14 research outputs found


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    Розроблено методику розрахунку параметрів підвищення стійкості горизон-тальних пластових виробок, що дозволяє проектувати параметри їх перекрі-плення в умовах глибоких шахт Східного Донбасу з урахуванням напряму дії домінуючого навантаження на кріплення зі сторони інтенсивно тріщинуватих порід покрівлі. Наведено дані щодо практичного застосування методики в умовах шахти «Партизанська» ДП «Антрацит». Разработана методика расчета параметров повышения устойчивости гори-зонтальных пластовых выработок, которая позволяет проектировать пара-метры их перекрепления в условиях глубоких шахт Восточного Донбасса с учетом направления превалирующей нагрузки на крепь со стороны интен-сивно трещиноватых пород кровли. Приведены данные о практическом при-менении методики в условиях шахты «Партизанская» ГП «Антрацит». Calculation methodology lop of stopes stability parameters of horizontal seam workings, which lets design resupport parameters of their of Eastern Donbass deep mines in view of the prevailing stress on shoring of the intensely fractured rock roof. Provides information on the practical application of the methodology in the mine «Partizanskaya» SE «Antratcite»

    Development of a Non-invasive Methodology for the Assessment of Muscle Fibre Composition

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    The percentage area of fast twitch fibres of a muscle is a major determinant of muscle mechanical power and, thus, an important biomarker for the evaluation of training processes. However, the invasive character of the assessment (muscle biopsy) limits the wide application of the biomarker in the training praxis. Our purpose was to develop a non-invasive method for the assessment of fast twitch fibre content in human soleus muscle. From a theoretical point of view, the maximum muscle mechanical power depends on the fibre composition, the muscle volume and muscle specific tension. Therefore, we hypothesised that the percentage area of type II fibres would show a correlation with the maximum muscle mechanical power normalised to muscle volume and specific muscle contractile strength (i.e., plantar flexion moment divided by muscle cross-sectional area). In 20 male adults, the percentage area of type II fibres, volume and maximum cross-sectional area of the soleus muscle as well as the maximum plantar flexion moment and the maximum mechanical power were measured using muscle biopsies, magnetic resonance imaging and dynamometry. The maximum mechanical power normalised to muscle volume and specific muscle contractile strength provided a significant relationship (r = 0.654, p = 0.002) with the percentage area of type II fibres. Although the proposed assessment parameter cannot fully replace histological measurements, the predictive power of 43% can provide a relevant contribution to performance diagnostics in the training praxis

    Скользящие режимы в системе стабилизации температуры химического реактора с водяной рубашкой

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    Работа описывает разработку испытательной установки модели химического реактора с водяной рубашкой, получение математическая модели объекта управления, выполнение моделирования переходных процессов в пакете прикладных программ MATLAB&Simulink, а также проведение анализа качеств управления регулятора скользящих режимов в сравнении с каскадным ПИД-регулятором, дающим наилучший результат. В заключении описано применение алгоритма регулирования, основанного на принципе скользящих режимов и реализованного на базе микроконтроллера семейства AVR ATmega16A в среде разработки Atmel Studio 7.0.The paper describes the development of a test facility of the chemical reactor with a water jacket, the derivation of a mathematical model of a control object, the simulation of transient processes in the MATLAB & Simulink software package, and the analysis of the quality of control of the regulator of the sliding modes in comparison with the cascade PID-controller giving the best result. In conclusion, the application of a control algorithm based on the principle of sliding modes and implemented on the basis of the AVR ATmega16A family microcontroller in the Atmel Studio 7.0 development environment is described

    Ethylene supports colonization of plant roots by the mutualistic fungus Piriformospora indica

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    The mutualistic basidiomycete Piriformospora indica colonizes roots of mono- and dicotyledonous plants, and thereby improves plant health and yield. Given the capability of P. indica to colonize a broad range of hosts, it must be anticipated that the fungus has evolved efficient strategies to overcome plant immunity and to establish a proper environment for nutrient acquisition and reproduction. Global gene expression studies in barley identified various ethylene synthesis and signaling components that were differentially regulated in P. indica-colonized roots. Based on these findings we examined the impact of ethylene in the symbiotic association. The data presented here suggest that P. indica induces ethylene synthesis in barley and Arabidopsis roots during colonization. Moreover, impaired ethylene signaling resulted in reduced root colonization, Arabidopsis mutants exhibiting constitutive ethylene signaling, -synthesis or ethylene-related defense were hyper-susceptible to P. indica. Our data suggest that ethylene signaling is required for symbiotic root colonization by P. indica

    Aufklärung von Struktur, Konfiguration und Mechanismus : was Quantenchemie leisten kann

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    In this work, quantum-chemical calculations were performed applying density functional theory as well as Møller-Plesset perturbation theory. Structural properties of several molecules, different mechanisms, and absolute configurations of numerous compounds could be elucidated. In the first chapter, the beta-silicon effect in iminium ions was investigated. The quantum-chemical results confirmed that a positive charge in the beta-position to a silicon atom is stabilized by the silyl substituent. The reasons for this stabilization were elucidated by NBO analyses. The silicon-containing structure is preferred because of beneficial interactions between the sigma-orbital of the Si-C bond and the pi*-orbital of the N-C double bond as well as between the positively charged iminium unit and an induced dipole in the TMS-CH2 group. The following chapter deals with the activation of trifluoromethylated sulfoxides and sulfones with triflic anhydride and the phenyl diazonium cation. Plausible mechanisms could be found, which are in good agreement with experimental findings. Furthermore, the configurative and conformational stability of (R)-N-cyano-S-methyl-S-phenyl-sulfilimine was investigated. The barriers for the rotation around the S-N bond are low suggesting the molecule to be conformationally stable, whereas its configurative stability is confirmed by a high inversion barrier. The structures of S-fluoro-S,S-dimethyl-lamda6-sulfanenitrile and S-chloro-S,S-dimethyl-lamda6-sulfanenitrile as well as of their constitutional isomers, the N-halo-S,S-dimethyl-sulfimides, were studied using computational methods. For the fluoro-containing compound, the lamda6-sulfanenitrile was found to be the global minimum and most likely the active species. For chlorine as the halogen, cis-N-chloro-S,S-dimethyl-sulfimide arises to be most favorable isomer. A barrier has to be overcome to convert it into the corresponding active lamda6-sulfanenitrile. This result is a possible explanation for the slowed down reaction of the chloro reagent with amines compared to the analogous fluoro compound. The last and most comprehensive chapter of this thesis deals with the assignment of the absolute configuration of various compounds using CD-spectroscopical methods. In each case, the ECD spectrum of one enantiomer was calculated applying DFT methods and compared with the measured ECD spectrum. Thus, the absolute configurations of substances containing a stereogenic carbon center, a stereogenic sulfur center, or a chirality plane could be assigned. Moreover, one of four possible diastereomers was identified for several cinchona alkaloid derivatives. Therefore, the respective measured ECD spectrum was compared with the calculated ECD spectra of all four possible configurations. VCD spectra of various compounds were calculated and measured and could be qualitatively correlated well. The results are in agreement with the ECD findings. Thus, the routine method of ECD spectroscopy as well as the new VCD spectroscopy were successfully applied

    Aufklärung von Struktur, Konfiguration und Mechanismus : was Quantenchemie leisten kann

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    In this work, quantum-chemical calculations were performed applying density functional theory as well as Møller-Plesset perturbation theory. Structural properties of several molecules, different mechanisms, and absolute configurations of numerous compounds could be elucidated. In the first chapter, the beta-silicon effect in iminium ions was investigated. The quantum-chemical results confirmed that a positive charge in the beta-position to a silicon atom is stabilized by the silyl substituent. The reasons for this stabilization were elucidated by NBO analyses. The silicon-containing structure is preferred because of beneficial interactions between the sigma-orbital of the Si-C bond and the pi*-orbital of the N-C double bond as well as between the positively charged iminium unit and an induced dipole in the TMS-CH2 group. The following chapter deals with the activation of trifluoromethylated sulfoxides and sulfones with triflic anhydride and the phenyl diazonium cation. Plausible mechanisms could be found, which are in good agreement with experimental findings. Furthermore, the configurative and conformational stability of (R)-N-cyano-S-methyl-S-phenyl-sulfilimine was investigated. The barriers for the rotation around the S-N bond are low suggesting the molecule to be conformationally stable, whereas its configurative stability is confirmed by a high inversion barrier. The structures of S-fluoro-S,S-dimethyl-lamda6-sulfanenitrile and S-chloro-S,S-dimethyl-lamda6-sulfanenitrile as well as of their constitutional isomers, the N-halo-S,S-dimethyl-sulfimides, were studied using computational methods. For the fluoro-containing compound, the lamda6-sulfanenitrile was found to be the global minimum and most likely the active species. For chlorine as the halogen, cis-N-chloro-S,S-dimethyl-sulfimide arises to be most favorable isomer. A barrier has to be overcome to convert it into the corresponding active lamda6-sulfanenitrile. This result is a possible explanation for the slowed down reaction of the chloro reagent with amines compared to the analogous fluoro compound. The last and most comprehensive chapter of this thesis deals with the assignment of the absolute configuration of various compounds using CD-spectroscopical methods. In each case, the ECD spectrum of one enantiomer was calculated applying DFT methods and compared with the measured ECD spectrum. Thus, the absolute configurations of substances containing a stereogenic carbon center, a stereogenic sulfur center, or a chirality plane could be assigned. Moreover, one of four possible diastereomers was identified for several cinchona alkaloid derivatives. Therefore, the respective measured ECD spectrum was compared with the calculated ECD spectra of all four possible configurations. VCD spectra of various compounds were calculated and measured and could be qualitatively correlated well. The results are in agreement with the ECD findings. Thus, the routine method of ECD spectroscopy as well as the new VCD spectroscopy were successfully applied

    Natural light as a determinant of the identity of architectural space

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    Due to copyright restrictions, the access to the full text of this article is only available via subscription.In this study, the effect of natural light on the architectural space quality was examined. Contribution of natural light in three different dimensions as the readability of the space, the effect of the space, and its aesthetical evaluation was taken into consideration and discussed in the given order. The study involves a review of the related architecture literature, various books, articles, essays, and opinions. The major objective of this research is to explain the place of natural light in architectural design and its different aspects through its functional and semantic dimensions in the space. In this respect, contributions of natural light to the identity of the space were examined based on three renowned Turkish architects and their significant works. The paper focuses on the contribution of natural light to the space, emphasizing its qualitative aspects; whereas its physical and measurable aspects are beyond the scope of the paper. The study demonstrates the importance of experiencing the space in terms of understanding the aspect of light that determines the space identity. It also stresses that buildings designed considering the use of natural light could turn out to be more original

    Development of a Non-invasive Methodology for the Assessment of Muscle Fibre Composition

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    The percentage area of fast twitch fibres of a muscle is a major determinant of muscle mechanical power and, thus, an important biomarker for the evaluation of training processes. However, the invasive character of the assessment (muscle biopsy) limits the wide application of the biomarker in the training praxis. Our purpose was to develop a non-invasive method for the assessment of fast twitch fibre content in human soleus muscle. From a theoretical point of view, the maximum muscle mechanical power depends on the fibre composition, the muscle volume and muscle specific tension. Therefore, we hypothesised that the percentage area of type II fibres would show a correlation with the maximum muscle mechanical power normalised to muscle volume and specific muscle contractile strength (i.e., plantar flexion moment divided by muscle cross-sectional area). In 20 male adults, the percentage area of type II fibres, volume and maximum cross-sectional area of the soleus muscle as well as the maximum plantar flexion moment and the maximum mechanical power were measured using muscle biopsies, magnetic resonance imaging and dynamometry. The maximum mechanical power normalised to muscle volume and specific muscle contractile strength provided a significant relationship (r = 0.654, p = 0.002) with the percentage area of type II fibres. Although the proposed assessment parameter cannot fully replace histological measurements, the predictive power of 43% can provide a relevant contribution to performance diagnostics in the training praxis. IntroductionPeer Reviewe