94 research outputs found

    Ilmastonmuutos ja tapaturmat : nykytilanne Suomessa

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    Ilmastonmuutoksen vaikutuksia kansalaisten terveyteen on tarkasteltu useista näkökulmista. Tapaturmien näkokulma on kuitenkin jäänyt tässä tarkastelussa vielä melko vähäiseksi. Tässä työpaperissa pohditaan olemassa olevan tutkimustiedon perusteella, miten ilmastonmuutos voi vaikuttaa tapaturmiin Suomessa ja miten tähän tulisi varautua. Tarkoituksena on toimia erityisesti ajatusten ja keskustelun herättäjänä. Tapaturmien taustat ovat moninaiset, joten sään ja ilmastonmuutoksen vaikutukset tapatumiin voivat myös vaihdella. Yhteiskunnan ja erityisesti terveydenhuollon on välttämätöntä reagoida ilmastonmuutoksen vaikutuksiin entistä tehokkaammin. Vaikka jo nyt tehdään monia toimenpiteitä sopeutumisen edistämiseksi myös tapaturmien ehkäisyn suhteen, on tärkeää lisätä yhteistyötä ja tietoisuutta toimenpiteiden kohdentamiseksi mahdollisimman tarkasti ja vaikuttavasti

    Correction to : Health effects of nutrients and environmental pollutants in Baltic herring and salmon : a quantitative benefit-risk assessment

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    It was highlighted that the original article [1] contained a formatting error in the equations

    Interlaboratory Proficiency Test 14/2015 - Bacterial toxicity test

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    The ecotoxicological laboratory of SYKE carried out this intercalibration test for analysis of ecotoxicity in liquids using Vibrio fischeri –bacterial test one clear synthetic sample and one sediment sample in October 2015 (BTOX 14/2015). In all, seven participants took part providing 22 results. Both the standard method and the kinetic method were used. Measurements were done in single tube luminometers or in well plate readers that have luminometer features. The mean or robust means of individual values of the results of the participants were used as assigned values. The results were also grouped according to the test method and equipment used. Evaluations of the performances were done using Di%-values due to heterogeneity of parallel results. The results were found to be in the same order of magnitude regardless of the method or equipment used. Warm thanks to all the participants of this proficiency test

    Ilmastonmuutos vaikuttaa ikääntyneiden terveyteen ja hyvinvointiin

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    Climate Change Impacts on Microbiota in Beach Sand and Water: Looking Ahead

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    Beach sand and water have both shown relevance for human health and their microbiology have been the subjects of study for decades. Recently, the World Health Organization recommended that recreational beach sands be added to the matrices monitored for enterococci and Fungi. Global climate change is affecting beach microbial contamination, via changes to conditions like water temperature, sea level, precipitation, and waves. In addition, the world is changing, and humans travel and relocate, often carrying endemic allochthonous microbiota. Coastal areas are amongst the most frequent relocation choices, especially in regions where desertification is taking place. A warmer future will likely require looking beyond the use of traditional water quality indicators to protect human health, in order to guarantee that waterways are safe to use for bathing and recreation. Finally, since sand is a complex matrix, an alternative set of microbial standards is necessary to guarantee that the health of beach users is protected from both sand and water contaminants. We need to plan for the future safer use of beaches by adapting regulations to a climate-changing world.Financial support from CESAM (UID/AMB/50017-POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007638) and CITAB (UID/AGR/04033/2019), via FCT/MCTES, from national funds (PIDDAC), cofounded by FEDER, (PT2020 Partnership Agreement and Compete 2020).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Climate Change Impacts on Microbiota in Beach Sand and Water : Looking Ahead

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    Beach sand and water have both shown relevance for human health and their microbiology have been the subjects of study for decades. Recently, the World Health Organization recommended that recreational beach sands be added to the matrices monitored for enterococci and Fungi. Global climate change is affecting beach microbial contamination, via changes to conditions like water temperature, sea level, precipitation, and waves. In addition, the world is changing, and humans travel and relocate, often carrying endemic allochthonous microbiota. Coastal areas are amongst the most frequent relocation choices, especially in regions where desertification is taking place. A warmer future will likely require looking beyond the use of traditional water quality indicators to protect human health, in order to guarantee that waterways are safe to use for bathing and recreation. Finally, since sand is a complex matrix, an alternative set of microbial standards is necessary to guarantee that the health of beach users is protected from both sand and water contaminants. We need to plan for the future safer use of beaches by adapting regulations to a climate-changing world.Peer reviewe