1,924 research outputs found

    Are there differences in the view of the 3Rs between professional ages at KI? : analysis of Researchers and Toxicology masters students knowledge, perceived usability and attitude towards the 3Rs at the Karolinska Institute

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    3R (Replacement, Reduction och Refinement - översatt till svenska: ersĂ€tta, minska och förfina) utvecklades frĂ€mst för att förbĂ€ttra djurvĂ€lfĂ€rden för djur som anvĂ€nds i djurförsök. 3R har fĂ„tt en allt viktigare roll inom forskning med försöksdjur, inte minst pĂ„ grund av EU:s uppdaterade djurskyddsdirektiv som implementerades i svensk lagstiftning 2013. Det brittiska nationella centret för 3R, NC3Rs, genomförde 2008 en enkĂ€tundersökning av brittiska forskares attityd och kunskap om 3R för att kartlĂ€gga behovet av framtida 3R-utvecklingsstrategier. En modifierad version av NC3Rs enkĂ€tmodell skickades 2018 till personer pĂ„ Karolinska Institutet som arbetade med djurforskning. Ytterligare en version av enkĂ€ten skickades till toxikologimasterstudenter pĂ„ Karolinska Institutet 2016 samt 2017. EnkĂ€tsvaren har analyserats inom detta kandidatprojekt med syftet att utvĂ€rdera skillnader/mönster i kunskap, upplevd anvĂ€ndbarhet och attityd avseende 3R mellan tre olika “yrkesĂ„ldrar”; studenter, juniora forskare och seniora forskare. Skillnader i kunskap, upplevd anvĂ€ndbarhet och attityd hittades mellan studenter och de tvĂ„ forskargrupperna. Studien indikerar att studenter har en mindre negativ instĂ€llning till 3R, bĂ€ttre kunskap om felaktiga definitioner av 3R och uppfattar Refinementmetoder som mer anvĂ€ndbara inom forskningen Ă€n juniora och seniora forskare.The 3Rs (Replacement, Reduction and Refinement) were developed primarily to improve animal welfare for animals used in research. The 3Rs have gained an increasingly important role within animal research, not the least because of EU’s updated animal welfare Directive implemented in Swedish legislation in 2013. In 2008, the British National Center for the 3Rs (NC3Rs), conducted a survey of British researchers' attitudes and knowledge about 3R to identify the need for future 3R development strategies. A modified version of the NC3Rs survey model was sent to researchers working with animal models at Karolinska Institutet in 2018. A version of the questionnaire was sent to toxicology master students at Karolinska Institutet in 2016 and 2017. The survey responses have been analyzed within this bachelor project with the aim of discovering differences/patterns in knowledge, perceived usefulness and attitude of the 3Rs between three different “professional ages”; students, junior researchers and senior researchers. Differences in knowledge, perceived usefulness and attitude were found between students and the two groups of researchers. The study indicates that students have a less negative attitude towards the 3Rs, better knowledge of incorrect definitions of the 3Rs and perceive Refinement methods as more useful in research than junior and senior researchers


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    Through a series of individual ethnographic interviews and focus groups, I explored the expectations and anticipations of middle and high school special education teachers as they carry out their professional charge of educating their students with intellectual disability for lives in the least restrictive environment, including possible adult roles as partners and parents. This study examined the choices teachers make, including teaching curriculum and professional responsibility, as they approach their professional duties in educating their students with ID for life beyond the classroom. Teachers were asked to share their expectations of themselves in preparing their students and their anticipation of their students adult lives once they leave the school system. Analysis of qualitative data gathered through both recorded individual interviews and focus groups revealed three major domains in which the data clustered including: (a) boundaries; (b) dangers and threats; and (c) responsibility for change. Themes within each domain also emerged to reveal concerns among the teachers for their students\u27 safety, preparation for adult roles, tension with parents, and lack of school leadership. While this research focused on expectations and anticipations of middle and high school teachers in preparing their students for adult roles, including those of partner and parent, it revealed the need for attention to many aspects of the implementation of an educational program, including utilization of the IEP for individual educational planning and actualization of IDEA as tools to ensure students receive an appropriate education that prepares them for future roles in an inclusive society. Teachers struggled to exercise personal agency and action in making changes and seemed to be unsafe in exploring that possibility within the culture of the school and larger educational systems in which they worked

    Fighting obesity during pregnancy - A qualitative study of women's experiences of making lifestyle changes during pregnancy

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    Background: Obesity among women of childbearing age is a rising public health concern due to risks of adverse outcomes and long-term obesity for the mother and child. Addressing maternal obesity through effective lifestyle interventions is important and understanding the challenges that accompany successful behaviour change may assist in ensuring long-term health benefits. Aim: To explore obese women’s experiences of making lifestyle changes in pregnancy. Method: Semi-structured in-depth interviews with eight mothers with a BMI≄30, purposively sampled from previous participants in a lifestyle intervention at Hvidovre Hospital in Denmark. Data was analysed using manifest and latent content analysis. Findings: Three themes emerged from the analysis. The key findings showed that changing health behaviour in pregnancy is an ambivalent endeavour involving various individual challenges and facilitating aspects. Engaging in lifestyle changes requires personalised care and a comprehensive support system involving family, peers and professionals at various levels to motivate behaviour change. The postpartum period is an especially challenging period for women. Without professional support, health behaviours become increasingly difficult to maintain as motherhood and caring for the newborn child takes precedence over health concerns. Conclusion: The findings showed that women are susceptible to receiving lifestyle intervention during pregnancy because of their overall health goals for themselves and their family; however, the mode of care delivery needs to be personalised to the individual’s context. Special attention must be given to the underlying issues of overweight. Weight stigma should be addressed when targeting obese pregnant women to avoid potentially discouraging women from participating in preventative lifestyle interventions. It is recommended that a comprehensive support system, involving partners, peers and professionals, be ensured during pregnancy and extends to the postpartum period. Women may then in turn be more motivated to resume a healthy lifestyle after birth

    Does treatment of the laryngeal mucosa reduce dystonic symptoms? A prospective clinical cohort study of mannose binding lectin and other immunological parameters with diagnostic use of phonatory function studies

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    This study examined efficacy of the innate immune defence via the mannose binding lectin (MBL) in a cohort of 55 dystonic patients prospectively referred to the clinic with laryngeal mucosal complaints, who were placed on local steroids (budesonid inhaler, 400 Όg 2 times daily) and antihistamines (fexofenadin 180 mg mostly 3 times daily) with adjuvant lifestyle corrections. Treatment efficacy of the larynx was assessed based on mucosal findings of the vocal folds examined with phonatory function studies (PhFS) comprising simultaneous high-speed digital images, kymography, electroglottography and voice acoustics combined with a visual score of arytenoids oedema, as these measures are indicative of the magnitude of laryngitis. Lactose and gluten intolerance and immunological analyses of the innate system were made systematically. Results showed that the genetic aspects of immunology did not reveal a role for the innate immune system, represented by the MBL. But an unexpected positive effect of the larynx treatment on dystonia symptoms was found evidenced by reduction of dystonic complaints and more normative results of PhFS, and a reduction of oedema of the inter arytenoids region. Symptoms relieve and better quality of life was observed on follow-up for the dystonia complaints

    Explicitation and Implicitation in Legal Translation – A Process Study of Trainee Translators

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    Le prĂ©sent article a pour objet d’examiner l’utilisation de l’explicitation et de l’implicitation dans le domaine de la traduction juridique. Sur le plan linguistique, les textes juridiques sont complexes et difficiles Ă  comprendre pour les non-spĂ©cialistes. Du point de vue cognitif, on pourrait par consĂ©quent s’attendre Ă  ce que l’explicitation et l’implicitation apparaissent frĂ©quemment dans les textes cibles juridiques, Ă©tant donnĂ© que les traducteurs ont tendance Ă  laisser dans les textes cibles des traces de leur comprĂ©hension, fruit d’un travail ardu. D’un autre cĂŽtĂ©, les traductions dans le domaine juridique ont des consĂ©quences juridiques dans le monde rĂ©el. Du point de vue juridique, on pourrait donc s’attendre Ă  ce que l’explicitation et l’implicitation apparaissent assez rarement dans les textes juridiques traduits, vu l’effet, sur le plan juridique, que peuvent avoir l’ajout ou la suppression d’informations. Cependant, comment cette contradiction se traduit-elle dans les textes cibles produits par des traducteurs d’expertises variables ? Le prĂ©sent article Ă©tudie le phĂ©nomĂšne de l’explicitation et de l’implicitation dans les traductions rĂ©alisĂ©es par les Ă©tudiants en traduction. Notre hypothĂšse est que le manque de compĂ©tences suffisantes en matiĂšre de scĂ©narios juridiques a plus de poids que les efforts mentaux des Ă©tudiants et que ceux-ci choisiront, pour plus de sĂ»retĂ©, de se restreindre aux explicitations et aux implicitations obligatoires.This article explores the use of explicitation and implicitation in the context of legal translation. Legal texts are linguistically complex and difficult to understand for lay persons. From a cognitive point of view it may therefore be assumed that ex- and implicitations will be frequent phenomena in legal TTs, because translators will tend to leave traces of their hard-won understanding in the TT. On the other hand, legal translations have legal consequences in the real world. From a legal point of view it may therefore conversely be assumed that ex- and implicitations will be relatively rare phenomena in legal TTs because of the potential legal effect of adding or removing information. But how is this schism reflected in legal TTs performed by translators at different levels of expertise? This article examines phenomena of ex- and implicitations in trainee translator TTs. It is hypothesized that lack of sufficient knowledge of legal scenarios will override heavy mental processing efforts and that trainee translators will restrict themselves to choosing only obligatory ex- and implicitations as their safe bet

    Uncertainty in the Cognitive Processing of a Legal Scenario: A Process Study of Student Translators

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    This article describes a process oriented case study of student translators’ translation of a legal text from Danish into English. Generally, when students are asked to translate a complex legal text their reaction to some degree demonstrates lack of conïŹ dence in their ability to perform successfully both as students and after graduation. On the basis of a think-aloud experiment involving four groups of students we focus on how they handle uncertainty in the translation process, and explore whether it is possible to point to factors that are likely to make students go about the task of legal translation with more conïŹdence. Two parameters are focused on: the students’ access to tentative translation equivalents both at the syntactic and lexical levels and the nature of reïŹ‚ection or argumentation performed to support their ïŹnal choices. The ultimate purpose of this study is pedagogical in that we hope to be able to point to focusing points that will help students in their learning process

    Empirical investigation of the ethical reasoning of physicians and molecular biologists – the importance of the four principles of biomedical ethics

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>This study presents an empirical investigation of the ethical reasoning and ethical issues at stake in the daily work of physicians and molecular biologists in Denmark. The aim of this study was to test empirically whether there is a difference in ethical considerations and principles between Danish physicians and Danish molecular biologists, and whether the bioethical principles of the American bioethicists Tom L. Beauchamp and James F. Childress are applicable to these groups.</p> <p>Method</p> <p>This study is based on 12 semi-structured interviews with three groups of respondents: a group of oncology physicians working in a clinic at a public hospital and two groups of molecular biologists conducting basic research, one group employed at a public university and the other in a private biopharmaceutical company.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this sample, the authors found that oncology physicians and molecular biologists employed in a private biopharmaceutical company have the specific principle of beneficence in mind in their daily work. Both groups are motivated to help sick patients. According to the study, molecular biologists explicitly consider nonmaleficence in relation to the environment, the researchers' own health, and animal models; and only implicitly in relation to patients or human subjects. In contrast, considerations of nonmaleficence by oncology physicians relate to patients or human subjects. Physicians and molecular biologists both consider the principle of respect for autonomy as a negative obligation in the sense that informed consent of patients should be respected. However, in contrast to molecular biologists, physicians experience the principle of respect for autonomy as a positive obligation as the physician, in dialogue with the patient, offers a medical prognosis based upon the patients wishes and ideas, mutual understanding, and respect. Finally, this study discloses utilitarian characteristics in the overall conception of justice as conceived by oncology physicians and molecular biologists from the private biopharmaceutical company. Molecular biologists employed at a public university are, in this study, concerned with allocation, however, they do not propose a specific theory of justice.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study demonstrates that each of the four bioethical principles of the American bioethicists Tom L. Beauchamp & James F. Childress – respect for autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence and justice – are reflected in the daily work of physicians and molecular biologists in Denmark. Consequently, these principles are applicable in the Danish biomedical setting.</p

    Two conceptions of fraction equivalence

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