94 research outputs found

    Modélisation de la rétention de phénols séparés par CLHP – PI avec une phase mobile méthanol – eau

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    La rétention (log k) d’un mélange hétérogène de phénols séparés en régime isochratique par CLHP – PI, sur une colonne Partisil ODS, avec une phase mobile méthanol – eau a été reliée aux conditions d’analyse (température T ; fraction volumique, φ, du co-solvant organique) et au coefficient de partage n-octanol / eau de Moriguchi (M log P) calculé à l’aide du logiciel DRAGON. L’ensemble de calibrage (40 éléments), obtenu en appliquant l’algorithme DUPLEX, permet de calculer un modèle vérifiant les hypothèses d’un modèle statistique linéaire à effets fixes, robuste, et dont la capacité de prédiction interne n’est pas trop dissemblable de son pouvoir d’ajustement. La validation statistique externe, sur un ensemble test de 26 éléments, atteste de la bonne capacité prédictive des log k n’ayant pas servi au calcul du modèle.Mots-clés: Phénols – CLHP / PI – Rétention –Modèle QSRR.La rétention (log k) d’un mélange hétérogène de phénols séparés en régime isochratique par CLHP – PI, sur une colonne Partisil ODS, avec une phase mobile méthanol – eau a été reliée aux conditions d’analyse (température T ; fraction volumique, φ, du co-solvant organique) et au coefficient de partage n-octanol / eau de Moriguchi (M log P) calculé à l’aide du logiciel DRAGON. L’ensemble de calibrage (40 éléments), obtenu en appliquant l’algorithme DUPLEX, permet de calculer un modèle vérifiant les hypothèses d’un modèle statistique linéaire à effets fixes, robuste, et dont la capacité de prédiction interne n’est pas trop dissemblable de son pouvoir d’ajustement. La validation statistique externe, sur un ensemble test de 26 éléments, atteste de la bonne capacité prédictive des log k n’ayant pas servi au calcul du modèle.Mots-clés: Phénols – CLHP / PI – Rétention –Modèle QSRR

    Détection moléculaire du Coronavirus du Syndrome Respiratoire du Moyen-Orient (MERS-CoV) chez les dromadaires tunisiens (Camelus dromedarius)

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    Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) was identified in humans in 2012. Dromedary camels were considered as the major reservoir of the virus throw several studies. Tunisian dromedary camels were implicated in a serological survey and a seropositivity reaching 100% was observed among some of them. Therefore, more investigations are necessary to look for the current infection situation. In this study, we aimed to detect the MERS-CoV virus in our camels by molecular technics. Blood and nasal swabs samples from 64 dromedary camels from 4 Tunisian provinces were collected during June 2014 and April 2015. All the animals tested negative by real time reverse transcriptase–polymerase chain reaction assay (RT-PCR). These findings could not confirm the absence of MERS-CoV active shading among the Tunisian camel population and more researches should be carried on to survey dromedary camels in Tunisia and its neighboring countries. Keywords: Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), Camels, Tunisia, RT-PCR, animal surveillance, Coronavirus (CoVs), molecular detection.Le Coronavirus du syndrome respiratoire du Moyen-Orient (MERS-CoV) a été identifié chez l’Homme pour la première fois en 2012. A travers plusieurs études, les dromadaires ont été alors considérés comme étant le réservoir majeur du virus. Une enquête sérologique chez les dromadaires en Tunisie a permis de démontrer une séropositivité allant jusqu’à 100% chez certains sujets étudiés. Ainsi, des recherches supplémentaires semblent être nécessaires pour évaluer l’état d’infection actuel du pays. A travers cette étude, nous visons, par le biais de techniques moléculaires, la détection du virus (MERS-CoV) chez nos dromadaires tunisiens. Durant la période s’étalant entre juin 2014 et avril 2015, des échantillons de sang et des écouvillonnages nasaux ont été prélevés à partir de 64 individus prévenant de 4 gouvernorats. L’essai de la détection moléculaire, en utilisant la technique d’amplification génomique en chaîne de polymérase avec transcriptase inverse (RT-PCR), a démontré que tous les sujets étudiés ont donné un réponse négative. Cependant, ces résultats ne peuvent pas confirmer l’absence d’une excrétion active du virus chez la population cameline tunisienne, raison pour laquelle d’autres investigations doivent être enchaînées pour surveiller l’état d’infection cameline par le MERS-CoV non seulement en Tunisie mais également dans les pays voisins. Mots-clés: Le Syndrome Respiratoire du Moyen-Orient (SRMO), dromadaires, Tunisie, RT-PCR, surveillance animale, Coronavirus (CoVs), détection moléculair

    Molecular detection of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) in Tunisian dromedary camels (Camelus dromedarius)

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    Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) was identified in humans in 2012. Dromedary camels were considered as the major reservoir of the virus throw several studies. Tunisian dromedary camels were implicated in a serological survey and a seropositivity reaching 100% was observed among some of them. Therefore, more investigations are necessary to look for the current infection situation. In this study, we aimed to detect the MERS-CoV virus in our camels by molecular technics. Blood and nasal swabs samples from 64 dromedary camels from 4 Tunisian provinces were collected during June 2014 and April 2015. All the animals tested negative by real time reverse transcriptase–polymerase chain reaction assay (RT-PCR). These findings could not confirm the absence of MERS-CoV active shading among the Tunisian camel population and more researches should be carried on to survey dromedary camels in Tunisia and its neighboring countries

    Escherichia coli Nissle 1917 Antagonizes Candida albicans Growth and Protects Intestinal Cells from C. albicans -Mediated Damage

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    Candida albicans is a pathobiont of the gastrointestinal tract. It can contribute to the diversity of the gut microbiome without causing harmful effects. When the immune system is compromised, C. albicans can damage intestinal cells and cause invasive disease. We hypothesize that a therapeutic approach against C. albicans infections can rely on the antimicrobial properties of probiotic bacteria. We investigated the impact of the probiotic strain Escherichia coli Nissle 1917 (EcN) on C. albicans growth and its ability to cause damage to intestinal cells. In co-culture kinetic assays, C. albicans abundance gradually decreased over time compared with C. albicans abundance in the absence of EcN. Quantification of C. albicans survival suggests that EcN exerts a fungicidal activity. Cell-free supernatants (CFS) collected from C. albicans -EcN co-culture mildly altered C. albicans growth, suggesting the involvement of an EcN-released compound. Using a model of co-culture in the presence of human intestinal epithelial cells, we further show that EcN prevents C. albicans from damaging enterocytes both distantly and through direct contact. Consistently, both C. albicans ’s filamentous growth and microcolony formation were altered by EcN. Taken together, our study proposes that probiotic-strain EcN can be exploited for future therapeutic approaches against C. albicans infections

    Extraction of specific parameters for skin tumour classification

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    In this paper, a methodological approach to the classification of tumour skin lesions in dermoscopy images is presented. Melanomas are the most malignant skin tumours. They grow in melanocytes, the cells responsible for pigmentation. This type of cancer is increasing rapidly; its related mortality rate is increasing more modestly, and inversely proportional to the thickness of the tumour. The mortality rate can be decreased by earlier detection of suspicious lesions and better prevention. Using skin tumour features such as colour, symmetry and border regularity, an attempt is made to determine if the skin tumour is a melanoma or a benign tumour. In this work, we are interested in extracting specific attributes which can be used for computer-aided diagnosis of melanoma, especially among general practitioners. In the first step, we eliminate surrounding hair in order to eliminate the residual noise. In the second step, an automatic segmentation is applied to the image of the skin tumour. This method reduces a colour image into an intensity image and approximately segments the image by intensity thresholding. Then, it refines the segmentation using the image edges, which are used to localize the boundary in that area of the skin. This step is essential to characterize the shape of the lesion and also to locate the tumour for analysis. Then, a sequences of transformations is applied to the image to measure a set of attributes (A: asymmetry, B: border, C: colour and D: diameter) which contain sufficient information to differentiate a melanoma from benign lesions. Finally, the various signs of specific lesion (ABCD) are provided to an artificial neural network to differentiate between malignant tumours and benign lesions

    Функціональні зв'язки між ефектами води Нафтуся на канальцеву секреторно-транспортну та імунну системи щурів. Повідомлення 2: Канальцева секреція і параметри спленоцитограми та гемолімфоаденоцитограми

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    В рамках концепции об общности механизмов функционирования канальцевой секреторно-транспортной и фагоцитарно-лимфоидной систем выявлены существенные связи между скоростью почечной канальцевой секреции и параметрами фагоцитоза, лейкоцитограммы крови, стеноцитогаммы и гемолимфоаденоцитограммы крыс в условиях курсового напаивания их водой Нафтуся per se и в сочетании с цитостатиком или анаболиком.It is shown that increase of canalicular secretion in rats becaused by drinking of water Naftussya accompanied increase massa of haemolymphatic node and contents in its of endothelio-, reticulo-, lymphocytes, eosinophyles and macrophages, blood level lymphocytes, monocytes and segmental nucleare neutrophyles but decrease activity and completion of phagocytose of neutrophyles and level of lymphoblastes in splenocytogramme. The using of cytostatic drug abolishes but anabolic drug potentiates both activating and inhibiting influence of water Naftussya

    Kinin B1 Receptor Enhances the Oxidative Stress in a Rat Model of Insulin Resistance: Outcome in Hypertension, Allodynia and Metabolic Complications

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    BACKGROUND: Kinin B(1) receptor (B(1)R) is induced by the oxidative stress in models of diabetes mellitus. This study aims at determining whether B(1)R activation could perpetuate the oxidative stress which leads to diabetic complications. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Young Sprague-Dawley rats were fed with 10% D-Glucose or tap water (controls) for 8-12 weeks. A selective B(1)R antagonist (SSR240612) was administered acutely (3-30 mg/kg) or daily for a period of 7 days (10 mg/kg) and the impact was measured on systolic blood pressure, allodynia, protein and/or mRNA B(1)R expression, aortic superoxide anion (O(2)(*-)) production and expression of superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) and catalase. SSR240612 reduced dose-dependently (3-30 mg/kg) high blood pressure in 12-week glucose-fed rats, but had no effect in controls. Eight-week glucose-fed rats exhibited insulin resistance (HOMA index), hypertension, tactile and cold allodynia and significant increases of plasma levels of glucose and insulin. This was associated with higher aortic levels of O(2)(*-), NADPH oxidase activity, MnSOD and catalase expression. All these abnormalities including B(1)R overexpression (spinal cord, aorta, liver and gastrocnemius muscle) were normalized by the prolonged treatment with SSR240612. The production of O(2)(*-) in the aorta of glucose-fed rats was also measured in the presence and absence of inhibitors (10-100 microM) of NADPH oxidase (apocynin), xanthine oxidase (allopurinol) or nitric oxide synthase (L-NAME) with and without Sar[D-Phe(8)]des-Arg(9)-BK (20 microM; B(1)R agonist). Data show that the greater aortic O(2)(*-) production induced by the B(1)R agonist was blocked only by apocynin. CONCLUSIONS: Activation of kinin B(1)R increased O(2)(*-) through the activation of NADPH oxidase in the vasculature. Prolonged blockade of B(1)R restored cardiovascular, sensory and metabolic abnormalities by reducing oxidative stress and B(1)R gene expression in this model