13 research outputs found

    Публицистика Джафера Сейдамета в период эмиграции (1918-1960 гг.)

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    Background: Parasite switches to new host species are of fundamental scientific interest and may be considered an important speciation mechanism. For numerous monogenean fish parasites, infecting different hosts is associated with morphological adaptations, in particular of the attachment organ (haptor). However, haptoral morphology in Cichlidogyrus spp. (Monogenea, Dactylogyridea), parasites of African cichlids, has been mainly linked to phylogenetic rather than to host constraints. Here we determined the position of Cichlidogyrus amieti, a parasite of species of Aphyosemion (Cyprinodontiformes, Nothobranchiidae) in the phylogeny of its congeners in order to infer its origin and assess the morphological changes associated with host-switching events. Methods: The DNA of specimens of C. amieti isolated from Aphyosemion cameronense in Cameroon was sequenced and analyzed together with that of Cichlidogyrus spp. from cichlid hosts. In order to highlight the influence of the lateral transfer of C. amieti on the haptoral sclerotised parts we performed a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to compare the attachment organ structure of C. amieti to that of congeners infecting cichlids. Results: Cichlidogyrus amieti was found to be nested within a strongly supported clade of species described from Hemichromis spp. (i.e. C. longicirrus and C. dracolemma). This clade is located at a derived position of the tree, suggesting that C. amieti transferred from cichlids to Cyprinodontiformes and not inversely. The morphological similarity between features of their copulatory organs suggested that C. amieti shares a recent ancestor with C. dracolemma. It also indicates that in this case, these organs do not seem subjected to strong divergent selection pressure. On the other hand, there are substantial differences in haptoral morphology between C. amieti and all of its closely related congeners described from Hemichromis spp.. Conclusions: Our study provides new evidence supporting the hypothesis of the adaptive nature of haptor morphology. It demonstrates this adaptive component for the first time within Cichlidogyrus, the attachment organs of which were usually considered to be mainly phylogenetically constrained

    Diferencia de estatura y desigualdad de género: ¿qué argumentativo argumentário sociológico?

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    O presente artigo procura enfatizar a necessidade de, no âmbito da sociologia, distinguir os argumentos de explicação científica e os argumentos de explicação ideológica. Por via de um exemplo referente à diferença de estatura entre os dois sexos, são explicitadas e discutidas as incongruências epistemológicas da passagem de julgamentos de facto a julgamentos de valor. Estes exigiriam, desde logo, a clarificação dos pressupostos inerentes à respetiva enunciação. Neste sentido, procura-se argumentar que, ao mudar de quadro explicativo, se pode passar, sub-repticiamente, do registo factual ao registo valorativo, atribuindo, assim, a uma diferença de estatura o sentido de uma desigualdade de género.The present article seeks to emphasize the need to distinguish, in sociology, the arguments of scientific explanation and the arguments of ideological explanation. Using an example associated with the difference in stature between the two sexes, the epistemological incongruities of passing from de facto judgments to value judgments — which would require a clarification of the assumptions inherent to their enunciation — are explained and discussed. In this sense, it is argued that, by changing the explanatory framework, one can, surreptitiously, move from the factual record to the valuation record, thus attributing to a difference of stature the meaning of a gender inequality.Le présent article cherche à souligner la nécessité, dans le cadre de la sociologie, de distinguer les arguments d’explication scientifique des arguments d’explication idéologique. En utilisant comme exemple la différence de taille entre les deux sexes, sont explicitées et discutées les incongruités épistémologiques du passage des jugements de fait aux jugements de valeur. Ces derniers nécessiteraient une clarification des hypothèses sous-jacentes à leur énonciation. En ce sens, nous faisons valoir qu’en modifiant le cadre explicatif nous passons, subrepticement, du registre factuel au registre axiologique, attribuant ainsi à une différence de taille la signification d’une inégalité entre les sexes.El presente artículo busca enfatizar la necesidad de, en el ámbito de la sociología, distinguir los argumentos de explicación científica y los argumentos de explicación ideológica. A través de un ejemplo asociado a la diferencia de estatura entre los dos sexos, se explicitan y discutieron las incongruencias epistemológicas de la transición del juicio de hecho al juicio de valor. Éste exigiría, desde luego, la clarificación de los supuestos inherentes a la respectiva enunciación. En este sentido, se pretende argumentar que, al cambiar de marco explicativo, se puede pasar del registro fáctico al registro valorativo, atribuyendo así a una diferencia de estatura el sentido de una desigualdad de género