13 research outputs found

    IRS organigram

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    Charts and graphs relative to magnetoplasmadynamic (MPD) thruster technology are given. The research activities at the Institute of Space Transportation, University of Stuttgart, are summarized. Information is given on the Institute's Electric Propulsion and Plasma Wind Tunnel; thermal arcjet research; the nozzle-type thruster, DT-IRS; nozzle-type MPD thrusters; a hot anode thruster; the DT6 thruster; the ZT-1 thruster; the cylindrical MPD thruster; and a comparison of continuous and quasi-steady MPD

    From Space to Earth – Spaceflight for new Knowledge and Innovations

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    In his presentation, titled "From Space to Earth – Spaceflight for new Knowledge and Innovations", Prof. Ernst Messerschmid will begin with his own spaceflight experience on the U.S. Space Shuttle Challenger in 1985 for the German Spacelab D1 Mission. With a few examples he will illustrate the relevance of using the microgravity environment for a wide range of multidisciplinary experiments. This is followed by a description of the International Space Station, the European contribution to the ISS, and how astronauts live and work over several months in space. In the next two decades, humanity will strive to fly back to the Moon, to asteroids and later on to Mars. New systems for transportation and infrastructure will form a complex mission scenario, operated by robotic systems and later by astronauts. Today a wide range of scientific or technological objectives are carried out in space, mostly through international cooperation. Commercial missions are funded by the private sector. Space is now a scientific laboratory, a marketplace, and a workplace with services – from space to Earth – and for new knowledge and innovations

    Aus dem All in den Alltag

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    Am 4. Oktober 2007 jährte sich der Flug des ersten von Menschen geschaffenen Objekts im Weltraum zum fünfzigsten Mal. Seit Sputnik-1 hat sich die Raumfahrt dramatisch entwickelt. Ihre Ergebnisse haben unser Weltbild verändert und nehmen immer mehr Einfluss auf unser tägliches Leben. Während die frühen Raumflüge hauptsächlich demonstrativer Natur waren, werden heute komplexe Programme mit wissenschaftlicher oder technologischer Zielsetzung in internationaler Kooperation durchgeführt. Kommerziell interessante Missionen werden von privater Hand finanziert. Der Weltraum wird zu einem wissenschaftlichen Labor, einem Marktplatz, auf dem Innovationen zu unternehmerischen Produkten reifen, ja selbst zu einem Arbeitsplatz. Das vorliegende Buch beschreibt aktuelle Ergebnisse der Raumfahrt und entwickelt Perspektiven für die Zukunft. Die komplexen wissenschaftlichen und technischen Zusammenhänge werden so erklärt, dass sie auch Laien ohne fachliche Vorbildung verständlich werden. Das Buch ist aber auch für Fachleute von Interesse, da es aktuelle Forschungsgebiete aufgreift und Trends sowie neue Anwendungsgebiete diskutiert. Die gesamte Breite der multidisziplinären Weltraumnutzung wird in übersichtlicher Weise erfasst

    Space stations: systems and utilization

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    The design of space stations like the recently launched ISS is a highly complex and interdisciplinary task. This book describes component technologies, system integration, and the potential usage of space stations in general and of the ISS in particular. It so adresses students and engineers in space technology. Ernst Messerschmid holds the chair of space systems at the University of Stuttgart and was one of the first German astronauts

    Reliability versus mass optimization of CO2 extraction technologies for long duration missions

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    The aim of this paper is to optimize reliability and mass of three CO2 extraction technologies/components: the 4-Bed Molecular Sieve, the Electrochemical Depolarized Concentrator and the Solid Amine Water Desorption. The first one is currently used in the International Space Station and the last two are being developed, and could be used for future long duration missions. This work is part of a complex study of the Environmental Control and Life Support System (ECLSS) reliability. The result of this paper is a methodology to analyze the reliability and mass at a component level, which is used in this paper for the CO2 extraction technologies, but that can be applied to the ECLSS technologies that perform other tasks, such as oxygen generation or water recycling, which will be a required input for the analysis of an entire ECLSS. The key parameter to evaluate any system to be used in space is mass, as it is directly related to the launch cost. Moreover, for long duration missions, reliability will play an even more important role, as no resupply or rescue mission is taken into consideration. Each technology is studied as a reparable system, where the number of spare parts to be taken for a specific mission will need to be selected, to maximize the reliability and minimize the mass of the system. The problem faced is a Multi-Objective Optimization Problem (MOOP), which does not have a single solution. Thus, optimum solutions of MOOP, the ones that cannot be improved in one of the two objectives, without degrading the other one, are found for each selected technology. The solutions of the MOOP for the three technologies are analyzed and compared, considering other parameters such as the type of mission, the maturity of the technology and potential interactions/synergies with other technologies of the ECLSS.Peer Reviewe

    Zukunftsfähigkeit der Luftfahrtforschung in Deutschland : Chancen und Risiken der aktuellen Entwicklung

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    Hybrid life support systems with integrated fuel cells and photobioreactors for a lunar base

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    The development of regenerative and sustainable life support systems (LSS) is a basic prerequisite to realize human long-term habitation in space. An efficient and reliable LSS is of high importance for assembling a future research base on the Moon and for further human space exploration missions beyond Low Earth Orbit. Because of longer distance to Earth and longer transfer times new requirements appear for LSS operation and functionality in comparison to the International Space Station. The minimization of resupply mass is a crucial factor to cope with this challenge. Regenerating the main media oxygen, water, and carbon as well as demonstrating a closed loop are essential milestones for an efficient and sustainable LSS. The logical step between partly regenerative physico-chemical and bioregenerative LSS is a so-called hybrid LSS characterized by the crosslinked integration of physico-chemical and simple biological system components. The Institute of Space Systems of the University of Stuttgart (IRS), the Institute of Technical Thermodynamics (ITT) of the German Aerospace Centre (DLR) and the Fraunhofer-Institute for Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology (IGB) work together in a project on advanced LSS research and development. The IRS will investigate the integration of a photobioreactor (PBR) for algae cultivation as biological component and a reversible proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEFC) as physico-chemical component into an LSS. Algae in the PBR absorb the carbon dioxide exhaled by the crew and produce biomass (food) and oxygen under light influence. The oxygen can be directed either into the crew cabin or into the fuel cell for generating electricity. Vice versa the electrolysis process splits water (from the PBR or the fuel cell process) into oxygen and hydrogen used as energy storage or propellant. Main task at IRS is a feasibility study on the mentioned technologies, considering the capability of media and product regeneration as well as the ability of integration of the components into a system. Synergies, mass reduction, dissimilar redundancy, and safety enhancement must be taken into account in order to specify integration problems and filtration costs. The IGB supports this study by its expertise in PBR operation, algae cultivation, and algae species selection. The ITT investigates the coupling of the PBR with three different fuel cell types: namely PEFC, SOFC (Solid Oxide Fuel Cell), and AFC (Alkaline Fuel Cell) under electrochemical performance aspects. The influence of PBR products on performance and lifetime of the different fuel cells is of high interest. The potential of potable water and electrical power supply is considered