30 research outputs found


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    Self-development of young people is an important task as was emphasized by Erikson (1968/1994). The objective of this study is to explore the nature and components of the care for self-development in college students of helping professions, as well as its predictors. Methods: the care for self-development scale (CSD, Mesárošová, 2014), Learning questionnaire (SRQ-L; Williams, Deci, 1996) were completed by a group of 213 college students (50.7 % were medical students, 49.3 % social work students, 81.7 % were female). Results: factor analysis of CSD produced three factors (the care for development in personal, educational, and general areas), which showed significant positive correlations with the components of the self-regulation in learning (the autonomous and controlled regulation). The only autonomous regulation was proved as a predictor of the care for self-development in both groups of students. Conclusion: our research showed the utility of the self-regulation in predicting the care for self-development in college students. We consider our findings the useful contribution to the educational and counseling process in students of helping professions

    Application of Legendre basis for spectral analysis

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    Práca sa zameriava na možnosti využitia Legendreovych polynómov za účelom získavania spektra signálov. Skúma ich vlastnosti v časovej a frekvenčnej doméne, akými sú napríklad spôsoby generovania, poloha koreňov a ortogonalita. Ďalším cieľom bolo implementovať Legendreovu transformáciu a overiť kvalitu získaných spektier a aproximácií signálov v porovnaní s rôznymi metódami. V závere sa zaoberá výberom vhodného aproximačného rádu ako aj analytickými možnosťami výpočtu spektra.The thesis focuses on the possibilities of using Legendre polynomials in order to obtain a spectrum of signals. It examines their properties in the time and frequency domain such as generating methods, root position, and orthogonality. Another goal was to implement the Legendre transform and to verify the quality of the obtained spectra and signal approximations in comparison with various methods. Finally, it deals with the choice of a suitable approximation order as well as the analytical possibilities of spectrum calculation.

    Project Communication Management in Industrial Enterprises (Step by Step)

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    Communication is the basis of everything and is thus the key to effective project management. The question is “What is the relationship between the project management and communication?” Effective communication is one of the main elements of project management. Communication is a critical part between people, information, and ideas, and communication is the basis for project performance in organization. This chapter will be focused on “project communication management step by step.” The chapter deals with all steps of project communication management which are defined as a combination of logical-related communication methods, tools, and techniques for a successful initialization, planning, implementation, control and administrative closure of the project communication. In the chapter communication environment (communication strategy, organizational structure), communication channel (communication methods, tools, frequency, and support of communication), communication cognitive (communication differences and skills), and communication system (feedback system and system of sharing and distribution of information) will be described

    Marketingový mix vo vybranom podniku poskytujúci služby

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    Mesárošová, N. Marketing mix in the selected company provided services. Ba-chelor thesis. Brno: Mendel University, 2018. This bachelor thesis is focused on elaborating a proposal to improve using indivi-dual elements of the marketing mix of the company Maxim Bakery. The theore-tical part deals with theoretical knowledge of the marketing mix that is based on literary sources. There is firstly made an analysis of the environment, analysis of marketing mix of the company and the segmentation of the market in the practical part. Based on analysis and segmentation, suggestions and recommendations are made to improve the situation. The thesis is cocluded by setting the budget and suggesting inspections along with measuring the efficiency

    Corporate image and company communication L´Oréal

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    Diplomová práce je zaměřena na firemní image a komunikaci společnosti L'oreal. Cílem je analýza jednotlivých složek firemní identity, které ovlivňují její image. Teoretická část je věnována teoretickým poznatkům v této oblasti a vychází z odborné literatury. V praktické části je nejdříve provedena analýza jednotlivých složek firemní identity. Následně je vytvořen elektronický dotazník, který je nástrojem pro tzv. explorační výzkum. Slouží k prozkoumání čtyř výzkumným otázek. Pro hlubší pochopení výsledků z dotazníku, je uskutečněn i rozhovor se zaměstnankyní společnosti. Na základě výsledků jsou vyvozeny návrhy a doporučení na zlepšení situace. Výsledky diplomové práce mohou být podkladem k pochopení důležitosti firemní image a komunikace pro obchodní činnost firem. Kvalitní a dobře komunikována image totiž může výrazně ovlivnit spotřebitelské chování společnosti.The diploma thesis is focused on the corporate image and communication of the company L'Oréal. The aim is to analyze the individual components of corporate identity that affect its image. The theoretical part is devoted to theoretical knowl-edge in this area and potentially probably from the literature. In the practical part, the analysis of individual education of firefighter identity is identified. The follow-ing is an electronic questionnaire, which is a tool for the so-called exploratory research. It is used to evaluate for four research questions. Deepening understanding of the results from the questionnaire, an interview is conducted with an employee of the company. Based on the results, suggestions and recommendations for consideration are derived.The results of the diploma thesis can be a basis for understanding the importance of corporate image and communication for the business activities of companies. This is because a good and well-communicated image can significantly influence a company's consumer behavior.Diplomová práca je zameraná na firemný image a komunikáciu spoločnosti L'Oréal. Cieľom je analýza jednotlivých zložiek firemnej identity, ktoré ovplyvňujú jej image. Teoretická časť je venovaná teoretickým poznatkom v tejto oblasti a vychádza z odbornej literatúry. V praktickej časti je najskôr uskutočnená analýza jednotlivých zložiek firemnej identity. Následne je vytvorený elektronický dotazník, ktorý je nástrojom pre tzv. exploračný výskum. Slúži k preskúmaniu štyroch výskumných otázok. Pre hlbšie pochopenie výsledkov z dotazníka, je uskutočnený i rozhovor so zamestnankyňou spoločnosti. Na základe výsledkov sú vyvodené návrhy a doporučenia na zlepšenie situácie. Výsledky diplomovej práce môžu byť podkladom k pochopeniu dôležitosti firemnej image a komunikácie pre obchodnú činnosť firiem. Kvalitná a dobre komunikovaná image totiž môže výrazne ovplyvniť spotrebiteľské správanie spoločnosti


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    Práca hodnotí vývoj postavenia daní z príjmov v nových členských krajinách EÚ, ktoré pristúpili do EÚ 1. mája 2004. Je zameraná na daňové kvóty a daňové mixy týchto krajín, konkrétne na dielčie daňové kvóty daní z príjmu právnických a fyzických osôb. Podstatou práce je komparatívna analýza daňových výnosov v čase (1995- 2004) a ich komparácia z medzinárodného hľadiska. Hlavným cieľom práce je zistiť pozíciu daní z príjmov v daňovom mixe jednotlivých nových členských štátov EÚ a stanoviť rozdiely v daňových systémoch medzi novými a pôvodnými krajinami, ale aj v rámci nových členských štátov

    Application of Legendre basis for spectral analysis

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    The thesis focuses on the possibilities of using Legendre polynomials in order to obtain a spectrum of signals. It examines their properties in the time and frequency domain such as generating methods, root position, and orthogonality. Another goal was to implement the Legendre transform and to verify the quality of the obtained spectra and signal approximations in comparison with various methods. Finally, it deals with the choice of a suitable approximation order as well as the analytical possibilities of spectrum calculation

    The usage of organic food at the kindergartens (České Budějovice)

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    This thesis deals with research in the use possibilities of organic food in kindergartens in the town of České Budějovice on two levels (management and parents).It was found out that some of the kindergartens are using organic food. The biggest barrier to the using of organic food in kindergartens is their price. Most parents are satisfied with the quality of food in their kindergartens. Furthermore it could be said, that the parents know organic food but it can?t be confirmed the hypothesis that says parents would welcome the use of organic food in kindergarten?s canteens. The results indicate that not all the parents are able to accept the minimum of price increase in meal at the kindergartens. In the end there are recommended some local organic food which could be appropriate for using in the kindergartens in the town of České Budějovice