1,210 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Bauran Pemasaran Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian (Survei Kepada Konsumen Sepatu Merek Converse Di Kota Malang)

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    The research used explanotory research with quantitative approach. Location of study was conducted in Mall Olympic Garden malang. Method of data collection was conducted through quetionaries. Result of F test in this study showe sig F is equal to 0,000 < 0,05 which means the marketing mix consist of product, price, promotion, and place has a significant influence on purchasing decision, t-test result also showed that the product of the variable t has a value and greatest beta coefficient. So the product variables strongly influence compared to the other variables the varible product has a dominant influence on the purchase decisions structure. R square value in this study was 0,556. This indicates that approximately 56% of purchase decisions can be explained by the four independent variables, product, price, promotion, place. When the remaining 44 % is influenced by other variables examined in this study

    Game On? Smoking Cessation Through the Gamification of mHealth: A Longitudinal Qualitative Study

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    BACKGROUND: Finding ways to increase and sustain engagement with mHealth interventions has become a challenge during application development. While gamification shows promise and has proven effective in many fields, critical questions remain concerning how to use gamification to modify health behavior. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study is to investigate how the gamification of mHealth interventions leads to a change in health behavior, specifically with respect to smoking cessation. METHODS: We conducted a qualitative longitudinal study using a sample of 16 smokers divided into 2 cohorts (one used a gamified intervention and the other used a nongamified intervention). Each participant underwent 4 semistructured interviews over a period of 5 weeks. Semistructured interviews were also conducted with 4 experts in gamification, mHealth, and smoking cessation. Interviews were transcribed verbatim and thematic analysis undertaken. RESULTS: Results indicated perceived behavioral control and intrinsic motivation acted as positive drivers to game engagement and consequently positive health behavior. Importantly, external social influences exerted a negative effect. We identified 3 critical factors, whose presence was necessary for game engagement: purpose (explicit purpose known by the user), user alignment (congruency of game and user objectives), and functional utility (a well-designed game). We summarize these findings in a framework to guide the future development of gamified mHealth interventions. CONCLUSIONS: Gamification holds the potential for a low-cost, highly effective mHealth solution that may replace or supplement the behavioral support component found in current smoking cessation programs. The framework reported here has been built on evidence specific to smoking cessation, however it can be adapted to health interventions in other disease categories. Future research is required to evaluate the generalizability and effectiveness of the framework, directly against current behavioral support therapy interventions in smoking cessation and beyond

    Mesenchymal stromal cells:inhibiting PDGF receptors or depleting fibronectin induces mesodermal progenitors with endothelial potential

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    Realizing the full therapeutic potential of mesenchymal stromal/stem cells (MSCs) awaits improved understanding of mechanisms controlling their fate. Using MSCs cultured as spheroids to recapitulate a three-dimensional cellular environment, we show that perturbing the mesenchymal regulators, platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) receptors or fibronectin, reverts MSCs toward mesodermal progenitors with endothelial potential that can potently induce neovascularization in vivo. MSCs within untreated spheroids retain their mesenchymal spindle shape with abundant smooth muscle α-actin filaments and fibronectin-rich matrix. Inhibiting PDGF receptors or depleting fibronectin induces rounding and depletes smooth muscle α-actin expression; these cells have characteristics of mesenchymoangioblasts, with enhanced expression of mesendoderm and endoderm transcription factors, prominent upregulation of E-cadherin, and Janus kinase signaling-dependent expression of Oct4A and Nanog. PDGF receptor-inhibited spheroids also upregulate endothelial markers platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule 1 and vascular endothelial-cadherin and secrete many angiogenic factors, and in vivo they potently stimulate neovascularization, and their MSCs integrate within functional blood vessels that are perfused by the circulation. Thus, MSC potency and vascular induction are regulated by perturbing mesenchymal fate

    Cyclin D1 repressor domain mediates proliferation and survival in prostate cancer.

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    Regulation of the androgen receptor (AR) is critical to prostate cancer (PCa) development; therefore, AR is the first line therapeutic target for disseminated tumors. Cell cycle-dependent accumulation of cyclin D1 negatively modulates the transcriptional regulation of AR through discrete, CDK4-independent mechanisms. The transcriptional corepressor function of cyclin D1 resides within a defined motif termed repressor domain (RD), and it was hypothesized that this motif could be utilized as a platform to develop new strategies for blocking AR function. Here, we demonstrate that expression of the RD peptide is sufficient to disrupt AR transcriptional activation of multiple, prostate-specific AR target genes. Importantly, these actions are sufficient to specifically inhibit S-phase progression in AR-positive PCa cells, but not in AR-negative cells or tested AR-positive cells of other lineages. As expected, impaired cell cycle progression resulted in a suppression of cell doubling. Additionally, cell death was observed in AR-positive cells that maintain androgen dependence and in a subset of castrate-resistant PCa cells, dependent on Akt activation status. Lastly, the ability of RD to cooperate with existing hormone therapies was examined, which revealed that RD enhanced the cellular response to an AR antagonist. Together, these data demonstrate that RD is sufficient to disrupt AR-dependent transcriptional and proliferative responses in PCa, and can enhance efficacy of AR antagonists, thus establishing the impetus for development of RD-based mimetics


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    The research method used is an associative method that uses questionnaires as a data collection tool that is distributed throughout the respondents. The population in the study were all employees of PT. Kupang Area PLN. The number of samples taken was 43 respondents. As for analyzing and calculating the overall effect of independent variables Leadership Style and motivation on employee performance dependent variables that are processed using a computer program spss for window. The results of multiple linear regression analysis show that hypothesis testing proves that partially variable leadership style has a positive and significant effect on the performance of employees of PT. Kupang Area PLN, while the motivation variable does not affect employee performance. Simultaneous testing shows that the independent variable Leadership Style and motivation affect employee performance. Kupang Area PLN. Keywords: Leadership Style, Motivation and Performanc

    Resistance and the paradox of legal entitlement – A theoretical analysis of migrant women’s responses to domestic abuse in the host country

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    This article provides a theoretically informed examination of migrant women’s responses to domestic abuse in the host country. It departs from an analysis of research on South Asian women in England, on Portuguese women in England and on Portuguese women in Canada to suggest that women’s apparent lack of mobilisation of law (primarily by eschewing contact with the justice system of the host country and preferring informality), both perpetuates hegemonic discourses and presents a possibility for change. The theoretical approach undertaken combines literature on legal consciousness, power and resistance, and on socio-cultural structures and barriers that affect migrant women. The article ultimately suggests that, rather than an acceptance of hegemonic discourses, women’s behaviour is best understood as a form of resistance to, and from within, socio-cultural pressures encountered in everyday life; as a form of “entrenched” resistance

    Offenders' Crime Narratives across Different Types of Crimes

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    The current study explores the roles offenders see themselves playing during an offence and their relationship to different crime types. One hundred and twenty incarcerated offenders indicated the narrative roles they acted out whilst committing a specific crime they remembered well. The data were subjected to Smallest Space Analysis (SSA) and four themes were identified: Hero, Professional, Revenger and Victim in line with the recent theoretical framework posited for Narrative Offence Roles (Youngs & Canter, 2012). Further analysis showed that different subsets of crimes were more like to be associated with different narrative offence roles. Hero and Professional were found to be associated with property offences (theft, burglary and shoplifting), drug offences and robbery and Revenger and Victim were found to be associated with violence, sexual offences and murder. The theoretical implications for understanding crime on the basis of offenders' narrative roles as well as practical implications are discussed
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