32 research outputs found

    Functional analysis of RXLR effectors from the New Zealand kauri dieback pathogen Phytophthora agathidicida

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    New Zealand kauri is an ancient, iconic, gymnosperm tree species that is under threat from a lethal dieback disease caused by the oomycete Phytophthora agathidicida. To gain insight into this pathogen, we determined whether proteinaceous effectors of P. agathidicida interact with the immune system of a model angiosperm, Nicotiana, as previously shown for Phytophthora pathogens of angiosperms. From the P. agathidicida genome, we defined and analysed a set of RXLR effectors, a class of proteins that typically have important roles in suppressing or activating the plant immune system. RXLRs were screened for their ability to activate or suppress the Nicotiana plant immune system using Agrobacterium tumefaciens transient transformation assays. Nine P. agathidicida RXLRs triggered cell death or suppressed plant immunity in Nicotiana, of which three were expressed in kauri. For the most highly expressed, P. agathidicida (Pa) RXLR24, candidate cognate immune receptors associated with cell death were identified in Nicotiana benthamiana using RNA silencing-based approaches. Our results show that RXLRs of a pathogen of gymnosperms can interact with the immune system of an angiosperm species. This study provides an important foundation for studying the molecular basis of plant–pathogen interactions in gymnosperm forest trees, including kauri

    Lolium perenne apoplast metabolomics for identification of novel metabolites produced by the symbiotic fungus Epichlo festucae

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    Epichloe festucae is an endophytic fungus that forms a symbiotic association with Lolium perenne. Here we analysed how the metabolome of the ryegrass apoplast changed upon infection of this host with sexual and asexual isolates of E. festucae. A metabolite fingerprinting approach was used to analyse the metabolite composition of apoplastic wash fluid from uninfected and infected L. perenne. Metabolites enriched or depleted in one or both of these treatments were identified using a set of interactive tools. A genetic approach in combination with tandem MS was used to identify a novel product of a secondary metabolite gene cluster. Metabolites likely to be present in the apoplast were identified using MarVis in combination with the BioCyc and KEGG databases, and an in‐house Epichloe metabolite database. We were able to identify the known endophyte‐specific metabolites, peramine and epichloecyclins, as well as a large number of unknown markers. To determine whether these methods can be applied to the identification of novel Epichloe‐derived metabolites, we deleted a gene encoding a NRPS (lgsA) that is highly expressed in planta. Comparative MS analysis of apoplastic wash fluid from wild‐type‐ vs mutant‐infected plants identified a novel Leu/Ile glycoside metabolite present in the former.This research was supported by a grant from the Tertiary Education Commission to the Bio-Protection Research Centre and by Massey University. BS was supported by an Alexander von Humboldt Research Award. IF was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (ZUK 45/2010)

    Assignment of a dubious gene cluster to melanin biosynthesis in the tomato fungal pathogen Cladosporium fulvum

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    Pigments and phytotoxins are crucial for the survival and spread of plant pathogenic fungi. The genome of the tomato biotrophic fungal pathogen Cladosporium fulvum contains a predicted gene cluster (CfPKS1, CfPRF1, CfRDT1 and CfTSF1) that is syntenic with the characterized elsinochrome toxin gene cluster in the citrus pathogen Elsinoë fawcettii. However, a previous phylogenetic analysis suggested that CfPks1 might instead be involved in pigment production. Here, we report the characterization of the CfPKS1 gene cluster to resolve this ambiguity. Activation of the regulator CfTSF1 specifically induced the expression of CfPKS1 and CfRDT1, but not of CfPRF1. These co-regulated genes that define the CfPKS1 gene cluster are orthologous to genes involved in 1,3-dihydroxynaphthalene (DHN) melanin biosynthesis in other fungi. Heterologous expression of CfPKS1 in Aspergillus oryzae yielded 1,3,6,8-tetrahydroxynaphthalene, a typical precursor of DHN melanin. Δcfpks1 deletion mutants showed similar altered pigmentation to wild type treated with DHN melanin inhibitors. These mutants remained virulent on tomato, showing this gene cluster is not involved in pathogenicity. Altogether, our results showed that the CfPKS1 gene cluster is involved in the production of DHN melanin and suggests that elsinochrome production in E. fawcettii likely involves another gene cluster.</p

    Comparative analysis of the predicted secretomes of Rosaceae scab pathogens Venturia inaequalis and V. pirina reveals expanded effector families and putative determinants of host range

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    Fungal plant pathogens belonging to the genus Venturia cause damaging scab diseases of members of the Rosaceae. In terms of economic impact, the most important of these are V. inaequalis, which infects apple, and V. pirina, which is a pathogen of European pear. Given that Venturia fungi colonise the sub-cuticular space without penetrating plant cells, it is assumed that effectors that contribute to virulence and determination of host range will be secreted into this plant-pathogen interface. Thus the predicted secretomes of a range of isolates of Venturia with distinct host-ranges were interrogated to reveal putative proteins involved in virulence and pathogenicityThis work was supported by: the New Zealand Foundation for Research, Science and Technology (now Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment), contract numbers C06X0302 and C06X0207 and PFR Core funding; Victorian Life Sciences Computation Initiative’s (VLSCI) Life Sciences Computation Centre, a collaboration between La Trobe, Melbourne and Monash Universities (an initiative of the Victorian Government, Australia); La Trobe University eResearch grant; JS was supported by an Australian postgraduate award and VLSCI PhD top-up award

    Repeat-containing protein effectors of plant-associated organisms

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    Many plant-associated organisms, including microbes, nematodes, and insects, deliver effector proteins into the apoplast, vascular tissue, or cell cytoplasm of their prospective hosts. These effectors function to promote colonization, typically by altering host physiology or by modulating host immune responses. The same effectors however, can also trigger host immunity in the presence of cognate host immune receptor proteins, and thus prevent colonization. To circumvent effector-triggered immunity, or to further enhance host colonization, plant-associated organisms often rely on adaptive effector evolution. In recent years, it has become increasingly apparent that several effectors of plant-associated organisms are repeat-containing proteins (RCPs) that carry tandem or non-tandem arrays of an amino acid sequence or structural motif. In this review, we highlight the diverse roles that these repeat domains play in RCP effector function. We also draw attention to the potential role of these repeat domains in adaptive evolution with regards to RCP effector function and the evasion of effector-triggered immunity. The aim of this review is to increase the profile of RCP effectors from plant-associated organisms

    Elucidation of cladofulvin biosynthesis reveals a cytochrome P450 monooxygenase required for anthraquinone dimerization

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    Anthraquinones are a large family of secondary metabolites (SMs) that are extensively studied for their diverse biological activities. These activities are determined by functional group decorations and the formation of dimers from anthraquinone monomers. Despite their numerous medicinal qualities, very few anthraquinone biosynthetic pathways have been elucidated so far, including the enzymatic dimerization steps. In this study, we report the elucidation of the biosynthesis of cladofulvin, an asymmetrical homodimer of nataloe-emodin produced by the fungus Cladosporium fulvum. A gene cluster of 10 genes controls cladofulvin biosynthesis, which begins with the production of atrochrysone carboxylic acid by the polyketide synthase ClaG and the beta-lactamase ClaF. This compound is decarboxylated by ClaH to yield emodin, which is then converted to chrysophanol hydroquinone by the reductase ClaC and the dehydratase ClaB. We show that the predicted cytochrome P450 ClaM catalyzes the dimerization of nataloe-emodin to cladofulvin. Remarkably, such dimerization dramatically increases nataloe-emodin cytotoxicity against mammalian cell lines. These findings shed light on the enzymatic mechanisms involved in anthraquinone dimerization. Future characterization of the ClaM enzyme should facilitate engineering the biosynthesis of novel, potent, dimeric anthraquinones and structurally related compound families

    Targeted Gene Mutations in the Forest Pathogen <i>Dothistroma septosporum</i> Using CRISPR/Cas9

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    Dothistroma needle blight, caused by Dothistroma septosporum, has increased in incidence and severity over the last few decades and is now one of the most important global diseases of pines. Disease resistance breeding could be accelerated by knowledge of pathogen virulence factors and their host targets. However, this is hindered due to inefficient targeted gene disruption in D. septosporum, which is required for virulence gene characterisation. Here we report the first successful application of CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing to a Dothideomycete forest pathogen, D. septosporum. Disruption of the dothistromin pathway regulator gene AflR, with a known phenotype, was performed using nonhomologous end-joining repair with an efficiency of >90%. Transformants with a range of disruption mutations in AflR were produced. Disruption of Ds74283, a D. septosporum gene encoding a secreted cell death elicitor, was also achieved using CRISPR/Cas9, by using a specific donor DNA repair template to aid selection where the phenotype was unknown. In this case, 100% of screened transformants were identified as disruptants. In establishing CRISPR/Cas9 as a tool for gene editing in D. septosporum, our research could fast track the functional characterisation of candidate virulence factors in D. septosporum and helps set the foundation for development of this technology in other forest pathogens