42 research outputs found

    The power of discussion : Support for women at the fungal Gordon Research Conference

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    We would like to thank Abigail LaBella for sharing the pictures taking during the session and Felicia Wu for her suggestions. We are grateful to all the colleagues that helped leading the discussion groups and all the participants of the session.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Comparative genomics reveals the origin of fungal hyphae and multicellularity

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    Hyphae represent a hallmark structure of multicellular fungi. The evolutionary origins of hyphae and of the underlying genes are, however, hardly known. By systematically analyzing 72 complete genomes, we here show that hyphae evolved early in fungal evolution probably via diverse genetic changes, including co-option and exaptation of ancient eukaryotic (e.g. phagocytosis-related) genes, the origin of new gene families, gene duplications and alterations of gene structure, among others. Contrary to most multicellular lineages, the origin of filamentous fungi did not correlate with expansions of kinases, receptors or adhesive proteins. Co-option was probably the dominant mechanism for recruiting genes for hypha morphogenesis, while gene duplication was apparently less prevalent, except in transcriptional regulators and cell wall - related genes. We identified 414 novel gene families that show correlated evolution with hyphae and that may have contributed to its evolution. Our results suggest that hyphae represent a unique multicellular organization that evolved by limited fungal-specific innovations and gene duplication but pervasive co-option and modification of ancient eukaryotic functions

    Hyphal ontogeny in Neurospora crassa: a model organism for all seasons [version 1; referees: 3 approved]

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    Filamentous fungi have proven to be a better-suited model system than unicellular yeasts in analyses of cellular processes such as polarized growth, exocytosis, endocytosis, and cytoskeleton-based organelle traffic. For example, the filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa develops a variety of cellular forms. Studying the molecular basis of these forms has led to a better, yet incipient, understanding of polarized growth. Polarity factors as well as Rho GTPases, septins, and a localized delivery of vesicles are the central elements described so far that participate in the shift from isotropic to polarized growth. The growth of the cell wall by apical biosynthesis and remodeling of polysaccharide components is a key process in hyphal morphogenesis. The coordinated action of motor proteins and Rab GTPases mediates the vesicular journey along the hyphae toward the apex, where the exocyst mediates vesicle fusion with the plasma membrane. Cytoplasmic microtubules and actin microfilaments serve as tracks for the transport of vesicular carriers as well as organelles in the tubular cell, contributing to polarization. In addition to exocytosis, endocytosis is required to set and maintain the apical polarity of the cell. Here, we summarize some of the most recent breakthroughs in hyphal morphogenesis and apical growth in N. crassa and the emerging questions that we believe should be addressed

    Of Mice and Fungi: Coccidioides spp. Distribution Models

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    The continuous increase of Coccidioidomycosis cases requires reliable detection methods of the causal agent, Coccidioides spp., in its natural environment. This has proven challenging because of our limited knowledge on the distribution of this soil-dwelling fungus. Knowing the pathogen’s geographic distribution and its relationship with the environment is crucial to identify potential areas of risk and to prevent disease outbreaks. The maximum entropy (Maxent) algorithm, Geographic Information System (GIS) and bioclimatic variables were combined to obtain current and future potential distribution models (DMs) of Coccidioides and its putative rodent reservoirs for Arizona, California and Baja California. We revealed that Coccidioides DMs constructed with presence records from one state are not well suited to predict distribution in another state, supporting the existence of distinct phylogeographic populations of Coccidioides. A great correlation between Coccidioides DMs and United States counties with high Coccidioidomycosis incidence was found. Remarkably, under future scenarios of climate change and high concentration of greenhouse gases, the probability of habitat suitability for Coccidioides increased. Overlap analysis between the DMs of rodents and Coccidioides, identified Neotoma lepida as one of the predominant co-occurring species in all three states. Considering rodents DMs would allow to implement better surveillance programs to monitor disease spread

    Bioclimatología de la Coccidioidomicosis en Baja California, México

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    El estudio bioclimático de la Coccidioidomicosis, enfermedad endémica de las zonas áridas de América ocasionada por ascomicetos del género Coccidioides spp., tiene una estrecha relación con dos aspectos: la distribución espacial de la enfermedad asociada a ambientes desérticos, y la correlación entre la incidencia de casos y eventos meteorológicos. A pesar de que el noroeste de México es un área endémica bien conocida, la situación actual de la enfermedad prácticamente está inexplorada. Por tal motivo, en este trabajo se regionalizó la probable área endémica en Baja California, por medio de un sistema de información geográfica (SIG) utilizando variables bioclimáticas, y se analizó la relación entre eventos meteorológicos y los casos reportados de la enfermedad durante el periodo de enero de 1988 a diciembre de 1994. Se encontró correlación entre el número de casos reportados de la enfermedad, la precipitación pluvial mensual acumulada (PP) y las temperaturas medias máxima y mínima. Existe evidencia a favor de que la región endémica propuesta para Baja California presenta un patrón de lluvias bimodal, en verano y en invierno, característico de zonas bioclimáticas transicionales. Los casos reportados de la enfermedad se registraron principalmente en los meses más secos del año después de las lluvias estacionales. Se concluye que Baja California reúne las condiciones bioclimáticas más favorables para el hábitat de Coccidioides spp. en la transición del bioma mediterráneo al desértico

    Bioclimatología de la Coccidioidomicosis en Baja California, México

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    El estudio bioclimático de la Coccidioidomicosis, enfermedad endémica de las zonas áridas de América ocasionada por ascomicetos del género Coccidioides spp., tiene una estrecha relación con dos aspectos: la distribución espacial de la enfermedad asociada a ambientes desérticos, y la correlación entre la incidencia de casos y eventos meteorológicos. A pesar de que el noroeste de México es un área endémica bien conocida, la situación actual de la enfermedad prácticamente está inexplorada. Por tal motivo, en este trabajo se regionalizó la probable área endémica en Baja California, por medio de un sistema de información geográfica (SIG) utilizando variables bioclimáticas, y se analizó la relación entre eventos meteorológicos y los casos reportados de la enfermedad durante el periodo de enero de 1988 a diciembre de 1994. Se encontró correlación entre el número de casos reportados de la enfermedad, la precipitación pluvial mensual acumulada (PP) y las temperaturas medias máxima y mínima. Existe evidencia a favor de que la región endémica propuesta para Baja California presenta un patrón de lluvias bimodal, en verano y en invierno, característico de zonas bioclimáticas transicionales. Los casos reportados de la enfermedad se registraron principalmente en los meses más secos del año después de las lluvias estacionales. Se concluye que Baja California reúne las condiciones bioclimáticas más favorables para el hábitat de Coccidioides spp. en la transición del bioma mediterráneo al desértico

    Kosteudenhallinnan yleisohje

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    Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli saada aikaan kosteudenhallinnan yleisohje, jota voitaisiin käyttää apuna työmailla kosteudenhallinnan suunnittelussa. Aiheeseen päädyttiin sen ajankohtaisuuden vuoksi ja aiheen kiinnostavuuden vuoksi. Aiheen valintaan vaikutti myös se, että se on tärkeä ja oleellinen asia rakentamisessa. Opinnäytetyön aineistona käytettiin eri asiantuntijoiden kirjallisuuslähteitä, tekijän omaa kokemusta aiheesta, nettiartikkeleita ja nettisivuja. Yhteistyökumppanina opinnäytetyön tekemissä oli VRP Länsi-Suomi Oy. Opinnäytetyön tekemisen yhteydessä syntyivät esimerkit siitä, miltä kosteudenhallintasuunnitelma ja mittaussuunnitelma voivat näyttää. Työ rajattiin koskemaan kerrostalokohteita. Lopputuloksena saatiin aikaan kosteudenhallinnan yleisohje, joka kertoo yleisesti kosteudenhallinnan toteuttamisesta rakennustyömaalla. Työssä esiteltiin eri tapoja kosteudenhallinnan toteuttamiseen, materiaalien suojaamiseen, rakennuksen lämmittämiseen ja miten kosteuksia voidaan työmaalla mitata. Kerrottiin myös miksi työmaalla tulee seurata kosteudenhallintaa. Työn avulla VRP Länsi-Suomi Oy voi varmentaa kosteudenhallinnan onnistumista työmaillaan. Työstä voidaan vetää johtopäätös, että kosteudenhallinta on laaja aihe, mutta erittäin oleellinen osa rakennushanketta ja sen merkitystä ei pidä väheksyä. Opinnäytetyöstä voidaan päätellä myös, että työmaiden kosteudenhallinta kehittyy koko ajan ja kosteusongelmia pystytään kartoittamaan koko ajan paremmin. Kehittämisehdotuksena esitetään, että työmailla kokeiltaisiin myös uusia mittaustapoja vanhojen rinnalla.The aim of this thesis was to make a general direction of humidity control at construction site. The intention was to create general direction which can help people who hasn’t work with humidity control very much. With this direction people have easy way to explore the humidity control. The topic was chosen because it’s very topical because there are so many stories about bad humidity control in past. The thesis was defined to concern apartment houses. Material of this thesis were collected from different professional sources and writer’s own experience. During the make of thesis there were created examples how humidity control plan and measurement plan can look like. The theory about humidity control was studied and then summarized to the paper. a partner in cooperation was VRP Länsi-Suomi Oy. The result was a general direction which tells commonly about humidity control at construction site. In thesis, there were shown different ways how to put in action a humidity control, how to protect construction materials, heat the building and how you can measure a humidity in the structures. With this introductions VRP Länsi-Suomi Oy can make sure humidity control works at the construction site. The thesis gives clearly and understandable introductions about humidity control. Thesis shows that humidity control is important thing in construction trade. There can be seen that humidity control is improving at construction sites. Proposal for improving for future is that there would be more use for newer measurement ways use with old ones

    The Origin of Multiple B Mating Specificities in Coprinus cinereus

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    Mushrooms, such as Coprinus cinereus, possess large families of pheromones and G-protein-coupled receptors that are sequestered at the B mating-type locus and whose function is to confer vast numbers of different mating types. This ability results from complex patterns of cognate and noncognate pheromone/receptor pairings, which potentially offer a unique insight into the molecular interaction between receptor and ligand. In this study we have identified many more members of these families by molecular analysis of strains collected worldwide. There are three groups of genes at each B locus. We have identified two alleles of group 1, five alleles of group 2, and seven alleles of group 3, encoding in total 14 different receptors and 29 different pheromones. The specificity of many newly identified alleles was determined by transformation analysis. One striking finding was that receptors fall into groups based on sequence homology but these do not correspond to the groups defined by position, indicating that complex evolutionary processes gave rise to the B loci. While additional allelic versions may occur in nature, the number of B specificities possible by combination of the alleles that we describe is 70, close to previous estimates based on population analysis