19 research outputs found


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    A three year old female Rottweiler dog was presented with clinical signs of chronic diarrhoea, severe weight loss and sporadic vomiting. Histopathology revealed intestinal lymphangiectasia with lipogranulomatous lymphangitis. Intestinal lymphangiectasia represents a pathological dilatation of the intestinal lymph vessels and is the most common cause of protein-losing enteropathy in the dog. This paper reports a clinical case with a short review of literature


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    A three year old female Rottweiler dog was presented with clinical signs of chronic diarrhoea, severe weight loss and sporadic vomiting. Histopathology revealed intestinal lymphangiectasia with lipogranulomatous lymphangitis. Intestinal lymphangiectasia represents a pathological dilatation of the intestinal lymph vessels and is the most common cause of protein-losing enteropathy in the dog. This paper reports a clinical case with a short review of literature

    A case series analysis of dental extractions’ outcome in cats with chronic gingivostomatitis carrying retroviral disease

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    Research Areas: Agriculture ; Veterinary Sciences ; ZoologyThis study aims to evaluate and compare the clinical outcome after dental extractions of cats with FCGS infected with feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and feline leukaemia virus (FeLV). A retrospective case series included cats with diagnosis of FCGS, availability of detailed clinical records, full-mouth dental radiographs, and retroviral disease test results. Effectiveness of surgical treatment (EOT) was registered. Three groups were defined: control, FIV and FeLV. In this study, 111 cats were included: 60 controls, 29 FIV- and 22 FeLV-positive cats. When compared with control cases, FeLV-positive cats had significantly less proliferative stomatitis lesions, and they tended to have more lingual ulcers. Concurrently, FeLV-positive cats had significantly less tooth resorptive lesions. No other significant differences in FCGS clinical signs were found between groups. FeLV-positive cats had a significantly worse outcome after dental extractions compared to the other groups. In fact, FeLV-positive cats had 7.5 times more chances of having no improvement after dental extractions. This study concludes that the response to dental extractions in FeLV-positive cats is significantly worse, when comparing to cats that do not carry retroviral disease. Therefore, it is important to acknowledge the effect of FeLV status on the prognosis of these cats.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Skeletal-dental features in 33 bull terrier dogs

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    Research Areas: Veterinary SciencesBackground: The Bull terrier breed has been reported in the veterinary literature to sufer frequent dental and skeletal malocclusions. In this retrospective case series, we report skeletal-dental anomalies in a group of 33 Bull terriers presented for a dental consultation. Results: Out of 33 dogs examined, 24 cases had full mouth radiography or Cone-beam computed tomography performed. Eruption and development abnormalities observed were as follows: hypodontia in 54.1% (13/24), eruption changes in 29.2% (7/24), and tooth shape abnormalities in 33.3% (8/24). All dogs presented with some type of dental or skeletal malocclusion: neutroclusion was the most common (66.7% of the animals), followed by mandibular mesioclusion (18.8%), maxillo-mandibular asymmetry (9.4%), and mandibular distoclusion (6.3%). Dental abnormalities noted included rotation of mandibular and maxillary premolar teeth, distal displacement of the incisor teeth, lingual displacement of the mandibular canine teeth, and absence of mandibular premolar and molar teeth. Lingual displacement of mandibular canine teeth was associated with malocclusion causing trauma (odds ratio 7.1, 95% confdence interval [1.4 to 36.1], p=0.024). Conclusions: Malocclusions and tooth shape abnormalities were found to be the most frequent fnding in this group of Bull terriers. Although these fndings cannot be generalized to the global population further studies are needed to observe the true expression of these anomalies in the general breed population.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    A dentisteria e a prostodoncia têm sido recentemente abordadas em Medicina Veterinária em alguns textos e artigos dedicados à especialidade de Medicina Dentária Veterinária. A eleição criteriosa e a execução correcta das técnicas de tratamento do canal pulpar (tratamento endodontico), e de restauro dos dentes endodonciados, têm igual importância na manutenção da integridade das peças dentárias. O presente artigo pretende abordar as técnicas de restauro directo e indirecto, suas vantagens e limitações na prática clínica de animais de companhia, tendo o mesmo sido ilustrado com alguns exemplos práticos

    Retrospective Study of 18 Titanium Alloy Crowns Produced by Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing in Dogs

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    Computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) technology is routinely used in various fields of human dentistry, particularly prosthodontics. Reverse engineering and additive manufacturing allow the technician to create an easier, faster and more accurate restoration, with a natural design and adequate strength. Eighteen titanium alloy full crowns were produced for canine teeth of 7 working dogs using CAD/CAM technology (3D BioCare, Nobel Biocare). Reasons for crown therapy included abrasion, enamel infraction, and crown fracture. Crown preparation was routinely performed, and impressions were delivered to the laboratory where digital impressions were performed with a lab scanner. Using 3D dental design software, the metal crown was designed and sent for manufacture. Each prosthodontic crown was then carved from a solid titanium alloy block to obtain the final crown. All prosthodontic crowns were an adequate fit, and cementation was routinely performed. Crowns were lost from 2 canine teeth during the dogs' normal working activity, in one case, for 2 times. In all cases, replicas were requested. In the first case, the second cementation was successful. In the second case, the second crown was again lost and only the third cementation was successful. Follow up of all cases range from 12 to 62 months. Mean survival time for the crowns was 58.0 months. Here, CAD/CAM technology is shown to be a useful tool for manufacturing accurate prosthodontic crowns for veterinary patients. Moreover, CAD/CAM enables the production of prosthodontic crown replicas in a very short time and at relatively low cost compared to traditional methods, consequently eliminating the need for at least one anesthetic procedure in the incidence of crown cementation failure


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    Um felídeo de 14 anos europeu comum foi apresentado à consulta com história clínica de 1 mês de diminuição de apetite, halitose e deformação facial. O seu estado imunitário foi negativo para FIV e FELV. Os resultados hematológicos e bioquímicos revelaram apenas um aumento de globulinas séricas e a punção aspirativa de agulha fina revelou linfoma localizado sem sinais de envolvimento sistémico nos exames complementares. A cirurgia foi recomendada e consistiu em maxilectomia rostral unilateral, excisão labial, enxerto labial de avanço e colocação de tubo esofágico. O resultado histopatológico revelou linfoma de baixo índice mitótico e os exames imunohistoquímicos revelaram positividade ao marcador CD79a, um marcador de células B. O tumor foi classificado em Estádio I pelo sistema de estadiamento de linfoma felino. Apesar dos resultados histopatológicos sugerirem uma resposta pobre à quimioterapia, iniciou-se um protocolo terapêutico com ciclofosfamida, vincristina e prednisolona. Dois meses após o diagnóstico e seis semanas após início de quimioterapia o animal revelou anorexia e no exame ecográfico de controlo foram detectadas metástases. O gato foi hospitalizado e morreu uma semana depois. O prognóstico de linfoma localizado no gato é desconhecido devido à sua rara ocorrência. Está recomendado o controlo local do tumor com cirurgia ou radioterapia combinadas ou não com quimioterapia. Apesar da sobrevivência do animal ter sido breve após o tratamento cirúrgico os proprietários ficaram satisfeitos com o aumento de qualidade de vida após cirurgia

    Surgical Excision of an Adrenal Neuroblastoma in a Dog

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    A 11-month-old, intact male, Rhodesian Ridgeback was presented to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital with signs of inappetence, lethargy, and abdominal pain for 3 days. A large and well-defined abdominal retroperitoneal mass, related with the left kidney, at the expected location of the adrenal gland, was revealed by radiography, ultrasound, and computed tomography. The mass extended caudally to the iliac artery bifurcation, compressing the aorta, caudal vena cava, and both kidneys. Cytology findings were compatible with a malignant round cell tumor. The most probable diagnosis was neuroblastoma. Following a comprehensive discussion with the owners about a treatment plan, surgical excision was performed. Because a wide excision would compromise major vessels, excision was performed after careful dissection of the aorta and vena cava. The left kidney was removed because the proximal ureter could not be separated from the tumor. The animal recovered successfully. Diagnosis was confirmed by histopathology and immunohistochemistry, but the owners decided not to pursue any further treatment. Clinical signs of abdominal pain recurred within 1 month following surgery. Therefore, the animal was euthanized upon the owners' request. This report describes the diagnosis, surgical treatment, and follow-up of a dog with an abdominal peripheral neuroblastoma

    CT characterisation and classification of feline temporomandibular joint trauma : a case series of 79 cats

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    Research Areas: Veterinary SciencesObjectives The aim of this study was to characterise and describe patterns of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) injuries occurring in cats using CT. Methods A cross-sectional study was carried out in adherence with the STROBE guidelines. Among the medical and CT records of 79 cats, 158 TMJs were reviewed in a collaborative study between six institutions. Results TMJ injuries were most commonly unilateral, representing 70.9% of cases. The mandibular condyle was fractured in 88 cases (55.7%) of the 158 TMJs observed. Of those, 84.0% were intra-articular condyle fractures, with the medial half of the mandibular condyle over-represented. Luxations occurred in 32.9% of cases, which was 19.0% of all evaluated TMJs. Rostrodorsal luxations were most common representing 87.0% of all luxations. Temporal bone fractures were observed in 30.4% of all cases, which was 18.4% of TMJs. The majority of fractures were of an unknown cause. When the cause was determined, road traffic accident (RTA) was the most frequent, followed by animal interaction, other external forces (sharp or blunt force) and high-rise trauma. Bilateral injuries were 13.1 times more likely to occur in high-rise trauma (P=0.01) and temporal bone fracture was significantly associated with RTAs (P=0.016). No other significant associations were observed between cause of injury and the resulting TMJ injury pattern. Conclusions and relevance Various TMJ injury patterns can occur in cats as a result of trauma. Intra-articular fractures of the medial half of the mandibular condyle occur most commonly. Although unilateral injuries are more frequent, high-rise trauma tends to present with bilateral lesions. Further studies with a larger sample size should be performed to better understand TMJ patterns of injury and how they relate to possible causes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio