8 research outputs found

    Karakterisasi Kadar Air Dan Penyerapan Iodin Karbon Dari Tempurung Buah Nipah Sebagai Adsorben Gas H2S

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    Air pollution requires proper handling so that the impact can be reduced. Nipah fruit shell contains high cellulose and lignin so that carbon from nipah fruit shell needs to be implemented as an adsorbent to reduce the concentration of Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) gas produced from fish waste. The purpose of this study was to determine the characterization of carbon from nipah fruit shells as H2S gas absorbers with the effect of time variations of 10 minutes, 15 minutes and 20 minutes. The method of absorption of H2S absorption using iodine absorption with iodometric titration. The sampling process went through several stages, such as the carbonization process, carbon characterization process, and H2S gas adsorption using carbon that had been characterized by water content and iodine absorption. This research resulted in the production of carbon from nipa palm shell as an H2S gas absorber which has a water content characterization of 1.0651% and an iodine absorption capacity of 615.6105 mg/g so that it can adsorb H2S gas with an initial concentration of 64 ppm until it reaches the lowest concentration of 5.538 ppm

    Prototype Alat Olah Limbah Sistem Semi Batch Untuk Pengolahan Limbah Cair Laboratorium Kimia

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    Chemical laboratory liquid waste Environmental Pollution Control Techniques Cilacap State Polytechnic is liquid waste originating from practical or research activities of lecturers / students. Most of the waste contains organic and inorganic substances that are harmful to the environment. In the initial analysis the results of the wastewater content were in the form of lead Ė‚0.251 mg / L, Hardness 213.33 mg / L, TDS 4690 ppm, and pH 1.6. One parameter that needs to be addressed is TDS because dissolved solids can affect the O2 levels contained in the waters. In this research, a prototype of a waste processing tool was used to process the waste. In this research the method used is the process of coagulation, electrocoagulation and sedimentation in batch with a variation of residence time which affects the product. In addition, the filtration and adsorption process uses a continuous system, so that overall the tool uses a semi-batch system. In this study the chemicals used for processing were CaCO3 and citric acid. Then the adsorbent used is zeolite and activated charcoal as absorbent of dissolved solids. This waste treatment tool is considered quite effective in reducing TDS with a final result of 2950 ppm

    Efektivitas Ekstrak Etanol Daun Sirih Merah (Piper crocatum) terhadap Mortalitas Larva Boophilus microplus In-Vitro

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    The aims of this study is to know the effectiveness of ethanol extract of red betel leaf (Piper crocatum) against mortality of Boophilus microplus Larvae in vitro, as well as knowing lethal concentration 50 (LC50) and lethal concentration 90 (LC90). Method that used in the research was completely randomized design. There were five treatments and each treatment was done in five replications. This research used ten Boophilus microplus larvae in each treatment for all replication. The observation and recording of mortality wasdone at 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 hours. Boophilus microplus larvae were declared dead if there was no movement. The obtained data was analyzed using ANOVA factorial. The result of this research show that ethanol extract of red betel leaf (Piper crocatum) has effectiveness against mortality of Boophlius microplus larvae in vitro. In the extract 10% concentration, there is effectiveness that almost the same as NoticksĀ®. The higher concentration of the extract, the higher the effectiveness against mortality lavae.In probit analysis show that LC50 achieved by concentration 5,4% or 2.700mg/50ml and LC90 achieved by concentration 11,3% or 5.650mg/50ml. Keywords: Red Betel Leaf, Mortality, Boophilus microplus Larva


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    The aims of this study is to know the effectiveness of ethanol extract of red betel leaf (Piper crocatum) against mortality of Boophilus microplus Larvae in vitro, as well as knowing lethal concentration 50 (LC50) and lethal concentration 90 (LC90). Method that used in the research was completely randomized design. There were five treatments and each treatment was done in five replications. This research used ten Boophilus microplus larvae in each treatment for all replication. The observation and recording of mortality was done at 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 hours. Boophilus microplus larvae were declared dead if there was no movement. The obtained data was analyzed using ANOVA factorial. The result of this research show that ethanol extract of red betel leaf (Piper crocatum) has effectiveness against mortality of Boophlius microplus larvae in vitro. In the extract 10% concentration, there is effectiveness that almost the same as NoticksĀ®. The higherconcentration of the extract, the higher the effectiveness against mortality lavae.In probit analysis show that LC50 achieved by concentration 5,4% or 2.700mg/50ml and LC90 achieved by concentration 11,3% or 5.650mg/50ml. Keywords: Red Betel Leaf, Mortality, Boophilus microplus Larva


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    Alih fungsi tanah pertanian ke non pertanian, membuat tanah pertanian menjadi tidak produktif, sehingga tujuan landreform agar Indonesia berswasembada pangan tidak terwujud. Hal itu dikarenakan tanah pertanian yang sudah beralih fungsi menjadi tandus dan tidak dapat diolah untuk pertanian lagi. Pemanfaatan tanah harus memenuhi ketentuan berbagai aspek, baik pertanahan, teknis, perencanaan serta lingkungan, hal tersebut bertujuan agar tercipta tertib bangunan dan penataan bangunan. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah (1).Bagaimana kesadaran hukum pemilik tanah yang mendirikan bangunan rumah tinggal di atas tanah Pertanian; dan (2). Bagaimana tindakan hukum pemerintah dalam upaya untuk menertibkan adanya bangunan rumah tinggal diatas tanah pertanian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji dan menganalisis mengenai kesadaran hukum pemilik tanah yang mendirikan bangunan rumah tinggal di atas tanah Pertanian dan untuk mengkaji dan menganalisis mengenai tindakan hukum pemerintah dalam upaya untuk menertibkan adanya bangunan rumah tinggal diatas tanah pertanian. Penulisan tesis ini menggunakan metode penelitian socio legal. Spesifikasi Penelitian bersifat deskriptif analitis, sumber dan jenis data menggunakan data primer yang diperoleh melalui study lapangan, yaitu wawancara langsung dengan Kepala/Staf Dinas Tata Kota Pemerintah Kota Semarang dan Pemilik bangunan rumah tinggal di atas tanah pertanian. Data sekunder diperoleh melalui studi dokumen dan pustaka. Tehnik analisis data menggunakan metode kualitatif untuk mendapatkan simpulan secara induktif. Simpulan penelitian ini diketahui bahwa kesadaran hukum pemilik tanah yang mendirikan bangunan rumah tinggal diatas tanah pertanian masih kurang, karena minimnya pendidikan dan lemahnya tingkat ekonomi serta kurangnya sosialisasi mengenai aturan hukum pendirian bangunan rumah tinggal diatas tanah pertanian. Tindakan hukum pemerintah dalam upaya untuk menertibkan adanya rumah tinggal diatas tanah pertanian adalah dengan diberikan sanksi administratif pada pemilik bangunan serta tindakan tegas berupa pembongkaran terhadap bangunan rumah tinggal yang berdiri diatas tanah pertanian. Saran dari penulis dalam penelitian ini adalah pendirian bangunan rumah tinggal diatas tanah pertanian harus disertai dengan ijin dari instansi terkait, agar masyarakat tidak begitu saja merubah peruntukan tanah yang mengakibatkan alih fungsi dari tanah pertanian menjadi non pertanian. dalam hal adanya bangunan rumah tinggal diatas tanah pertanian adalah perlu penataan penguasaan tanah oleh negara agar pemanfaatannya sesuai dengan peruntukannya


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    Stunting dapat mengakibatkan kurang energy dan protein, Ā penurunan intelegensia (IQ), meningkatkan angka kermatian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari hubungan antara berat badan lahir dan asupan nutrisi dengan kejadian stunting pada balita di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Tanjung Agung Palik Kabupaten Bengkulu Utara. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan penelitian Cross Sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh ibu yang mempunyai balita diwilayah kerja Puskesmas Tanjung Agung Palik Kabupaten Bengkulu Utara sebanyak 525 ibu. Pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik Proposional Sampling sebanyak 122 ibu. Penelitian ini menggunakan sumber data primer dan skunder. Analisis data dilakukan secara univariat, bivariat dengan Uji Chi-Square (X2). Hasil penelitian univariat menunjukkan bahwa dari 122 balita terdapat 40 balita (32,8%) mengalami stuntingĀ  dan 82 balita (67,2%) tidak stunting dan ini menunjukkan bahwa masih tingginya kejadian stunting pada balita, menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 44 balita (36,1%) memiliki berat badan lahir 2500 gram, sehingga Ā masih tingginya kelahiran dengan berat badan lahir < 2500 gram , dan Ā terdapat 44 balita (36,1%) memiliki asupan nutrisi tidak seimbang dan 78 balita (63,9%) memiliki asupan nutrisi yang seimbang, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa masih tingginya asupan nutrisi tidak seimbang pada balita di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Tanjung Agung Palik Kabupaten Bengkulu Utara. Hasil penilitian bivariate yang di dapatkan yaitu, adanya hubungan berat badan lahir dengan kejadian stunting pada balita di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Tanjung Agung PalikĀ  Kabupaten Bengkulu Utara, dengan kategori hubungan lemah, adanya hubungan asupan nutrisi dengan kejadian stunting pada balita di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Tanjung Agung PalikĀ  Kabupaten Bengkulu Utara, dengan kategori hubungan erat

    The Effectiveness of Ethanol Extract of Red Betel Leaf (Piper crocatum) Againts Mortality of Boophilus microplus Larvae In Vitro

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    The aims of this study is to know the effectiveness of ethanol extract of red betel leaf (Piper crocatum) against mortality of Boophilus microplus Larvae in Vitro, as well as knowing lethal concentration 50 (LC50) and lethal concentration 90 (LC90). Method that used in the research was completely randomized design. There were five treatments and each treatment was done in five replications. This research used ten Boophilus microplus larvae in each treatment for all replication. The observation and recording of mortality was done at 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 hours. Boophilus microplus larvae were declared dead if there was no movement. The obtained data was analyzed using ANOVA factorial. The result of this research show that ethanol extract of red betel leaf (Piper crocatum) has effectiveness against mortality of Boophlius microplus larvae in Vitro. In the extract 10% concentration, there is effectiveness that almost the same as NoticksĀ®. The higher concentration of the extract, the higher the effectiveness against mortality lavae.In probit analysis show that LC50 achieved by concentration 5,4% or 2.700mg/50ml and LC90 achieved by concentration 11,3% or 5.650mg/50ml. Keywords: Red Betel Leaf, Mortality, Boophilus microplus Larva