1,363 research outputs found

    Analisis Kinerja Keuangan Sebagai Alat Perencanaan Laba (PT. Bank Sulut, Di Manado)

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    ABSTRACK : Financial performance analysis band is used assessing business continuity, stability, profitability of any company. And each company will not be sparated from a variety of problems. The many problems that arise can not be resolved immediately. Analysis is required really precise and accurate. The method that band is used in this research uses in this research uses descriptive quantitative method. And ratio analysis profitability. And the result of this research is based on that; in 2013 a calculation using the ratio of profitability with gross profit margin formula : gross profit / net sales = 56%, net profit margin: net profit after tax / net sales = 41.57% the earning power of total investment: profit before tax / total assets = 26.64%, return on equity: profit after tax / shareholders equity = 16.91% and in 2014, gross profit margin: gross profit / net sales = 48.38% decrease the net profit margin: net profit after tax / net sales = 34.24% decrease compared to the year 2013, the earning power of the total investment: profit before tax / total assets = 72.87% an increase compared to 2013. Return on equity: profit after tax / shareholders equity = 14.28% decrease as well. And in 2015 , a decline in gross profit margin: gross profit / net sales = 37.30%. net profit margin: net profit after tax / net sales = 24.48% . earning power of the total investment: profit before tax / total assets = 46.83%. Return on equity: profit after tax / shareholders equity = 10.26% . compared to the year 2013 was not too decrease compared to 2014 and 2015 there is a decrease in income. Keywords: financial performance in the profit plannin

    Oral health and pathology: a macrophage account.

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    Macrophages are present in healthy oral mucosa and their numbers increase dramatically during disease. They can exhibit a diverse range of phenotypes characterised as a functional spectrum from pro-inflammatory to anti-inflammatory (regulatory) subsets. This review illustrates the role of these subsets in the oral inflammatory disease lichen planus, and the immunosuppressive disease oral squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). We conclude that the role of macrophages in driving progression in oral disease identifies them as potential therapeutic targets for a range of oral pathologies

    The design and relevance of a computerised therapy program for indigenous Māori adolescents.

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    Background: Depression is a major health issue among Māori indigenous adolescents, yet there has been little investigation into the relevance or effectiveness of psychological treatments for them. Further, consumer views are critical for engagement and adherence to therapy. However, there is little research regarding indigenous communities’ opinions about psychological interventions for depression. Objective: The objective of this study was to conduct semistructured interviews with Māori (indigenous New Zealand) young people (taitamariki) and their families to find out their opinions of a prototype computerized cognitive behavioral therapy (cCBT) program called Smart, Positive, Active, Realistic, X-factor thoughts (SPARX), a free online computer game intended to help young persons with mild to moderate depression, feeling down, stress or anxiety. The program will teach them how to resolve their issues on their own using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy as psychotherapeutic approach. Methods: There were seven focus groups on the subject of the design and cultural relevance of SPARX that were held, with a total of 26 participants (19 taitamarki, 7 parents/caregivers, all Māori). There were five of the groups that were with whānau (family groups) (n=14), one group was with Māori teenage mothers (n=4), and one group was with taitamariki (n=8). The general inductive approach was used to analyze focus group data. Results: SPARX computerized therapy has good face validity and is seen as potentially effective and appealing for Māori people. Cultural relevance was viewed as being important for the engagement of Māori young people with SPARX. Whānau are important for young peoples’ well-being. Participants generated ideas for improving SPARX for Māori and for the inclusion of whānau in its delivery. Conclusions: SPARX computerized therapy had good face validity for indigenous young people and families. In general, Māori participants were positive about the SPARX prototype and considered it both appealing and applicable to them. The results of this study were used to refine SPARX prior to it being delivered to taitamariki and non-Māori young people

    Mesenchymal stromal cells:inhibiting PDGF receptors or depleting fibronectin induces mesodermal progenitors with endothelial potential

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    Realizing the full therapeutic potential of mesenchymal stromal/stem cells (MSCs) awaits improved understanding of mechanisms controlling their fate. Using MSCs cultured as spheroids to recapitulate a three-dimensional cellular environment, we show that perturbing the mesenchymal regulators, platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) receptors or fibronectin, reverts MSCs toward mesodermal progenitors with endothelial potential that can potently induce neovascularization in vivo. MSCs within untreated spheroids retain their mesenchymal spindle shape with abundant smooth muscle α-actin filaments and fibronectin-rich matrix. Inhibiting PDGF receptors or depleting fibronectin induces rounding and depletes smooth muscle α-actin expression; these cells have characteristics of mesenchymoangioblasts, with enhanced expression of mesendoderm and endoderm transcription factors, prominent upregulation of E-cadherin, and Janus kinase signaling-dependent expression of Oct4A and Nanog. PDGF receptor-inhibited spheroids also upregulate endothelial markers platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule 1 and vascular endothelial-cadherin and secrete many angiogenic factors, and in vivo they potently stimulate neovascularization, and their MSCs integrate within functional blood vessels that are perfused by the circulation. Thus, MSC potency and vascular induction are regulated by perturbing mesenchymal fate

    Preliminary study of Australian Pinot noir wines by colour and volatile analyses, and the Pivot© Profile method using wine professionals

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    The aim of this preliminary study was to identify potential colour components, volatile and sensory attributes that could discriminate Pinot noir wines from five Australian winegrowing regions (Adelaide Hills, Yarra Valley, Mornington Peninsula, Northern and Southern Tasmania). The sensory analysis consisted of the Pivot© Profile method that was performed by wine professionals. A headspace solid-phase microextraction-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry method was used to quantify multiple volatile compounds, while the Modified Somers method was used for colour characterisation. Analysis of data suggested ethyl decanoate, ethyl 2-methylpropanoate, ethyl 2-methylbutanoate, in addition to decanoic acid as important contributors to the discrimination between regions. Similarly, wine hue, chemical age indices, total anthocyanin, and (%) non-bleachable pigment also discriminated wines between regions. The sensory analysis showed that wines from Mornington Peninsula were associated with the ‘red fruits’ aroma, ‘acidic’, and ‘astringency’ palate descriptors, while those from Adelaide Hills were associated with the ‘brown’ colour attribute. This study indicates regionality is a strong driver of aroma typicity of wine

    The GHZ/W-calculus contains rational arithmetic

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    Graphical calculi for representing interacting quantum systems serve a number of purposes: compositionally, intuitive graphical reasoning, and a logical underpinning for automation. The power of these calculi stems from the fact that they embody generalized symmetries of the structure of quantum operations, which, for example, stretch well beyond the Choi-Jamiolkowski isomorphism. One such calculus takes the GHZ and W states as its basic generators. Here we show that this language allows one to encode standard rational calculus, with the GHZ state as multiplication, the W state as addition, the Pauli X gate as multiplicative inversion, and the Pauli Z gate as additive inversion.Comment: In Proceedings HPC 2010, arXiv:1103.226

    Tips for research recruitment: The views of sexual minority youth

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    Researchers often experience difficulties recruiting hard-to-reach populations. This is especially so for studies involving those who have been historically stigmatized, such as individuals who challenge heteronormative expectations or people who experience mental ill health. The authors aimed to obtain the views of sexual minority adolescents (n=25) about what encouraged their participation in a research project. The authors used a general inductive approach to analyze interview data. Feedback consisted of 2 main overarching themes: tips and suggestions for future research and appreciate participants’ motivation to get involved in research. Strategies for how recruitment can be optimized for studies involving sexual minority young people are discussed

    Quantum picturalism for topological cluster-state computing

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    Topological quantum computing is a way of allowing precise quantum computations to run on noisy and imperfect hardware. One implementation uses surface codes created by forming defects in a highly-entangled cluster state. Such a method of computing is a leading candidate for large-scale quantum computing. However, there has been a lack of sufficiently powerful high-level languages to describe computing in this form without resorting to single-qubit operations, which quickly become prohibitively complex as the system size increases. In this paper we apply the category-theoretic work of Abramsky and Coecke to the topological cluster-state model of quantum computing to give a high-level graphical language that enables direct translation between quantum processes and physical patterns of measurement in a computer - a "compiler language". We give the equivalence between the graphical and topological information flows, and show the applicable rewrite algebra for this computing model. We show that this gives us a native graphical language for the design and analysis of topological quantum algorithms, and finish by discussing the possibilities for automating this process on a large scale.Comment: 18 pages, 21 figures. Published in New J. Phys. special issue on topological quantum computin

    Влияние магнитомеханического резонанса на амплитудно- и фазочастотные зависимости переменных составляющих эффекта Фарадея

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    В рамках модели продольных колебаний тонкого стержня из магнитооптического кристалла в условиях магнитомеханического резонанса показано, что вынужденные колебания могут создавать не только амплитудные, но и фазочастотные зависимости переменных составляющих эффекта Фарадея.У рамках моделі поздовжніх коливань тонкого стрижня із магнітооптичного кристала в умовах магнітомеханічного резонансу показано, що вимушені коливання можуть створювати не тільки амплітудні, але й фазочастотні залежності змінних складових ефекту Фарадея.In the framework of a model of longitudinal vibrations of a thin rod fabricated of the magneto-optical crystal under a magnetomechanical resonance, it is shown that the forced oscillations can create not only the amplitude but also phase-frequency dependences of the variable components of the Faraday effect