3,023 research outputs found

    Europe's debate on fiscal policy: too much yet too little. CEPS Policy Insights

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    The initiatives taken by the ECB in mid-March 2020 flatten the structure of interest rates and ensure short-term sustainability for the EMU countries with high government debt/GDP ratios. But the challenges posed by the pandemic require a huge amount of public spending and therefore threaten this sustainability in the long term. This paper proposes ‘contractual arrangements’ between high-debt countries and European institutions, namely the Commission and the ESM as financial donor, which transfer grants (a ‘gift’) to high-debt countries to cover the national public expenditures resulting from the impact of the pandemic. In exchange, the beneficiary countries would share the design and implementation of these public expenditures with the European institutions, thereby giving up a portion of their fiscal sovereignty

    La porositĂ  dei muri. Su alcune analogie tra Walter Benjamin e Maurice Merleau-Ponty

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    L’idea di “porosità”, che Benjamin propone in Immagini di cittĂ , bene esprime il rapporto non di opposizione ma di co-appartenenza tra categorie spaziali e temporali, sempre pensate in relazione al soggetto che le vive: fuori e dentro, esterioritĂ  e interioritĂ , privato-pubblico, passato-presente-futuro. Tale co-appartenenza si realizza nel passage, luogo di elezione del flĂąneur, figura ambivalente della Parigi ottocentesca. Egli compie il passaggio dall’immersione, estetica, nel mondo di sogno del passage, al risveglio, in quanto recupero del passato “negato”. A questo riguardo, non sono poche le analogie con Maurice Merleau-Ponty, a partire dall’utilizzo stesso del termine “porosità” in quanto immagine di una dialettica rivisitata, che esalta le ambivalenze della dimensione “estetica” o “precategoriale”. L’esercizio di uno sguardo nuovo diviene necessario perchĂ© si possa, realizzando potenzialitĂ  inespresse del passato, recuperare la profonditĂ  del presente e aprire al futuro.The idea of "porosity", proposed by Walter Benjamin in Images of cities, well expresses the concept of co-belonging, instead of being opposite, of spatial and temporal categories, always in relation with the subject experiencing them; in and out, exteriority and interiority, private-public, past-present-future. This co-belonging finds its realization in the passage, the chosen place of the flĂąneur, ambivalent figure of the nineteenth-century Paris. He moves from the aesthetical immersion in the dream world of the passage to the awakening, as a retaking of a "denied" past. There are several analogies with Maurice Merleau-Ponty, starting from the term "porosity" itself, as image of a revisited dialectic that magnifies the ambivalences of the "aesthetical" or "pre-categorical" dimension. Looking with new eyes becomes essential to bring back the depth of the present and to open to the future, fulfilling potentialities not expressed in the past

    The frying pan burns less than the fire: why Italy should not go out of the euro

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    Leaving the euro or staying in the area is not an alternative that offers symmetrical advantages and disadvantages to Italy and to other \u201cperipheral\u201d Member States, as it would happen if these countries had to decide to enter or not in a new currency area from outside. First, the opting out which was used by the United Kingdom and Denmark in 1998 at the creation of the single currency, cannot be used by the peripheral countries of the European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), except by an unlikely revision of the European Treaties. Second, the exit from the euro area requires to manage stocks accumulated in that currency; this problem, often labeled as the legacy problem, would not have risen with an initial opting out. In the following Policy brief, my initial assumption may appear too academic since it refers to the ultimate abandonment of the EMU and, consequently, of the European Union (EU) by the side of a peripheral Member State. In fact, the analysis of the effects of an irreversible abandonment are interesting because they foreshadow the outcome, where more realistic scenarios lead to. In particular, they apply to the case of a temporary exit of a peripheral country that aims at implementing an adjustment period. My analysis is specifically dedicated to Italy; and my conclusion is that, if this country decided to temporarily withdraw from the single currency 'frying pan', it would be condemned to the flames of the sixth circle of Dante's hell. This is not to argue that the current configuration of the EMU reflects the best of all possible worlds. However the severe criticisms that can and must be addressed to the European choices, cannot call into question the permanence of Italy (and that of other peripheral countries) in the euro zone

    The sporadic nature of meridional heat transport in the atmosphere

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    The present study analyses meridional atmospheric heat transport, due to transient eddies, in the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts ERA-Interim reanalysis data. Probability density functions of the transport highlight the dominant role played by extreme events. In both hemispheres, events in the top 5 percentiles typically account for over half of the net poleward transport. As a result of this sensitivity to extremes, a large fraction of the heat transport by transient eddies, at a given location and season, is realised through randomly spaced bursts (a few per season), rather than through a continuum of events. Abstract Fast growing atmospheric modes are associated with a large heat transport, suggesting a link between these bursts and growing baroclinic systems (defined here as motions in the 2.5–6 day band). However, wavelet power spectra of the transport extremes suggest that they are driven by very precise phase and coherence relationships, between meridional velocity and moist static energy anomalies, acting over a broad range of frequencies (2-32 days). Motions with periods beyond 6 days play a key role in this framework. Moreover, these longer periods are found to be mainly driven by planetary-scale motions. Notwithstanding this, the heat transport bursts can be matched to specific synoptic-scale patterns. The bursts are therefore interpreted as the signatures of travelling synoptic systems superimposed on larger scale motions. The dominant role of extreme events can be reproduced in highly idealised simulations. Both a statistical model, where atmospheric motions are assumed to be linear superpositions of sinusoidal curves, and a two-layer model, representing heat transport as a quantised process effected by point vorticity anomalies, are successful in simulating the transport bursts. The fact that two very different idealised models both reproduce the transport's sporadic nature suggests that this must be an intrinsic property of waves in the atmosphere.Open Acces

    The current European debate on fiscal policy: Too much and too little

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    In the last two weeks the European Central Bank (ECB) decided to launch new LTRO and T-LTRO programs to ensure liquidity to the banking sector as well as to small- and medium-sized firms (March 12, 2020) and to temporarily strengthen its \u2018quantitative easing\u2019 policy (March 18, 2020), which is centered on the purchases of government bonds and of a large set of private financial assets (including commercial papers). Moreover, the Single Supervisory Mechanism improved the positive impact of the ECB\u2019s initiatives by temporarily weakening the capital requirements and the assessment of the non-performing exposures of the European banking sector. Finally, the European Commission (EC) decided to suspend the European coordination mechanism of the national fiscal policies, that is, the Stability and Growth Pact (SGP). This last step was considered crucial, since it is commonly agreed that even a generous unconventional monetary policy cannot face the short- and medium-term economic impact of the current pandemic shock. The T-LTRO and the \u2018quantitative easing\u2019 may, at most, provide liquidity to different economic activities and flatten the structure of interest rates; they cannot absorb the \u2018real\u2019 shock on the supply side and transfer income to temporarily unemployed workers and to households. The latter are duties that pertain to fiscal policy

    Can the Eurozone countries still live together happily ever after?

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    After the Greek public debt crisis and the bilateral loans to Greece from the other members of the European Monetary Union (EMU), in May 2010 the Ecofin Council launched the European Financial Stabilization Mechanism (EFSM). In June of the same year the EMU countries instituted the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF). These two mechanisms, which are charged with providing support to EMU countries in \u201cexceptional difficulty\u201d, received their baptism of fire with Ireland in January 2011 and successfully made their first bond issue on the market. Marcello Messori of the University of Rome argues in this CEPS Policy Brief that the solution to Europe\u2019s sovereign debt problems cannot be entrusted to the two stability funds, not even in tandem with the International Monetary Fund. He constructs a new solution, drawing on various other proposals, which should allow the EMU countries to \u2018live together happily ever after\u2019, but unlike many fairy tales and some policy proposals, it makes no promises of a free lunch

    How to Create a New European Plan for Investment

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    The Greek crisis which began six years ago, is an extreme case that has brought to light deficiencies of the euro area. It was characterized by a series of untimely and vainly punitive decisions on the part of the other member states of the European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), unbearable and unattainable requests to make macroeconomic adjustments and reforms on the part of European institutions, and encouraging but eventually fruitless commitments on the part of the Greek government. These circumstances ended up maximizing the economic and social costs linked to the preexisting structural fragility of Greece, causing the financial size of the aid programs promoted by EMU members and European institutions to balloon, and resulting in partial and distorted adjustments of the Greek economy. Those adjustments pointed out that the expectations of growth and well-being characterizing Greece at the beginning of the new century were misleading, but they also contributed to lead the Greek economy to depression and Greek society to a state of emergency

    The economy in the time of the coronavirus: The different limits of the monetary and fiscal policies

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    The dramatic coronavirus pandemic will likely have heavy and prolonged recessive effects on the European and international economic systems. A few weeks ago, it still made some sense to forecast an intense but short-term negative systemic shock that would have given way to a rapid and robust macroeconomic recovery (a so-called 'V-shaped crisis'). Today, this perspective is vanishing. The epidemic peaked or will peak in different times in China, a part of Asia, Italy, the rest of the European Union (EU), and the United States; and these phase displacements risk postponing the return to "normality" in the daily life of the major global economic areas at least until the summer of 2020. The consequence of such a prolonged impact suggests a far more threatening 'L-shaped crisis', that is, a phase of drastic fall in the GDPs of the advanced economic areas, followed by long-lasting economic stagnation

    The flexibility game is not worth the new ESM

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    The reform of the Treaty Establishing the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) broadens the functions of this mechanism so as to transform its current role of financial manager of sovereign debt crises into an institution for the prevention, control and management of such crises. There is thus the risk that the ESM will also have the power to decide whether a euro area Member State that is forced to apply for a European aid program should restructure its government debt in advance. In this eventuality, euro area countries with a high public debt - such as Italy - would be exposed to heavy and distortionary instability. It is therefore appropriate to prevent the ESM from assuming this restructuring power or, at least, to minimize the risk of Italy having to resort to a European aid program. The repeated use of flexibility in the management of public balance sheets is not going in that desired direction and must therefore be replaced by other strategies

    MĂ©moire et inscription : temporalitĂ© et spatialitĂ© de l’architecture selon Paul Ricoeur

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    El trabajo de la memoria es, ante todo, un trabajo de inscripciĂłn. Este acto reiterado, al mismo tiempo individual, compartido y colectivo, responde a condiciones formales espacio-temporales: «las mutaciones que afectan a la espacialidad y la temporalidad propias de la memoria viva». Las reflexiones de Paul Ricoeur en La memoria, la historia, el olvido, sobre la memoria-inscripciĂłn nos conducen, de hecho, al descubrimiento, al entrelazamiento entre el tiempo y el espacio: la dialĂ©ctica de la subjetividad-objetividad del espacio: «Es, juntos, que el aquĂ­ y el allĂĄ del espacio vivido por la memoria se encuentran encuadrados en un sistema de lugares y de fechas en los que estĂĄ eliminada la referencia al aquĂ­ y al ahora absoluto de la experiencia viva.Le travail de la mĂ©moire est d’abord un travail d’inscription. Cet acte rĂ©itĂ©rĂ©, en mĂȘme temps individuel, partagĂ© et collectif, rĂ©pond Ă  des conditions formelles spatiotemporelles: «les mutations affectant la spatialitĂ© et la temporalitĂ© propres Ă  la mĂ©moire vivante». Les rĂ©flexions conduites par Paul Ricoeur dans La mĂ©moire, l’histoire, l’oubli, autour de la mĂ©moire-inscription nous mĂšnent donc Ă  la dĂ©couverte de l’entrelacement du temps et de l’espace: la dialectique de la subjectivitĂ©-objectivitĂ© du temps n’est pas pensable qu’en rapport Ă  la dialectique de la subjectivitĂ©-objectivitĂ© de l’espace: «c’est ensemble que l’ici et le lĂ -bas de l’espace vĂ©cu de la mĂ©moire se retrouvent encadrĂ©s dans un systĂšme de places et de dates d’oĂč est Ă©liminĂ©e la rĂ©fĂ©rence Ă  l’ici et au maintenant absolu de l’expĂ©rience vive».Peer Reviewe
