2,962 research outputs found

    Fraud deterrence in dynamic Mirrleesian economies

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    Social and private insurance schemes rely on legal action to deter fraud and tax evasion. This observation guides the authors to introduce a random state verification technology in a dynamic economy with private information. With some probability, an agent's skill level becomes known to the planner, who prescribes a punishment if the agent is caught misreporting. The authors show how deferring consumption can ease the provision of incentives. As a result, the marginal benefit may be below the marginal cost of investment in the constrained-efficient allocation, suggesting a subsidy on savings. They characterize conditions such that the intertemporal wedge is negative in finite horizon economies. In an infinite horizon economy, the authors find that the constrained-efficient allocation converges to a high level of consumption, full insurance, and no labor distortions for any probability of state verification.Insurance ; Fraud

    Equilibrium Existence and Approximation for Incomplete Market Models with Substantial Heterogeneity

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    This paper contains an analysis of incomplete market models with finitely but arbitrarily many heterogeneous agents. We discuss the mathematical foundation for equilibrium conditions which leads to two findings. First, we establish existence of equilibria for small and large risks. Second, we develop a simple but general solution technique which handles many state and choice variables for each agent and thus an extremely high-dimensional state space. The method is based on perturbations around a point at which the solution is known. The novel idea is to exploit the symmetry of the problem to overcome the curse of dimensionality. We use the analysis to demonstrate the impact of heterogeneity on macroeconomic quantities and the pricing of risk. Furthermore, we set our technique apart from the standard method used in the literature

    Paramagnetic colloidal ribbons in a precessing magnetic field

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    We investigate the dynamics of a kink in a damped parametrically driven nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation.We show by using a method of averaging that, in the high-frequency limit, the kinkmoves in an effective potential and is driven by an effective constant force. We demonstrate that the shape of the solitary wave can be controlled via the frequency and the eccentricity of the modulation. This is in accordance with the experimental results reported in a recent paper [Casic et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 168302 (2013)], where the dynamic self-assembly and propulsion of a ribbon formed from paramagnetic colloids in a time-dependent magnetic field has been studied.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad MTM2012-36732-C03-03 (R.A.N.)Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad FIS2011-24540 (N.R.Q.)Junta de Andalucía FQM262 (R.A.N.)Junta de Andalucía FQM207 (N.R.Q.)Junta de Andalucía FQM-7276Junta de Andalucía P09-FQM-4643 (N.R.Q., R.A.N.)Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Germany) through Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers SPA 1146358 STP (N.R.Q.)

    Did evolution create a flexible ligand-binding cavity in the urokinase receptor through deletion of a plesiotypic disulfide bond?

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    The urokinase receptor (uPAR) is a founding member of a small protein family with multiple Ly6/uPAR (LU) domains. The motif defining these LU domains contains five plesiotypic disulfide bonds stabilizing its prototypical three-fingered fold having three protruding loops. Notwithstanding the detailed knowledge on structure-function relationships in uPAR, one puzzling enigma remains unexplored. Why does the first LU domain in uPAR (DI) lack one of its consensus disulfide bonds, when the absence of this particular disulfide bond impairs the correct folding of other single LU domain-containing proteins? Here, using a variety of contemporary biophysical methods, we found that reintroducing the two missing half-cystines in uPAR DI caused the spontaneous formation of the corresponding consensus 7–8 LU domain disulfide bond. Importantly, constraints due to this cross-link impaired (i) the binding of uPAR to its primary ligand urokinase and (ii) the flexible interdomain assembly of the three LU domains in uPAR. We conclude that the evolutionary deletion of this particular disulfide bond in uPAR DI may have enabled the assembly of a high-affinity urokinase-binding cavity involving all three LU domains in uPAR. Of note, an analogous neofunctionalization occurred in snake venom α-neurotoxins upon loss of another pair of the plesiotypic LU domain half-cystines. In summary, elimination of the 7–8 consensus disulfide bond in the first LU domain of uPAR did have significant functional and structural consequences

    Propulsion efficiency of a dynamic self-assembled helical ribbon

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    We study the dynamic self-assembly and propulsion of a ribbon formed from paramagnetic colloids in a dynamic magnetic field. The sedimented ribbon assembles due to time averaged dipolar interactions between the beads. The time dependence of the dipolar interactions together with hydrodynamic interactions cause a twisted ribbon conformation. Domain walls of high twist connect domains of nearly constant orientation and negligible twist and travel through the ribbon. The particular form of the domain walls can be controlled via the frequency and the eccentricity of the modulation. The flux of twist walls—a true ribbon property absent in slender bodies—provides the thrust onto the surrounding liquid that propels this biomimetic flagellum into the opposite direction. The propulsion efficiency increases with frequency and ceases abruptly at a critical frequency where the conformation changes discontinuously to a flat standing ribbon conformation

    Solar-Terrestrial Coupling Evidenced by Periodic Behavior in Geomagnetic Indexes and the Infrared Energy Budget of the Thermosphere

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    We examine time series of the daily global power (W) radiated by carbon dioxide (at 15 microns) and by nitric oxide (at 5.3 microns) from the Earth s thermosphere between 100 km and 200 km altitude. Also examined is a time series of the daily absorbed solar ultraviolet power in the same altitude region in the wavelength span 0 to 175 nm. The infrared data are derived from the SABER instrument and the solar data are derived from the SEE instrument, both on the NASA TIMED satellite. The time series cover nearly 5 years from 2002 through 2006. The infrared and solar time series exhibit a decrease in radiated and absorbed power consistent with the declining phase of the current 11-year solar cycle. The infrared time series also exhibits high frequency variations that are not evident in the solar power time series. Spectral analysis shows a statistically significant 9-day periodicity in the infrared data but not in the solar data. A very strong 9-day periodicity is also found to exist in the time series of daily A(sub p) and K(sub p) geomagnetic indexes. These 9-day periodicities are linked to the recurrence of coronal holes on the Sun. These results demonstrate a direct coupling between the upper atmosphere of the Sun and the infrared energy budget of the thermosphere

    Same day discharge for robot-assisted radical prostatectomy: a prospective cohort study documenting an Australian approach.

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    BACKGROUND The introduction of robotic surgical systems has significantly impacted urological surgery, arguably more so than other surgical disciplines. The focus of our study was length of hospital stay - patients have traditionally been discharged day 1 post-robot-assisted radical prostatectomy (RARP), however, during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and consequential resource limitations, our centre has facilitated a cohort of same-day discharges with initial success. METHODS We conducted a prospective tertiary single-centre cohort study of a series of all patients (n = 28) - undergoing RARP between January and April 2021. All patients were considered for a day zero discharge pathway which consisted of strict inclusion criteria. At follow-up, each patient's perspective on their experience was assessed using a validated post-operative satisfaction questionnaire. Data were reviewed retrospectively for all those undergoing RARP over the study period, with day zero patients compared to overnight patients. RESULTS Overall, 28 patients 20 (71%) fulfilled the objective criteria for day zero discharge. Eleven patients (55%) agreed pre-operatively to day zero discharge and all were successfully discharged on the same day as their procedure. There was no statistically significant difference in age, BMI, ASA, Charlson score or disease volume. All patients indicated a high level of satisfaction with their procedure. Median time from completion of surgery to discharge was 426 min (7.1 h) in the day zero discharge cohort. CONCLUSION Day zero discharge for RARP appears to deliver high satisfaction, oncological and safety outcomes. Therefore, our study demonstrates early success with unsupported same-day discharge in carefully selected and pre-counselled patients

    Metallic foreign body in middle ear: an unusual cause of hearing loss

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    This is a rare case report of a foreign metallic body found in the middle ear. During the use of an electric welding by a metalworker, a glowing drop of dissolved metal overrun, burning the skin of his external auditory meatus, perforated the tympanic membrane and finally was implanted around the ossicles as a foreign body. Due to difficulty of the physical examination and the moderate symptoms (hearing loss and sense of fullness), the foreign body was detected six months after the incident, by CT scanning and it was removed by a transcanal approach under general anesthesia. A successful ossiculoplasty-tympanoplasty was followed four weeks later

    Comprehensive characterization of molecular interactions based on nanomechanics

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    Molecular interaction is a key concept in our understanding of the biological mechanisms of life. Two physical properties change when one molecular partner binds to another. Firstly, the masses combine and secondly, the structure of at least one binding partner is altered, mechanically transducing the binding into subsequent biological reactions. Here we present a nanomechanical micro-array technique for bio-medical research, which not only monitors the binding of effector molecules to their target but also the subsequent effect on a biological system in vitro. This label-free and real-time method directly and simultaneously tracks mass and nanomechanical changes at the sensor interface using micro-cantilever technology. To prove the concept we measured lipid vesicle (approximately 748*10(6) Da) adsorption on the sensor interface followed by subsequent binding of the bee venom peptide melittin (2840 Da) to the vesicles. The results show the high dynamic range of the instrument and that measuring the mass and structural changes simultaneously allow a comprehensive discussion of molecular interactions