1,478 research outputs found

    Coordinated Analyses of Diverse Components in Whole Stardust Cometary Tracks

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    Analyses of samples returned from Comet Wild-2 by the Stardust spacecraft have resulted in a number of surprising findings that show the origins of comets are more complex than previously suspected [1]. Stardust aerogel tracks show considerable compositional diversity and the degree of impact related thermal modification and destruction is also highly variable. We are performing systematic examinations of entire Stardust tracks to discern the representative mineralogy and origins of comet Wild 2 components and to search for well preserved fine grained materials. Previously, we used ultramicrotomy to prepare sequential thin sections of entire "carrot" and "bulbous" type tracks along their axis while preserving their original shapes [2]. This technique allows us to characterize the usually well-preserved terminal particle (TP), but also any associated, fine-grained fragments that were shed along the track pathway. This report focuses on coordinated analyses of surviving indigenous cometary materials (crystalline and amorphous) along the aerogel track walls, their interaction with aerogel during collection and comparisons with their TPs. We examined the distribution of fragments throughout the track from the entrance hole to the TP

    Measuring a cosmological distance-redshift relationship using only gravitational wave observations of binary neutron star coalescences

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    Detection of gravitational waves from the inspiral phase of binary neutron star coalescence will allow us to measure the effects of the tidal coupling in such systems. These effects will be measurable using 3rd generation gravitational wave detectors, e.g. the Einstein Telescope, which will be capable of detecting inspiralling binary neutron star systems out to redshift z=4. Tidal effects provide additional contributions to the phase evolution of the gravitational wave signal that break a degeneracy between the system's mass parameters and redshift and thereby allow the simultaneous measurement of both the effective distance and the redshift for individual sources. Using the population of O(10^3-10^7) detectable binary neutron star systems predicted for the Einstein Telescope the luminosity distance--redshift relation can be probed independently of the cosmological distance ladder and independently of electromagnetic observations. We present the results of a Fisher information analysis applied to waveforms assuming a subset of possible neutron star equations of state. We conclude that for our range of representative neutron star equations of state the redshift of such systems can be determined to an accuracy of 8-40% for z<1 and 9-65% for 1<z<4.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Do We Already have Samples of CERES H Chondrite Haliites and the CERES-HEBE Link

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    We investigate the hypothesis that halite grains in the brecciated H chondrites Zag and Monahans originate from Ceres. Evidence includes mineralogy of the halites consistent with formation on a large, carbonaceous, aqueously active body close to the H chondrite parent body >4 Ga ago. Evidence also includes orbital simularities between 1 Ceres and the purported H chondrite parent body (HPB) 6 Hebe, possibly facilitating a gentle transfer between the bodies. Halite grains in the Monahans and Zag Hchondrites are exogenous to the H chondrite parent body and were transported to the HPB >4 Ga ago. Examination of minerals and carboanceous materials entrained within the halites shows that the halite parent body (HaPB) is consistent with a carbonaceous body [1]. It is probably a large body due to the variety of entrained carbonaceous materials which probably accreted from multiple sources. The halite grains contain intact, HaPB-origin, ancient fluid inclusions indicating that transfer between the HaPB and the HPB was a gentle process resulting in a T of 4 Ga ago. Additional dynamical factors need to be investigated. A combination of factors suggests Ceres as the HaPB. It is a carbonaceous body with suggestions of past aqueous activity [9], which is consistent with the mineral species found in H chondrite halites. Ceres is also a large body capable of accreting the range of carbonaceous materials noted [5]. It is relatively near to purported HPB Hebe, which is required to preserve halite fluid inclusions. The above evidence defines a hypothesized scenario featuring ejection of halite grains from Ceres onto Hebe. Halite was then entrained in H-chondrite near-surface breccias and ejected from Hebe for transport to Earth

    Presolar Materials in a Giant Cluster IDP of Probable Cometary Origin

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    Chondritic porous interplanetary dust particles (CP-IDPs) have been linked to comets by their fragile structure, primitive mineralogy, dynamics, and abundant interstellar materials. But differences have emerged between 'cometary' CP-IDPs and comet 81P/Wild 2 Stardust Mission samples. Particles resembling Ca-Al-rich inclusions (CAIs), chondrules, and amoeboid olivine aggregates (AOAs) in Wild 2 samples are rare in CP-IDPs. Unlike IDPs, presolar materials are scarce in Wild 2 samples. These differences may be due to selection effects, such as destruction of fine grained (presolar) components during the 6 km/s aerogel impact collection of Wild 2 samples. Large refractory grains observed in Wild 2 samples are also unlikely to be found in most (less than 30 micrometers) IDPs. Presolar materials provide a measure of primitive-ness of meteorites and IDPs. Organic matter in IDPs and chondrites shows H and N isotopic anomalies attributed to low-T interstellar or protosolar disk chemistry, where the largest anomalies occur in the most primitive samples. Presolar silicates are abundant in meteorites with low levels of aqueous alteration (Acfer 094 approximately 200 ppm) and scarce in altered chondrites (e.g. Semarkona approximately 20 ppm). Presolar silicates in minimally altered CP-IDPs range from approximately 400 ppm to 15,000 ppm, possibly reflecting variable levels of destruction in the solar nebula or statistical variations due to small sample sizes. Here we present preliminary isotopic and mineralogical studies of a very large CP-IDP. The goals of this study are to more accurately determine the abundances of presolar components of CP-IDP material for comparison with comet Wild 2 samples and meteorites. The large mass of this IDP presents a unique opportunity to accurately determine the abundance of pre-solar grains in a likely cometary sample

    Nebular and Interstellar Materials in a Giant Cluster IDP of Probable Cometary Origin

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    Comets contain a complex mixture of materials with presolar and Solar System origins. Chondritic porous interplanetary dust particles (CP-IDPs) are associated with comets by their fragile nature, unequilibrated anhydrous mineralogy and high abundances of circumstellar grains and isotopically anomalous organic materials. Comet 81P/Wild 2 samples returned by the Stardust spacecraft contain presolar materials as well as refractory 16O-rich Ca-Al-rich inclusion- (CAI), chondrule-, and AOA-like materials. We are conducting coordinated chemical, mineralogical, and isotopic studies of a giant cluster CP-IDP (U2-20-GCA) to determine the proportions of inner Solar System and interstellar materials. We previously found that this IDP contains abundant presolar silicates (approx. 1,800 ppm) and 15N-rich hotspots [6]

    Chagas Disease in the United States: a Public Health Approach.

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    Trypanosoma cruzi is the etiological agent of Chagas disease, usually transmitted by triatomine vectors. An estimated 20 to 30% of infected individuals develop potentially lethal cardiac or gastrointestinal disease. Sylvatic transmission cycles exist in the southern United States, involving 11 triatomine vector species and infected mammals such as rodents, opossums, and dogs. Nevertheless, imported chronic T. cruzi infections in migrants from Latin America vastly outnumber locally acquired human cases. Benznidazole is now FDA approved, and clinical and public health efforts are under way by researchers and health departments in a number of states. Making progress will require efforts to improve awareness among providers and patients, data on diagnostic test performance and expanded availability of confirmatory testing, and evidence-based strategies to improve access to appropriate management of Chagas disease in the United States

    Bench Crater Meteorite: Hydrated Asteroidal Material Delivered to the Moon

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    D/H measurements from the lunar regolith agglutinates [8] indicate mixing between a low D/H solar implanted component and additional higher D/H sources (e.g., meteoritic/ cometary/volcanic gases). We have determined the range and average D/H ratio of Bench Crater meteorite, which is the first direct D/H analysis of meteoritic material delivered to the lunar surface. This result provides an important ground truth for future investigations of lunar water resources by missions to the Moon

    The very faint X-ray binary IGR J17062-6143: a truncated disc, no pulsations, and a possible outflow

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    We present a comprehensive X-ray study of the neutron star low-mass X-ray binary IGR J17062-6143, which has been accreting at low luminosities since its discovery in 2006. Analysing NuSTAR, XMM–Newton, and Swift observations, we investigate the very faint nature of this source through three approaches: modelling the relativistic reflection spectrum to constrain the accretion geometry, performing high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy to search for an outflow, and searching for the recently reported millisecond X-ray pulsations. We find a strongly truncated accretion disc at 77+22−18 gravitational radii (∼164 km) assuming a high inclination, although a low inclination and a disc extending to the neutron star cannot be excluded. The high-resolution spectroscopy reveals evidence for oxygen-rich circumbinary material, possibly resulting from a blueshifted, collisionally ionized outflow. Finally, we do not detect any pulsations. We discuss these results in the broader context of possible explanations for the persistent faint nature of weakly accreting neutron stars. The results are consistent with both an ultra-compact binary orbit and a magnetically truncated accretion flow, although both cannot be unambiguously inferred. We also discuss the nature of the donor star and conclude that it is likely a CO or O–Ne–Mg white dwarf, consistent with recent multiwavelength modelling

    FIB-NanoSIMS-TEM Coordinated Study of a Wark-Lovering Rim in a Vigarano Type A CAI

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    Wark-Lovering (WL) rims are thin multi layered mineral sequences that surround most Ca, Al-rich inclusions (CAIs). Unaltered WL rims are composed of the same primary high temperature minerals as CAIs, such as melilite, spinel, pyroxene, hibonite, perovskite, anorthite and olivine. It is still unclear whether the rim minerals represent a different generation formed by a separate event from their associated CAIs or are a byproduct of CAI formation. Several models have been proposed for the origins of WL rims including condensation, flashheating, reaction of a CAI with a Mg-Si-rich reservoir (nebular gas or solid); on the basis of mineralogy, abundances of trace elements, O and Mg isotopic studies. Detailed mineralogical characterizations of WL rims at micrometer to nanometer scales have been obtained by TEM observations, but so far no coordinated isotopic - mineralogical studies have been performed. Thus, we have applied an O isotopic imaging technique by NanoSIMS 50L to investigate heterogeneous distributions of O isotopic ratios in minerals within a cross section of a WL rim prepared using a focused ion beam (FIB) instrument. After the isotopic measurements, we determine the detailed mineralogy and microstructure of the same WL FIB section to gain insight into its petrogenesis. Here we present preliminary results from O isotopic and elemental maps by NanoSIMS and mineralogical analysis by FE-SEM of a FIB section of a WL rim in the Vigarano reduced CV3 chondrite

    A Bayesian parameter estimation approach to pulsar time-of-arrival analysis

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    The increasing sensitivities of pulsar timing arrays to ultra-low frequency (nHz) gravitational waves promises to achieve direct gravitational wave detection within the next 5-10 years. While there are many parallel efforts being made in the improvement of telescope sensitivity, the detection of stable millisecond pulsars and the improvement of the timing software, there are reasons to believe that the methods used to accurately determine the time-of-arrival (TOA) of pulses from radio pulsars can be improved upon. More specifically, the determination of the uncertainties on these TOAs, which strongly affect the ability to detect GWs through pulsar timing, may be unreliable. We propose two Bayesian methods for the generation of pulsar TOAs starting from pulsar "search-mode" data and pre-folded data. These methods are applied to simulated toy-model examples and in this initial work we focus on the issue of uncertainties in the folding period. The final results of our analysis are expressed in the form of posterior probability distributions on the signal parameters (including the TOA) from a single observation.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure
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