570 research outputs found

    Influence of Source Propagation Direction and Shear Flow Profile in Impedance Eduction of Acoustic Liners

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    The acoustic impedance of liners is a key parameter for their design, and depends on the flow conditions, i.e., the sound pressure level and the presence of a grazing flow. The surface impedance of a locally reacting liner is defined as a local intrinsic property relating the acoustic pressure to the normal acoustic particle velocity at the liner surface. Impedance eduction techniques are now widely used to retrieve the impedance of liners in aeroacoustic facilities in the presence of a shear grazing flow. While surface impedance is intrinsic by definition, the educed impedance has recently been shown to depend on the direction of the incident waves relative to the mean flow. Different studies have investigated this issue by considering different acoustic propagation models used in the education process in the hope of matching the educed values. The purpose of the present work is to continue the previous investigations by evaluating the influence of the shear flow profile on the educed impedance, while considering a Bayesian inference process in order to evaluate the uncertainty on the educed values. The identified uncertainties were not able to totally account for the observed discrepancies between educed impedances

    Pengaruh Permainan Huruf Punggung Berantai terhadap Kemampuan Anak Mengenal Huruf pada Usia 5-6 Tahun Ditaman Kanak-kanak Masmur Kecamatan Siak Hulu Kabupaten Kampar

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    The research is to know backs chain letters game to know your child's ability letters intelligence in masmur kindergarten district siak hulu kampar regency. The sample of population in this research is 5-6 years old to amount to 15 person's. to collect the data is observation technics. To analysis data used in this research is test-t. the result of research is obtained from the sample result of hypothesis test correlation, with the before and after values of r = 0,862 and the value of significance is 0,000. Because, p<0,05 (0,862<0,05) then Ho rejected. The means of research is backs chain letters game to know your child's ability letters on age 5-6 years children's intelligence. To receive or reject hypothesis based on SPSS data windows for version 17 then can be seen from a comparison t value and t table is calculation of the test-t, seen that result t value -13,412 from the parties of absolutely price, so the minus (-) price cannot be used(Sugiyono, 2010). Then value (-13,412). DK= 40 and the fault stage 5%= 2,021). The mean Ho= were rejected and Ha= accepted. From the research have conslussion that's the backs chain letters game is be effective to know your child's ability letters on age 5-6 years olds children's intelligence

    Understanding of the Renormalization Program in a mathematically Rigorous Framework and an Intrinsic Mass Scale

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    we show there exists a mathematically consistent framework in which the Renormalization Program can be understood in a natural manner. The framework does not require any violations of mathematical rigor usually associated with the Renormalization program. We use the framework of the non-local field theories [these carry a finite mass scale (\Lambda)]and set up a finite perturbative program. We show how this program leads to the perturbation series of the usual renormalization program [except one difference] if the series is restructured .We further show that the comparison becomes possible if there exists a finite mass scale (\Lambda), with certain properties, in the Quantum Field theory [which we take to be the scale present in the nonlocal theory]. We give a way to estimate the scale (\Lambda). We also show that the finite perturbation program differs from the usual renormalization program by a term; which we propose can also be used to put a bound on (\Lambda).Comment: 19 pages, a missing equation added,a reference added and a few typos correcte

    Analysis of Male Participation in Contraceptive USAge in Indralaya Mulya District Kecamatan Indralaya Ogan Ilir Regency in Year 2011

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    Background : Indonesia has 216,9 million number of people with 1,36% population growth rate. In order to restrict this rapid population increasing, Governmalet had done the construction oriented to the justice and gender equality in Family planning and Reproductive Health. One of the gender equality in family planning was male participation in contraceptive USAge. But, nowadays the gender equality in Indonesia is still dominated by women. Based on the data of UPTB KB Monthly Report Kecamatan Indralaya, male participation in contraceptive USAge in Kelurahan Indralaya Mulya was still bad. Because of that, this research aimed to know the male participation in contraceptive USAge. Method : Used analytic survey method with cross sectional study design. Sample in this research was male who have wife aged 15-49 years old which amounts to 82 people. The sampling technique used simple random sampling. Data analysis technique used univariate and bivariate with statistic test used Chi Square test. Result : Showed that from 7 independent variables, 5 variables were connected to male participation in family planning, education (pvalue = 0,001), knowledge (pvalue = 0,014), family planning services access (pvalue = 0,010), male family planning quality service (pvalue = 0,030) and male family planning image (acceptance) (pvalue = 0,008). Conclusion : Variables related to male participation in family planning are education, knowledge, family planning services access, male family planning quality service and male family planning image (acceptance) whereas variables which are not related are age and number of children

    Studi Penambahan Tepung Rumput Laut (Eucheuma Cotonii ) pada Mie Sagu terhadap Penerimaan Konsumen

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    This study was aimed to determine the effect of seaweed (Eucheuma cottonii) in flournoodles to consumer acceptance. The each concentration of seaweed (Eucheuma cottonii)flour was 0%, 10%, 20%, and 30%. Parameters was measured for organoleptic (taste, texture,color, and odor), and chemical analysis (moisture content, ash content, protein content, crudefiber, and water absorption). The research was conducted in the Fisheries ProcessingTechnology and Processing Chemical Laboratory, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences,University of Riau on June 2014. The results showed that 20% concentration of seaweedflour was the best treatment and most favorable by consumer acceptance with moisturecontent, ash content, protein content, crude fiber and water absorption was 10,34%, 9,34%,27,9%, 6,04% and 10,34% respectively

    Biocharcoal dari Kulit Kakao (Theobroma Cacao L)Untuk Mengadsorpsi Ion Logam Timbal Pb

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    Cacao is a commodity crop growth in the plantation farmers, particularly in Central Sulawesi. Processed of the cocoa fruits are mainly as the food products. Furthermore, the cocoa bark just become rubbish. This study aims to utilize the waste of cocoa bark to be used as biocharcoal to adsorb lead metal ions. The method used was spectrophotometry, where the lead ions concentration absorbed was measured using a Spectrodirect spectrophotometer. The results showed that at the optimum contact time 90 minutes, the lead ion capacity adsorption was 97% and the lead weight adsorbed was 25.26 mg/g. The optimum weight of 60 mg, where the lead ions capacity adsorption was 96.88% and the lead weight adsorbed was 25.22 mg/g. The optimum adsorption capacity was 40 ppm, where the lead ions adsorption obtained was 99.61% and the lead weight adsorbed was 10.84 mg/g

    A fast and self-adaptive on-line learning detection system

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    © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This paper proposes a method to allow users to select target species for detection, generate an initial detection model by selecting a small piece of image sample and as the movie plays, continue training this detection model automatically. This method has noticeable detection results for several types of objects. The framework of this study is divided into two parts: the initial detection model and the online learning section. The detection model initialization phase use a sample size based on the proportion of users of the Haar-like features to generate a pool of features, which is used to train and select effective classifiers. Then, as the movie plays, the detecting model detects the new sample using the NN Classifier with positive and negative samples and the similarity model calculates new samples based on the fusion background model to calculate a new sample and detect the relative similarity to the target. From this relative similarity-based conservative classification of new samples, the conserved positive and negative samples classified by the video player are used for automatic online learning and training to continuously update the classifier. In this paper, the results of the test for different types of objects show the ability to detect the target by choosing a small number of samples and performing automatic online learning, effectively reducing the manpower needed to collect a large number of image samples and a large amount of time for training. The Experimental results also reveal good detection capability