29 research outputs found

    Rethinking the “Force” Behind “Forced Procreation”: The Case for Giving Women Exclusive Decisional Authority over Their Cryopreserved Pre-Embryos

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    In-vitro fertilization (IVF) is the process by which a woman’s eggs are extracted, fertilized and frozen, and then reintroduced into her body to develop. IVF has rapidly grown in popularity over the past couple of decades. The law surrounding the technology, however, has been slow to keep pace. The law on “natural” pregnancies, although at times controversial, is nonetheless well settled—if a woman becomes pregnant she has exclusive decisional authority over whether or not to keep the pregnancy. Legally, the father has no right to make this decision with or for her. The major principle underlying the law on natural pregnancies is that a woman’s bodily integrity is fundamentally implicated in the process. With IVF, this principle is seemingly absent in the stage before the embryo has been implanted back into the body. Because of this, courts have struggled in resolving IVF cases where the conceiving couple no longer agrees over the fate of their frozen embryos. Consequently, a patchwork of legal approaches to resolving embryo “custody disputes” has emerged from the state courts. This Comment explains the history and process of IVF, highlights the major cases on the topic, and suggests that the most efficient and fair way to resolve these disputes is to give exclusive decisional authority to the women whose eggs were used to create the embryos at issue

    The effect of production logistics in achieving competitive advantage an analytical study of the opinions of a sample of workers in the general company for textile industries /in the hilla textile factory

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    Most of the organizations working to establish a foothold in competition with other organizations it is concerned first with defining the logistics activity as an organization's operations aimed at providing production supplies to achieve customer satisfaction, It is produced of goods and services, especially as the competitive pressures have multiplied with the emergence of globalization, the multiplicity of markets and products of foreign commodities compete with the local product and put the organization in front of great challenges.The logistical activities contributed to reducing the cost and quality of the product and gave the organization a kind of flexibility in dealing with the product, the prospects for creativity and innovation in front of the employees resulted through an integrated and homogeneous arrangement that helped the organizations to achieve the expansion of the markets and increase the market share thanks to the speed provided by the logistics activities in providing goods and services that suit customers and fall at their desires

    Axial-Compressive Capacities of a New Type of Tapered Steel Pipe Pile at the John F. Kennedy International Airport

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    Tapered driven piles have been the deep foundation of choice at the well-known John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFKIA) in New York City ever since construction of and at the airport began in the late 1940s. For many decades naturally tapered timber piles were used primarily but various brands of closed-end steel pipe piles have become preferred in recent years as design engineers have sought ever-increasing allowable axial-compressive loads per pile. Toward the end of the 20th century, construction of new passenger terminals and a light-rail system called AirTrain at JFKIA pushed existing steel-piling alternatives to their performance limit in terms of both temporary driving stresses and permanent foundation loads. This led to the development of a new type of tapered steel pipe pile called the Tapertube. This paper discusses the rapid evolution of the Tapertube pile to the degree that it is now possible to routinely install piles that have allowable axial-compressive service loads per pile in excess of 400 kips (1780 kN), with net ultimate axial-compressive geotechnical capacities per pile of the order of 1000 kips (4450 kN). This paper also discusses the results from various types of load testing performed on Tapertube piles at JFKIA both during and after pile driving, and compares these results to capacities calculated using a new (in 2002) analytical method that has shown great promise for use with tapered driven piles. Finally, this paper also draws conclusions and makes suggestions as to how other tools such as dynamic measurements that are routinely used with tapered driven piles might be improved to better reflect the current understanding of how tapered driven piles develop most of their axial-compressive capacity

    Hubungan Body Condition Score Dengan Performan Reproduksi Sapi Perah Peranakan Friesian Holstein Di Kud Argopuro Krucil Probolinggo

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    Evaluasi Body Condition Score (BCS) merupakan suatu cara untuk menentukan nilai kondisi tubuh ternak baik secara visual maupun dengan perabaan pada timbunan lemak tubuh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui korelasi dan bentuk hubungan BCS dengan performan reproduksi yaitu service per conception (S/C), estrous post partum (EPP), dan days open (DO) sapi perah PFH. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari hingga Pebruari 2017 di peternakan rakyat Desa Bermi di wilayah kerja KUD Argopuro Kecamatan Krucil Kabupaten Probolinggo. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah metode survey dengan pengambilan sampel secara purposive sampling dengan kriteria sapi perah PFH yang memiliki rekording baik, sebanyak 86 ekor sapi. Penilaian BCS melalui cara pengamatan langsung dengan melihat, meraba dan menetapkan nilai BCS. Skoring BCS sapi mengunakan skala 1 (sangat kurus), hingga 5 (sangat gemuk), dengan interval nilai viii 0,5. Sedangkan performan reproduksi diketahui berdasarkan rekording yang dimiliki oleh peternak dan inseminator. Variabel yang diamati dalam penelitian ini adalah nilai BCS, S/C, EPP, dan DO. Model analisis yang digunakan yaitu analisis korelasi dan analisis regresi linier sederhana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata BCS, S/C, EPP, dan DO di peternakaan rakyat anggota KUD Argopuro Krucil Probolinggo secara berurutan yaitu 2,85±0,45, 2,71±1,34 kali, 60,92±15,50 hari, 106,92±33,72 hari. Hubungan antara BCS (X) dengan S/C (Y) memiliki koefisien korelasi (r) sebesar 0,151 (sangat rendah), koefisien determinasi (R2) sebesar 2,27%, dengan persamaan regresi Y=4,00-0,45X. Artinya dengan peningkatan BCS 1 poin maka nilai S/C akan mengalami kenaikan sebesar 0,45. Hubungan antara BCS (X) dengan EPP (Y) memiliki nilai keeratan sebesar 0,085 (sangat rendah), koefisien determinasi (R2) sebesar 0,72%, dengan persamaan regresi Y=69,35-2,95X. Artinya dengan peningkatan BCS 1 poin maka nilai EPP akan mengalami kenaikan sebesar 2,95 hari. Hubungan antara BCS (X) dengan DO (Y) memiliki nilai keeratan sebesar 0,207 (rendah), koefisien determinasi (R2) sebesar 4,28%, dengan persamaan regresi Y=151,51-15,62X. Artinya dengan peningkatan BCS 1 poin maka nilai DO akan mengalami kenaikan sebesar 15,62 hari. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah BCS memiliki hubungan positif terhadap performan reproduksi. Peningkatan nilai BCS menyebabkan nilai S/C, EPP, dan DO yang rendah, sehingga performan reproduksi semakin baik


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    O trabalho consistiu em analisar a topologia, geomorfologia, geologia, e o uso e ocupação do solo da bacia hidrográfica do Ribeirão Itapiru, para identificar sua suscetibilidade a processos erosivos, e indicar se as erosões presentes na bacia foram causadas por fontes antrópicas ou naturais. As analises apontaram que a bacia apresenta suscetibilidade natural à processos erosivos, porém estes foram intensificado graças a supressão da cobertura vegetal ocasionada pelo de uso e ocupação do solo

    A New Type of Tapered Steel Pipe Pile for Transportation Applications

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    Piles with a variable perimeter over all or part of their length are generically called tapered piles. The benefit of using tapered piles when axial- compressive loads predominate, especially in 'friction' situations involving coarse- grain soils, has been recognized in principle for a long time. However, this benefit does not appear to have been fully exploited in practice, especially in transportation applications. Several recent events have produced a rebirth of interest in tapered piles, at least in U.S. practice. One was the development and commercial introduction of a new type of proprietary tapered steel pipe pile called the Tapertube. It was developed primarily to provide commercial competition to the long-established Monotube pile but it has also demonstrated that it is a structurally robust pile capable of withstanding the stresses of today's high-capacity design requirements. Of relevance to this conference is that Tapertube piles were essentially developed for, and eventually used extensively on, one of the larger transportation-related projects in the New York City metropolitan area in recent years, the major renovation and expansion work at the John F. Kennedy International Airport. This work included both terminal buildings and several kilometres of elevated light-rail structures as well as project-wide design for seismic loading. As a result, a comprehensive pile-load-test program was conducted to verify the performance of Tapertube piles under compressive, uplift and lateral loads