23 research outputs found

    The Effect of Service Quality on Passenger Satisfaction at PT. Indonesian National Shipping (PELNI) in Jayapura City

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    The objectives of this study are 1) to determine the effect of service quality on passenger satisfaction at PT Pelayaran Naisional Indonesia (PELNI) Jayapura City, 2) knowing the efforts made in improving service quality on passenger satisfaction at PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia (PELNI) Jayapura City. This type of research uses quantitative methods. The total population for this study amounted to 424 people. The number of samples taken in this study was 30 people. Sampling was done using a random sampling method. Based on the author's results, it concerns the quality of passenger service at PT. The Indonesian National Shipping in the city of Jayapura, the quality of service provided to passengers/customers, both in terms of physical form, empathy, responsiveness, reliability and assurance so that the quality of service needs to be improved, and the company must pay attention to things that are considered important by customers who use the services of PT. Pelni, so that customers feel satisfied. Conclusion of passenger satisfaction at PT. The Indonesian National Voyage (PELNI) of Jayapura city has been accomplished well. This is evident from the respondent's answer to the answer category (yes) at the highest level as well. This means that with regard to passenger / customer satisfaction, it turns out that it has given the trust to passengers

    Optimal Duration of Magazine Promotions

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    The planning of promotions and other marketing events frequently requires manufacturers to make decisions about the optimal duration of these activities. Yet manufacturers often lack the support tools for decision making. We assume that customer decisions at the aggregated level follow a state-dependent Markov process. On the basis of the expected economic return associated with dynamic response to stimuli, we determine the ideal length of marketing events using dynamic programming optimization and apply the model to a complex promotion event. Results suggest that this methodology could help managers in the publishing industry to plan the optimal duration of promotion events. Copyright Springer Science + Business Media, Inc. 2005optimal duration of promotion events, Markovian process, dynamic programming,

    Follow the Leaders: competition in the Brazilian Auto Financing Sector

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    This study seeks to understand the competitive pattern and strategy of the firms in the Brazilian automobile financing market. First, we analyzed the strong segmentation observed in this market, determining market niches. We then estimated reaction functions to price changes. The results indicated that the three largest companies in the sector have a strong influence on interest rate setting within the entire segment. This phenomenon characterizes the competition of this sector as the leader-follower type, rather than Bertrand competition, the latter of which is often expected in the banking sector and it demonstrates the existence of the leading firms' market power