the region of Cariri, Ceará. Methodology: This is an epidemiological, documentary, cross-sectional study, with retrospective collection of materials, from 07/01/18 to 06/30/19, from the database of the Clinical Analysis Laboratory of Cariri Vicente Lemos, who collects material from residents of the Cariri region. Results: 132,124 positive samples of oropharyngeal and sputum secretion were evaluated with antimicrobial tests, which revealed 85,691 (64.85%) sensitive, 43,338 (33.05%) resistant and 3,099 (2.35%) of character intermediate in relation to its efficacy to the antibiotics used. Furthermore, the most prevalent profile of microorganisms in the samples was revealed, such as: Streptococcus pyogenes, Staphylococcus coagulase-negative, Escherichia coli, Enterococcus sp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Acinetobacter baumannii/calcoaceticus complex, which are directly related to several systemic infections. Conclusion: In this context, several microorganisms have been showing a higher degree of resistance to some antimicrobials in the region of Cariri Ceará, impairing clinical practice in relation to the diagnosis and treatment of certain diseases.Introducción: Las vías respiratorias superiores son sitios importantes para la aparición y proliferación de muchos patógenos, principalmente debido al contacto directo con el ambiente externo, presencia de oxígeno, humedad, nutrientes y temperatura adecuada, promoviendo un proceso infeccioso, inflamatorio e irritativo en el sitio afectado, caracterizándolo como uno de los problemas más frecuentes que se encuentran en los servicios de salud pública. Objetivo: Evaluar el perfil de sensibilidad antimicrobiana en cultivos de secreción de orofaringe y cicatrices positivas en la región de Cariri de Ceará. Metodología: Se trata de un estudio epidemiológico, documental transversal, con colección retrospectiva de materiales, del 01/07/18 al 30/06/19, de la base de datos del Laboratorio de Análisis Clínicos de Cariri Vicente Lemos, que recoge el material de residentes de la región de Cariri. Resultados: Se evaluaron un total de 1324 muestras positivas de orofaringe y secreción cicatricial con pruebas antimicrobianas, en las que revelaron 85.691 (64,85%) sensibles, 43.338 (33,05%) resistentes y 3.099 (2,35%) intermedias en relación a su eficacia con los antibióticos utilizados. Además, se reveló el perfil de mayor prevalencia de microorganismos en las muestras: Streptococcus pyogenes, Staphylococcus coagulasa negativo, Escherichia coli, Enterococcus sp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa y Complejo Acinetobacter baumannii/calcoaceticus, que están directamente relacionados con varias infecciones sistémicas. Conclusión: En este contexto, varios microorganismos han presentado un mayor grado de resistencia a algunos antimicrobianos en la región de cariri ceará, perjudicando en la práctica clínica en relación con el diagnóstico y tratamiento de ciertas enfermedades.Introdução: As vias aéreas superiores são importantes sítios para o surgimento e proliferação de muitos patógenos, devido, principalmente, ao contato direto com o meio externo, presença de oxigênio, umidade, nutrientes e temperatura adequada, promovendo um processo infeccioso, inflamatório e irritativo no local acometido, caracterizando-se como um dos problemas mais frequentes encontrados em serviços de saúde pública. Objetivo: Avaliar o perfil de sensibilidade aos antimicrobianos em culturas de secreção orofaringe e de escarros positivas na região do Cariri cearense. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo epidemiológico, documental, em corte transversal, com coleta retrospectiva dos materiais, no período de 01/07/18 a 30/06/19, a partir da base de dados do Laboratório de Análises Clínicas do Cariri Vicente Lemos, que coleta o material de moradores da região do Cariri. Resultados:        Foram avaliadas 132.124 amostras positivas de secreção de orofaringe e de escarro com os testes de antimicrobianos, nos quais revelaram 85.691 (64,85%) sensíveis, 43.338 (33,05%) resistentes e 3.099 (2,35%) de caráter intermediário em relação à sua eficácia aos antibióticos utilizados. Além disso, foi revelado o perfil de maior prevalência dos microrganismos nas amostras como: de Streptococcus pyogenes, Staphylococcus coagulase-negativa, Escherichia coli, Enterococcus sp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa e Acinetobacter baumannii/ calcoaceticus complexo, que estão diretamente relacionados com diversas infecções sistêmicas. Conclusão: Nesse contexto, diversos microrganismos vêm apresentando um grau maior de resistência a alguns antimicrobianos na região do cariri cearense, prejudicando na prática clínica em relação ao diagnóstico e ao tratamento de certas doenças