276 research outputs found

    Bacha na analogie

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    Tato recenzní studie sleduje analogii, na níž založil svoji metodu bádání i psaní Douglas R. Hofstadter v knize Gödel, Escher, Bach. Proti Hofstadterovu pojetí analogie, kromě jiného ilustrované zavádějícími příklady skladeb J. S. Bacha, je analogie v této studii precizována. Zároveň jsou ve studii napraveny nedostatky hudebních příkladů, jež by patrně neodhalili čtenáři bez přímé vazby na hudební teorii. Tyto aspekty sleduje tato studie až k závěru, že recenzovaná vlivná kniha, neprávem aspirující na metodologii veškerenstva, patří mezi poulárně naučnou literaturu

    Foreign policy of king Theoderic the Great: Presentation of his power and marriage polic

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    Ostrogótský král Theodorich Veliký se po letech zápolení s ostatními gótskými skupinami a východořímským císařem Zenonem na území Balkánu vypravil roku 488 se svým kmenem na západ. Zde porazil krále Odovakera a obsadil Itálii, kde založil vlatní ostrogótské království a okamžitě se zapojil do komplikovaných vztahů mezi jednotlivými barbarskými vládci v západní Evropě. Musel se zde střetávat s Vandaly, Franky, Burgundy a Vizigóty. Theodorich využil své ženské příbuzné, aby s okolními králi uzavřel sňatkové aliance a zabezpačil tak svoji pozici na mezinárodní scéně. S pomocí dobových "barbarských zákoníků" a oficiální ostrogótské státní korespondence, jejímž autorem byl Cassiodorus Senator se zaměříme právě na jednotlivé sňatky, které Theodorich zorganizoval, a na to, jak tyto sňatky a další Theodorichovy kroky pomáhaly vytvářet jeho postavení mezi ostatními barbarskými králi.The Ostrogothic king Theodoric the Great, after years of struggle with other Gothic groups and Eastern Roman emperor Zeno in the Balkans, set out in 488 with his tribe to the west. There he defeated King Odoaecer and became ruler of Italy, where he founded the Ostrogothic kingdom and immediately became involved in the complicated relations between individual barbarian rulers of Western Europe. He had to clash with Vandals, Franks, Burgundians and Visigoths. Theodoric used his female relatives to make marriage alliances with neighboring kings to secure his position on the international scene. With the help of the "laws of the barbarians" and the official Ostrogothic correspondence written by Cassiodorus Senator we will focus on the various marriages organized by Theodoricc and how these marriages and other Theodoric's steps helped him to create his position among the other barbarian rulers.Ústav světových dějinInstitute of General HistoryFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art

    Meaninglessness and/or Senselessness In Memory of Milan Jankovič

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    Kingdom of the Visigoths: Terms and Aspects of Takeover of the Royal Power

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    Gótské kmeny usazené na dolním Dunaji a u severního břehu Černého moře vstoupili v roce 376 na území římské říše. Zde následně došlo k tvrdým bojům a migraci Gótů, kteří prošli skrze Balkán a Itálii a dostali se v roce 413 do Akvitánii, kde se dočasně usadili. Zde se již původně různé gótské skupiny zformovaly do jednoho kmene gens, který my dnes nazýváme Vizigóty. Tlak Franků ze severu přiměl Vizigóty na začátku 6. století opustit Akvitánii a přesunout se dále na Pyrenejský poloostrov. Zde si Vizigóti založili vlastní toledské království. Z důvodu, že Vizigóti v okamžicích svého vzniku nepředstavovali homogenní skupinu, ale spíše konglomerát různých barbarských skupin a vojenských jednotek, neměli žádnou tradici ohledně nastolování svých vládců. Z toho důvodu vytvořili mechanismus královské volby electio. Prvním zvoleným králem byl v roce 415 Vallia. Během průběhu vizigótských dějiny byla řada zvolených králů několikrát narušena pokusy některých králů prosadit dědičnou monarchii. To vedlo v roce 633 k uzákonění královských voleb na 4. toledském koncilu. Další církevní koncily princip volby ještě zdokonalily. Práce se tak bude věnovat vývoji vizigótského nástupnického systému.Gothic tribes settled on the lower Danube and on the northern shore of the Black Sea entered in the year 376 the territory of the Roman Empire. This was followed by fierce fighting and migration of the Goths, who passed through the Balkans and Italy and reached Aquitaine in 413, where they settled temporarily. Here, originally various Gothic groups were formed into the one tribe gens, which we now call Visigoths. The pressure of the Franks from the north forced the Visigoths to leave Aquitaine at the beginning of the 6th century and move on to the Iberian Peninsula. Here the Visigoths established their own Kingdom of Toledo. Because the Visigoths at the time of their formation were not a homogeneous group, but rather a lose conglomerate of various barbarian groups and military units, they had no tradition of appointing their rulers. For this reason, they created the mechanism of the royal elections. Vallia was the first elected king in 415. During Visigothic history, a sequence of elected kings was disrupted several times by attempts of some kings to enforce a hereditary monarchy. This led in 633 to the enactment of the royal elections at the 4th Council of Toledo. Other ecclesiastical councils further improved the principles of election. The work will focus on the development of the Visigothic...Institute of General HistoryÚstav světových dějinFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art

    Attila the Hun and the Failure of the Divide et impera Roman Policy

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    Throughout the whole existence of their Empire, the Romans used the divide et impera polity against the European barbarians. The Romans tried to prevent the establishment of larger and more powerful political entities which could endanger them. Simultaneously, they supported rivalry amongst the tribal chieftains and provided the friendly ones with gold and goods. The arrival of the Huns into Europe did not initially bring any change to this international system. Since the 420s the Huns unified their own tribe and created close alliances with other tribes in Middle and Eastern Europe. This alliance had at last the military power to clash with the Romans and disrupt Roman international order across Europe. Because the Hunnic military power was not sufficient, their state was more of a tribal confederacy than a hierarchical and tightly controlled empire. The Hunnic Empire was also a short-termed affair limited to Attila’s life

    The Province of Gallaecia during the Reign of Suebi and Visigoths: Transformation of Society between Antiquity and the Middle Ages

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    During the reforms of emperors Diocletian and Constantine the Great, the new Roman province of Gallaecia was created at the turn the 3rd and 4th centuries located at the northwestern tip of the Iberian Peninsula. In 411 it was seized by the barbarian tribes of the Suebi and the Hasdingi and the Roman government lost control of it. While the Hasdingi left, the Suebi created their own kingdom in the province. Their kings and warriors played essential role in the transformation of the province during the period which we consider to be the transition from the classical antiquity to the Middle Ages. The Suebic kings, after converting to orthodox Christianity, managed to reorganize the Galician episcopal structure and allowed their country to continue the Roman Mediterranean trade. Subsequently, in 585, Suebic Gallaecia was conquered by the Visigothic king Leovigild and incorporated as a province into his kingdom. Gallaecie thus traces the Visigothic period which lasted there until the arrival of the Arabs. This thesis seeks to capture and describe the regional transformation during this transitional period. It traces the political, social, and economic development of Gallaecia during the era of the Suebic and Visigothic kings.Během reforem císařů Diokleciána a Konstantina Velikého byla na přelomu 3. a 4. století vytvořena nová římská provincie Gallaecia nacházející se na severozápadním cípu Pyrenejského poloostrova. Roku 411 se jí zmocnili barbarské kmeny Suebů a Hasdingů a římská vláda nad ní ztratila kontrolu. Zatímco Hasdingové odešli pryč, Suebové si v provincii vytvořili vlastní království. Jejich králové a válečníci se podíleli na proměně provincie během období, které považujeme za přelom antiky a středověku. Suebským králům se podařilo poté, co přijali ortodoxní křesťanství, zreorganizovat galicijskou biskupskou strukturu a dovolili své zemi pokračovat v římské středozemním obchodu. Následně roku 585 suebskou Gallaecii dobyl vizigótský král Leovigild a začlenil ji jako provincii do svého království. V Gallaecii tak můžeme sledovat vizigótské období, které zde trvalo až do příchodu Arabů. Práce se věnuje snaze zachytit regionální transformaci během tohoto přelomového období. Sleduje politický, společenský a hospodářský vývoj Gallaecie během éry vlády suebských a vizigótských králů.Ústav světových dějinInstitute of General HistoryFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult

    Simulation of a finishing operation : milling of a turbine blade and influence of damping

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    Milling is used to create very complex geometries and thin parts, such as turbine blades. Irreversible geometric defects may appear during finishing operations when a high surface quality is expected. Relative vibrations between the tool and the workpiece must be as small as possible, while tool/workpiece interactions can be highly non-linear. A general virtual machining approach is presented and illustrated. It takes into account the relative motion and vibrations of the tool and the workpiece. Both deformations of the tool and the workpiece are taken into account. This allows predictive simulations in the time domain. As an example the effect of damping on the behavior during machining of one of the 56 blades of a turbine disk is analysed in order to illustrate the approach potential

    Patient safety during procedural sedation using capnography monitoring: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of capnography monitoring on sedation-related adverse events during procedural sedation and analgesia (PSA) administered for ambulatory surgery relative to visual assessment and pulse oximetry alone. DESIGN AND SETTING: Systematic literature review and random effects meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials (RCTs) reporting sedation-related adverse event incidence when adding capnography to visual assessment and pulse oximetry in patients undergoing PSA during ambulatory surgery in the hospital setting. Searches for eligible studies published between 1 January 1995 and 31 December 2016 (inclusive) were conducted in PubMed, the Cochrane Library and EMBASE without any language constraints. Searches were conducted in January 2017, screening and data extraction were conducted by two independent reviewers, and study quality was assessed using a modified Jadad scale. INTERVENTIONS: Capnography monitoring relative to visual assessment and pulse oximetry alone. PRIMARY AND SECONDARY OUTCOME MEASURES: Predefined endpoints of interest were desaturation/hypoxaemia (the primary endpoint), apnoea, aspiration, bradycardia, hypotension, premature procedure termination, respiratory failure, use of assisted/bag-mask ventilation and death during PSA. RESULTS: The literature search identified 1006 unique articles, of which 13 were ultimately included in the meta-analysis. Addition of capnography to visual assessment and pulse oximetry was associated with a significant reduction in mild (risk ratio (RR) 0.77, 95% CI 0.67 to 0.89) and severe (RR 0.59, 95% CI 0.43 to 0.81) desaturation, as well as in the use of assisted ventilation (OR 0.47, 95% CI 0.23 to 0.95). No significant differences in other endpoints were identified. CONCLUSIONS: Meta-analysis of 13 RCTs published between 2006 and 2016 showed a reduction in respiratory compromise (from respiratory insufficiency to failure) during PSA with the inclusion of capnography monitoring. In particular, use of capnography was associated with less mild and severe oxygen desaturation, which may have helped to avoid the need for assisted ventilation

    The human mu opioid receptor: modulation of functional desensitization by calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase and protein kinase C

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    Opioids are some of the most efficacious analgesics used in humans. Prolonged administration of opioids, however, often causes the development of drug tolerance, thus limiting their effectiveness. To explore the molecular basis of those mechanisms that may contribute to opioid tolerance, we have isolated a cDNA for the human mu opioid receptor, the target of such opioid narcotics as morphine, codeine, methadone, and fentanyl. The receptor encoded by this cDNA is 400 amino acids long with 94% sequence similarity to the rat mu opioid receptor. Transient expression of this cDNA in COS-7 cells produced high-affinity binding sites to mu-selective agonists and antagonists. This receptor displays functional coupling to a recently cloned G-protein-activated K+ channel. When both proteins were expressed in Xenopus oocytes, functional desensitization developed upon repeated stimulation of the mu opioid receptor, as observed by a reduction in K+ current induced by the second mu receptor activation relative to that induced by the first. The extent of desensitization was potentiated by both the multifunctional calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase and protein kinase C. These results demonstrate that kinase modulation is a molecular mechanism by which the desensitization of mu receptor signaling may be regulated at the cellular level, suggesting that this cellular mechanism may contribute to opioid tolerance in humans

    Prehypertension and Endothelial Progenitor Cell Function.

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    Prehypertension is associated with significant damage to the coronary vasculature and increased rates of adverse cardiovascular events. Circulating endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) are critical to vascular repair and the formation of new blood vessels. We tested the hypothesis that prehypertension is associated with EPC dysfunction. Peripheral blood samples were collected from 83 middle-aged and older adults (51 M/32 F): 40 normotensive (age 53±2 yr; BP 111/74±1/1 mmHg) and 43 prehypertensive (54±2; 128/77±1/1 mmHg). EPCs were isolated from peripheral blood and EPC colony-forming capacity (colony-forming unit assay), migratory activity (Boyden chamber) and apoptotic susceptibility (active caspase-3 concentrations) were determined. There were no significant differences in either the number of EPC CFUs (10±2 vs. 9±1), EPC migration (1165±82 vs. 1120±84 fluorescent units), or active intracellular caspase-3 concentrations (2.7±0.3 vs. 2.3±0.2 ng/mL) between the normotensive and prehypertensive groups. When groups were stratified into low prehypertension (n=27; systolic BP: 120–129 mmHg) and high prehypertension (n=16; 130–139 mmHg), it was found that EPCs from the high prehypertensive group produced fewer (~65%, P\u3c0.05) CFUs compared with the low prehypertensive (4±1 vs. 12±2) and normotensive adults. In conclusion, EPC colonyforming capacity is impaired only in prehypertensive adults with systolic BP greater than 130 mmHg. Prehypertension is not associated with migratory dysfunction or enhanced apoptosis of EPCs